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The Hidden Truth About Airships

We are told they were very dangerous and not efficient. However, they could carry many hundreds of people in luxury straight to city centres. It was the cabal which did not like them and gave the airships a bad name by sabotage disguised as accidents.

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5 Responses to “The Hidden Truth About Airships”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    It wouldn’t play for me, I will try later

    Two thoughts:

    First, how did they get off the airship and into the skyscraper?

    Second, one of the main “airships can kill you” narratives was the Hindenberg disaster, which received massive worldwide publicity. And that was fake fake fake. See here:


    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      From page 4:
      “There are some other things you should know. Since they only carried 70 passengers and were so slow,
      the zeppelins were not profitable. Like the Twin Towers, they were big money losers. Tickets were
      very expensive, so only the wealthy could afford them. But the wealthy didn’t like wasting so much
      time in the air. After the initial thrill, the wealthy abandoned the zeppelins as yesterday’s news. Also,
      the company that owned the zeppelins, Luftschiffbau, had been mostly bought out by that time by
      Lufthansa AG, the airline company. Of course the airlines saw zeppelins as competition and wanted to
      get rid of them. Think of the way the tire companies felt about trolly lines in Los Angeles and San
      Francisco. Same thing here: the competition bought them out and then destroyed them on purpose.
      They knew the crash of the Hindenburg would be enough to get rid of zeppelins forever, since no
      wealthy person would ever get on one again—which is precisely what happened.”

      Page 5

      “I thought I had pretty much figured this one out, but then I realized there was a whole other level down
      the rabbit hole. To see what that is, you have to know a couple more important things. One, the studio
      that filmed this, Pathé, was actually a Hollywood studio owned by Joseph Kennedy. . . yes, JKF’s
      father, who also owned RKO studios. Pathé was originally French, but it worked heavily in the US as
      well, especially in Hollywood. Its American arm had opened in 1904, and Kennedy had bought it in
      1927. “

  2. newensign says:

    Sorry to hear you could not open the link Pete– have you tried in another browser? It opens for me in Brave.
    I think MM has been looking at old disinformation. Airships as against blimps (which carried a small number of people), had floors inside with elevators to the several floors, with cabins, ballroom, lounges, restaurants and promenade deck.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Yes MM says that in his paper newensign

      He makes the point that the Hindenburg had been stripped internally before it was destroyed. That it was originally fitted out in luxury, he shows photos. But that the luxury fittings were all missing when it exploded, as proven by the films of the “accident”

      He also says that they were very expensive to use, and so effectively for rich folk only, see first quote above

      I still can’t see how the passengers could exit the ship and into the skyscraper judging by the photo above?

      Plus the airship seems to be pasted on to that image. If you look carefully, it seems to be in different light to the ‘scraper! Maybe it’s a stock image

  3. newensign says:

    Yes Pete, the picture on the post was one that I googled. On some of the Tartarian vids, it mentions that they run on free energy, with capacitors on board and had been in use for a long time showing an ancient sketch of an airship back in the 1500’s. On one of the vids, it showed how pictures had been photoshopped with grey skies and then the original photos with many airships in the sky! Anyway, its food for thought!

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