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It is in force in perpetuity and can never be repealed

Denizens are prohibited from holding ANY public office until 10 generations lived in Britain

(1701 Act of Settlement)

The king, the conservatives, greens and labour, all the politicians and lords, civil service, most of the Press and some police


We all know the penalty for that.  They will be rooted out

Blair’s attempted treason law repeal was itself treason so does not stand in law.

Foreign diktat, influence or “law” have no standing in Britain


 BY LAW…..

Britain belongs to the indigenous BRITISH

and British culture reigns


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8 Responses to “ENGLISH CONSTITUTIONAL LAW is Perfectly Clear”

  1. John says:

    Maybe we should consider crowdfunding Robin Tilbrook starting a class action lawsuit against the traitors for treason.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      I would definitely chip in if that is viable

      • John says:

        Hopefully many will Pete. It’s clear that voting will not get us out of the mess we are in. Whoever took the task on be it Robin Tilbrook or someone else they would need to get the law and the military on their side. Once treason has been established I feel that only the military could deal with it. The serpents in power are not going to go easily,.

        • pete fairhurst 2 says:

          Clear as crystal John

        • newensign says:

          I agree John, but we need to think in term of taking back power at the parish level as it was in the days of Merry England or the dark ages to the serpents in control, dark because they could not control us with their money and usury system- as it is said “who can make war with the BEAST? and to come out of her!”

    • newensign says:

      Good idea John!

  2. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Great post thank newensign

    I have no reason to doubt these statements, does anyone else?

    It would be good to hear from anyone who has a more detailed knowledge about this

    Do the UK Column guys have anything?

    • newensign says:

      What most people don’t know is that the “United Kingdom” is a corporation – a dead entity. We are a Country within the isles known as Great Britain. That’s why they don’t like to show England as a country, especially on EU maps!