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Johan Oldenkamp to Speak in the UK

We are delighted to have Johan Oldenkamp speaking at the forthcoming AV14 Conference in Milton Keynes. His presentation may shine some light on why the world seems crazy and chaotic but really is right on course once you understand the greater consciousness cycle. It seems ancient cultures may have been more advanced they we give them credit for and not only understood the cycle but survived it.

About Johan

“My name is Johan Oldenkamp. After more than twenty years of research and studying many profound disquisitions, I have succeeded in developing an all-encompassing paradigm with which we can increasingly understand reality. Thanks to this paradigm, it has also become clear to me that in our current language, important concepts are used in an improper way. For example, the conventional science (or scientia in Latin) of the universities is not about really wanting to know something through impartial truth-finding, but on the contrary about clinging to unproven dogmatic assumptions. Thus, the “knowing” of this “science” has degenerated into a belief system (or religion), referred to by me as scientism. In sound Science there is of course no place for any dogmatic belief, because knowing and believing simply do not mix.

Likewise, in our current language, believing and spirituality are mistakenly lumped together. However, my research has shown that genuine Spirituality is founded on knowing, which has no place for belief either. In fact, sound Science and solid Spirituality are really two sides of the same coin of Truth. In the Middle Ages, the two became separated, but my paradigm has fortunately reunited both halves. I have named this healing reunion Wholly Science, with the front part of this naming referring to the top of the all-encompassing paradigm (Spirituality) and the back to the bottom of it (Science)”.

Johan Oldenkamp

The Giza Star Clock and the Transition of the Ages

5.00pm Sunday 26th May 2024
The Leonardo Hotel, Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 2HP, UK

In addition to the three larger pyramids, there were in total also eight smaller pyramids on the Giza plateau in Ancient Egypt. To many, it is clear that the three three larger pyramids refer to Orion’s Belt. These three pyramids were built below on the surface of our home planet, just as these three stars are above in the sky (“As Above, So Below”).

The upper two stars of this “belt” in the middle of the star constellation of Orion are aligned with Sirius, also known as the Dog Star. Being the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius is the front (and alpha) star of the constellation of the Greater Dog (or Canis Major in Latin).

In 2011, Johan Oldenkamp discovered that the eleven Giza pyramids together with the Great Sphinx represent the third dimension of our time, which was named the Great Year by Plato. This discovery, he named the Clock of Giza.

In his AV14 presentation, Dr. Oldenkamp will show how overall human consciousness is affected by the Great Year cycle of Sirius, causing humanity to ride the Wave of the Ages, from Golden via Silver and Bronze to Iron and back.


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