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The Beauty and Potential of Airships

This is an amazing craft and is a great solution for clean, quiet and cheap travel. What are the chances that it will ever make it into mainstream production and use? Probably little to none.

Much reading and watching has led me to believe that airships were in everyday use in the 1700s on a massive scale. Not only that but I suspect they were running on static electricity and/or ether power. I think it’s highly possible they were running on the abundant free power all around us. The higher up you go the more power you can harness.

If you can run on free power then in theory you are only limited by the amount of supplies you can carry or source on your journey. I believe we live in a contained realm that has an edge. Did airships threaten the reveal of the edge and what lies beyond? Possibly but whatever potential they had was quickly stopped with the convenient Hindenburg disaster.

Like in the Trueman Show we are waking up. Energetic changes are giving us back our true potential and that is a threat to the ruling parasites. We have had the traffic jams, the road works, the bridge down and all there is left is the nuclear disaster in whatever form that takes. Like Truman on his journey in a boat (the awakening of the pineal gland) we are coming alive and the long kept secrets of who we are and where we are are starting to be revealed.

Will airships make a major comeback? I would love to see it but I think it’s highly unlikely. I will watch this story in hope.

Doncaster giant airship plant to create 1,200 jobs

An airship maker has announced plans to build the giant vehicles in Doncaster, creating more than 1,200 jobs.

Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) said the Airlander 10 hybrid ship would be built at the Carcroft Common site, with the first set to enter service from 2028.

The 320ft (98m) Airlander 10 is a new type of “ultra-low emissions aircraft” capable of carrying 100 passengers or 10 tonnes of payload, the firm said.

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One Response to “The Beauty and Potential of Airships”

  1. newensign says:

    Yes John, airships have been around for a long time, especially in Nordic Tartaria which run off the ever present ether – free energy, even as early as the 1500’s from a drawing. see link: