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Shopping Centre Wars – Telford

The most consistent and aggressive enforcers of a non-leafleting policy are Telford Centre, who tell me directly they don’t care about the law of the land, and I am simply not permitted to leaflet on their premises whether commercial, political or whatever. They claim their shopping centre is not open to the public, which I contest. They allocate three security guards to walk around after me, which they do in close proximity which seems incorrect, and unnecessary as I told them that I would cease leafleting which I did.

In any case if I leaflet there again and they harass me again, I will have to call the Police so we need to be sure what the rules are so that they can be correctly enforced. I cannot offer to not leaflet as that is my role in this election – to make sure as many people as possible meet me and hear the English Democrats law and order policies.

Robin Tilbrook, the head of the English Democrats and top London solicitor, is writing to The Telford Centre to advise them of the legal position on the matter. I imagine I will receive resistance from all shopping venues, although supermarkets do not seem to harass me so far and leave me alone, apart from Asda.

Morrisons and Sainsburys were OK. It would be most helpful if we established the ground rules. I would propose that I never spend more than three hours at any one location, and do not return to the same place day after day, and do more an occasional visit – say maximum every three days, so as not to be a nuisance yet doing my job. I never approach people while they are actually shopping or window shopping, and wait for people to look interested before offering a leaflet.

Once the Telford Centre security staff told me thay had no interest in the law of the land, I stopped talking with them as I was wasting my time. They try to stop me leafleting both inside and outside the shopping centre. I normally keep to the access points and keep away from the shops, just outside or just inside.  The people are very polite for the most part, I might add.

Written and sent to Elections Police yesterday as requested, now awaiting reply.  I spoke at the elections meeting yesterday located in Telford organised by all election officials for the West Mercia Police Commissioner elections on May 2nd.  I raised this issue with the elections organiser (civilian liaison) who also forwarded my request to Police.  Robin Tilbrook head of The Teds is writing to Telford Centre to advise them about the law of free speech, which they are currently choosing to deliberately ignore aggressively enforced.  It seems sense to sort this out before it escalates further.  There needs to be a general statement of the law for shopping centres in all parts of the country.

Is England giving up on free speech?  If so let’s hear it loud and clear.  We are no longer a free people allowed to talk to each other and leaflet in public places.  Surely another reason why England must leave the UK, and re-establish our rights, along with nearly eery other area of government and life.  We are a lost people and the government has given up.  Or will the elections police prove othewise?  I await their reply.

More here.  English Democrats Campaign Hub (englandcalling.co.uk)

Letter sent to West Mercia Police elections liaison officer –

Dear ******,

Are we saying the Police that control elections nationally don’t have anything about leafleting and campaigning?
If not I will have to seek advice from Robin TIlbrook and engage with media.
Just to let you know,
Best Regards,
Henry Curteis


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