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Putin – a deeper assessment

We should ask ourselves why Putin’s Russia began military intervention on February 24, 2022, and not in 2014, when the Ukrainian army was extremely vulnerable. I see two reasons. The mediocrity and cowardice of the Russian leaders and the major influence of the ”fifth column” on the decision-making process.

Also, how should we interpret the two key slogans that accompanied Russian military intervention in Ukraine, “denazification” and ”demilitarization”?

Everyone assumed that Putin could no longer tolerate the ”anaconda” strategy of the Anglo-Saxons and decided to carry out a blitzkrieg to end the transformation of Ukraine into an anti-Russia.

But what Moscow has been pursuing for two years is a strange military action that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides and many millions of Ukrainian refugees, plus the destruction of the European economy caused by those sanctions, which may actually benefit the US and the UK, while devastate the economy of continental European countries. A long-term war is also dangerous for Russia because it can cause serious economic problems and political crises. This is what Russia’s enemies are hoping for.

Following the slowness and clumsiness that accompanied Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine, as well as Moscow’s willingness to enter into peace negotiations, the question arises: what are the true purposes of this military campaign? Or maybe we are trying to find logical and rational explanations to explain the actions of leaders who are overcome by the complexity of the situation?

It is quite possible that Western strategists lured Russia into Ukraine in hopes of creating a second Afghanistan, that is, an accelerator of the destruction of Russia, similar to what happened with the USSR.

In my opinion, one should not underestimate the risk of plots within the power in Moscow, as was the case in 1917 or 1991. Between the presentation of Putin as a monster (atlanticist version) and that of a Putin as a patriot and savior (loyalist version), I would prefer a more realistic image of a mediocre person, without any special gifts or talents. As I have said before, you cannot be simultaneously a merchant and a hero or a profiteer and a patriot.

The geopolitical trap in which Moscow now finds itself in can be explained this way: Even if Russia had managed to carry out a quick and highly successful military campaign, taking control of the entire territory of Ukraine and installing its allies in leadership positions, Moscow would be swallowing a poisoned apple. Because Western-sponsored destabilization and partisan warfare in Ukraine would have likely led to catastrophe.

Other hypothetical outcomes do not seem to be much better. Annexing only a part of Ukraine to Russia and signing a peace and border demarcation agreement would spark revolts among both Russian and Ukrainian nationalists. Nor does the prospect of complete withdrawals from the territories controlled militarily by Russia seem to guarantee lasting peace and stability.

As a side note, I would like to comment on Putin’s obsessive mantra about the perfidious nature of the West, which brainwashed the Ukrainians for over 30 years and grafted their hatred towards their Russian brothers. I agree, that is at the root of this crisis. But what did the Russian government do to counter this strategy? What has Putin done for nearly 24 years? He promoted only compromised and corrupted friends of the Kremlin, like Yanukovych and Medvedchuk, who embezzled public money and clung to communist symbols, pushing Ukrainians further into the arms of the West. Responsible leaders do not blame their own failures on the hypocrisy of their rivals, but acknowledge their own failures and rush to correct them.

Medvedchuk was of course exchanged for Azov fighters as part of a controversial prisoner swap with Kiev. Coincidentally, Igor Strelkov, one of the most outspoken critics of this decision, was recently sentenced to four years in prison for “extremism”. Why are pro-war “turbo patriots” like Strelkov being targeted by Russian authorities?

As you know, the imprisonment of Strelkov and other patriots such as Father Sergei of the Sredne-Uralsk monastery, as well as the newly adopted draconian law allowing for the deprivation of liberty and confiscation of wealth for “discrediting the military”, is perceived by many Russian patriots as a prelude to a capitulary and shameful peace with the West and their marionettes from Kiev. If this is the case, those who manipulate Kremlin policy are pushing Putin’s regime towards a very possible collective suicide. That’s because the hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the front, who have been fighting for two years, may rebel and arrive in Moscow to ask Russia’s president why they were betrayed. In such a situation, we might see a more successful repeat of Prigozhin’s march on the Russian capital.

You’re a devout Orthodox Christian and I know that your Christian faith plays a key role in how you interpret world events. What do you say to those who believe that it is immoral or misguided to question or criticize Orthodox Russia while she is in conflict with the collective West?

I do not criticize Russia, nor its Orthodox people and their glorious history and splendid culture, but rather those who destroy, plunder, and demean Russia from the position of greedy and perverse bosses. True patriots and anti-System militants around the world must understand that Russia can and must represent an alternative to the collective West dominated by the Satanists who are imposing a tyrannical regime of dystopian technocracy.

But today’s rulers of this country are only a simulacrum, an imitation, a Potemkin village, who put on the mask of patriots so that they can continue to plunder Russia’s natural resources.

Meanwhile, Russians are being replaced with Muslims from Central Asia. Few people in the West know that not only the US, Canada and Europe are subject to a premeditated invasion of extra-European and non-Christian populations, but also Russia.

My criticism is directed against an occupation administration, subordinated to the UN, WHO, WTO, IMF, BIS. The same is true of the administration of my own country, the US, the EU, China and all BRICS members. The famous Romanian sociologist Dimitrie Gusti described this worldwide predicament as the conflict between the state and the nation.

True, in Russia there is a major spiritual revival. I have been to this country many times, to various cities, and I have seen the churches full of people during the holy liturgies. This is a mystical force and represents a historical chance for a people replete with saints, martyrs and heroes.

Iurie Roșca is the former leader of Moldova’s Christian Democratic People’s Party. He was twice appointed Deputy Chairman of the Moldovan Parliament, and served as Deputy Prime Minister for Security Agencies. Roșca is a prolific author, commentator, and translator, as well as the head of the Chisinau Forum, which holds an annual conference in Moldova.

via Edward Slavsquat

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