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Some Are More Free Than Others

Bob the cartoonist produced a brilliant artwork. He’s done so in the tradition of political visual satire down the ages. But, Laura doesn’t approve.

27 January is my birthday. In recent years the date had been aligned with a memorial day for a certain historical event. Anyone wishing to critique that event and engage in historical revision, risks incarceration within, I believe, 38 countries. I’m not sure of the exact figure, but I’m sure it’s over 20. David Irving and Germar Rudolf are two examples of academics who fell foul of what I suppose would be termed ‘hate speech’ law.
It’s literally making the text of Orwell’s 1984 a reality. Bob has merely depicted what I understand as an accurate portrayal of real life: the unfettered mass slaughter of Palestinians supported by my UK government. I support and admire Bob’s talent and courage. This is my little scribble in response to Laura & co:

Get Bob!

Laura Dodsworth apparently espouses the freedom of the mind within parameters:
Should you stray beyond those parameters, she may refer you to the Crown Prosecution Service:
She published in her Tweet on ‘X’:
‘I hope that @CPSUK and @metpoliceuk are investigating the cartoon and tweet below….’

From Jeffery Peel’s Substack:
Free Speech And That Cartoon
‘A few days ago I was asked to attend and speak on a Twitter space. The subject of discussion was whether Laura Dodsworth, and others, were right in labelling this cartoon by Bob Moran as anti-semitic.
I made clear that Bob’s cartoon made a very obvious point – that the three ‘leaders’ portrayed in the cartoon were engaged (or complicit) in a brutal offensive against the people of Gaza. The International Courts of Justice, it would seem, agree.
James Freeman of TNT Radio listened to my contribution in the Twitter space and asked me on to his show.’

With regards to the South African case at the International Court of Justice, The Duran make comment:

I met and became friends with a Polish man who survived 5 WWII camps:

If you have time and inclination, this is a take on that historical event:

I finish with this…

Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.

Ned Substack:
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