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Alexander Graham Bell was a world-class fraud and thief

First published January 17, 2024

After hitting Edison a couple of weeks ago, I naturally turned my attention to Bell, wondering if he was
the same sort of fraud. Of course he was, even moreso, and we should have known just from his name.
He was from the very wealthy Grahams and Bells of Edinburgh, also being a Melville. We will look at
his genealogy in a moment, but I want to encourage you to read his page at Wikipedia or Britannica,
where they pretty much admit he was a fraud, without outright admitting it. They give you all the
information you need to come to the conclusion on your own.
Many researchers have now admitted Bell stole the idea of his telephone from Elisha Gray and Amos
Dolbear, and Wikipedia is forced to report that. Amazing, because this history was kept under wraps
for over a century by Bell Labs. They didn’t want anyone questioning mainstream history, and for a
long time no one did. But for whatever reason, these things are now coming out more broadly. One of
the side effects of an open internet, which we had for a while. It is even now being shut down, but they
haven’t yet memory-holed things like this.
A similar thing they haven’t yet memory-holed is that Marconi stole credit for inventing radio from
Tesla. Like Bell and his people, Marconi was just a master of collecting patents and didn’t invent
anything. Also like Bell, Marconi was a noble with no formal education, his mother being a millionaire
Jameson of Jameson whiskeys. These Jamesons come from the Haigs, Steins, Ramsays, Drummonds,
and MacKenzies (of Alloa, Scotland) of the British peerage, so it is the same people we will see below
with Bell. The Marconis were marquesses and bankers in Bologna. Marconi also married a Gaelic
peer, the daughter of Edward O’Brien, Baron Inchiquin, whose mother was a Fitzgerald. Marconi was
also a proud Fascist, and they even now claim he was an anti-Semite. Ridiculous, since was was
Jewish. See the Steins, just above.
As we saw in my paper on Mussolini, Fascism never had anything to do with anti-Semitism, since
Mussolini was Jewish himself, and married several Jews. Fascism, like Nazism, was a cardboard front
hiding the usual Phoenician actors, and Mussolini was bankrolled by British peers. And no, these
British peers weren’t Nazis, Fascists, or anti-Semites, since they were also crypto-Jews. Nazism and
Fascism were just controlled opposition from the beginning, created as the losing side in the war.
While we are on Marconi, you may be interested to know he was also involved in the Titanic fraud.
The two radio operators allegedly onboard were not employees of the shipowners, but of Marconi
Radio. He used the fake event as more self-promotion.
As with Edison and most of the others we have looked, we find they have manufactured an early bio
for Bell, but it isn’t convincing at all. Another story made up by Horatio Alger, I guess. As usual it is
tissue thin: nothing tangible, just a lot of unverifiable jawing and unbelievable claims of genius. The
first thing they try to do is bury the name Graham, making you think it wasn’t a family name. Unlike
his brothers, Bell was supposedly not given a middle name, but begged for one later, taking it from a
family friend. Right. But they need to bury that name, although it has always been posted prominently
(no one ever calls him Alexander Bell, do they?), because the Grahams are top Edinburgh nobles, first
cousins of the Stuarts and all the other top names. Despite being from these prominent families, Bell is
scrubbed in three of eight lines at Geneastar, which is the first result we get at Bing. Same at Geni,
where his maternal line is scrubbed after his grandmother Mary White. White is probably wrong as
well. His maternal grandfather Symonds is also scrubbed. Very suspicious. His paternal grandmother
is also scrubbed, and we don’t even know her mother’s maiden name. Same for her husband Colville.
In the Bell line, the Swans are soon scrubbed, going nowhere, and the Duncans and Starks also go
nowhere. The Bells in the 1700s are listed as shoemakers. Right. So this genealogy is worthless.
Wikitree is just as bad. What we are seeing is a complete information embargo. We don’t even find
out where his brother Melville got that name. No Melvilles are listed in these abbreviated ancestries.
So let’s go to thepeerage.com and see what we can tease out there. The first thing we find is that
Alexander is a common name of Bells in the peerage. We find eleven, including many in the 19th
century. Three of them are from Aberdeen Park, London, and have links to Canada in those years.
Same for our Alex Bell, who lived in Canada on and off, even as a boy. Then we have Alexander Bell
of Blackethouse, in Middlebie, Dumfriesshire. They were closely related to the Colquhoun-StirlingMurray-Dunlops, and were big merchants in Shanghai. Note especially the name Murray, which we
have discovered is equivalent now to Stanley. We also find the Bells of Northumberland, related to the
Middletons. As in Kate Middleton.
Sir John Charles Bell was Lord Mayor of London in 1907-8, becoming a baronet in the same years, but
strangely he is also scrubbed by thepeerage.com. No parents listed, which is not the norm for a
baronet. We also find Sir James Bell, also a baronet and Lord Provost of Glasgow from 1892-6. He
was a big ship owner and coal exporter, ie Phoenician Navy. He is also scrubbed of parents, though his
son married a Murray, linking us to the other Bells of the peerage. And we have a third baronet created
in the same period, Sir Henry Bell, of Surrey, whose daughter married a Fitzgerald. He also is
scrubbed of parents at both thepeerage and Wiki.
Also see the Baronet Sir Isaac Lowthian Bell, billionaire ironmaster from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, again
from the same time as Alexander Graham Bell. This Bell is the famous patron of William Morris and
Byrne-Jones. This Bell’s partner was Robert Stirling Newall of Dundee, so we have that Stirling link
again, indicating these are the same Bells. Newall was also shipping partners with the Liddells, linking
us to Lewis Carroll and forward to Joe Biden, who is a Liddell.
That’s the great portrait of Lothian Bell by Frank Bramley. Lothian Bell also started a big company
with Charles Vane, Marquess of Londonderry. A marquess is right under a duke, remember. So that’s
who these Bells in England and Scotland were at the time.
Lothian Bell’s company was the first to smelter aluminum, adding to the already polluted skies of
England in 1859. We may assume this is one reason so many people had tuberculosis in those decades.
None of these smokestacks had scrubbers, of course, so heavy metals were raining down upon
everyone all the time. Even worse than now.
Lothian Bell’s daughter was the famous Gertrude Bell, involved in the Middle East as an advisor to
King Faisal. She later was a key player in Baghdad, helping the Brits build the modern country of Iraq.
She also helped loot the area of antiquities for the British museums, while claiming she was protecting
They want us to think these Bells were Presbyterians, but we can be sure that isn’t true. They were
Phoenician Navy, so children of El.
The next obvious misdirection we find at Wiki is that they keep trying to make you think that despite
dropping out of highschool at age 15, Bell went to college anyway. They bring up University College
London twice, but we are given no evidence he graduated or even went there, so it is just a namedropping. In that period he was back and forth to Canada every other year, so he couldn’t have been in
college. Strangely, we aren’t told what his family was doing in Canada. The second time they bought
or built a house in Brantford, Ontario, naming it Melville House. But again, no idea why it was named
Melville. They don’t want you realizing the Bells were Melvilles, since that would undercut the story
again. They try to imply the Bells were in Canada to convalesce from tuberculosis, but you don’t do
that in Newfoundland. You might as well convalesce from chilblains in Iceland or convalesce from
sunburn in Libya.
They keep bringing up University College London because they don’t want you to realize Bell had no
education in anything except perhaps elocution for the deaf. He had no courses in science, much less in
electricity or engineering and hadn’t even studied privately with anyone who did. If we compare that to
the guy he stole the telephone from, Elisha Gray, we find a big mismatch. Although Gray was also a
Phoenician, he at least had the education you would expect for this. Gray taught electrical science at
Oberlin College and actually built the laboratory equipment for its science departments. Gray had
more than 70 patents dating back to 1867, and his company had been providing telegraph equipment to
Western Union since 1869.
What was Bell doing in those years? Tapping messages to deaf students. Up until 1873 and age 26
Bell was mostly an assistant to his father, relying on his father’s contacts. They were hired by Sarah
Fuller at Horace Mann in Boston in 1871, and I guess you recognize both those names as big red flags.
As we have seen in many previous papers, the Fullers are a prominent family of spooks, and Horace
Mann (d. 1859) was the same. They admit his ancestor was Dr. John Man, principal of Whitehall,
Oxford, despite being expelled a couple of years earlier for heresy. How does that work? He is famous
for calling the Pope a “canting little monk” in public. As such, he was a favorite of Bishop Matthew
Parker and Elizabeth I, since they were all still turning England Protestant. Many of the top spook
schools are named for Horace Mann, and that is no accident. These Manns/Mans are of course from
Isle of Man, linking them to the Stanleys. Horace Mann is most famous for making public schools
non-sectarian, meaning getting the church out of schools. I used to think that was a good idea, but I am
no longer so sure. We are taught the separation of church and state as a progressive idea that is all
good, but I now realize they were separated so that the church could be discontinued. Horace Mann’s
ancestor John Man had been a leader in that old project to kill the church in England, and Horace was
on the same project three hundred years later. It is still going on, and it is still being sold as progress.
The reason I no longer see it as progress is that I now know why it has been done. It isn’t to make
society more fair or diverse, as we have seen in thousands of pages of deep research. It is to destroy all
religions so that they don’t get in the way of trade, and to transfer the church’s tithe to the government.
A 10% raise for the governors and you pay no more. Brilliant, right? Well, for them but not for you.
The loss of religion is no boon to you, since they are replacing it with something far worse: a misnamed
humanism that is just a pretty front for worship of the state. They want you bowing to no one but them.
Anyway, in the next year, at age 25, young Bell was set up in his own school by the wealthy Gardiner
Greene Hubbard, whose daughter he soon married. He is yet another big red flag here, one most don’t
know about. All three of his names are peerage, since they come from three noble families. The
Gardiners we saw in my paper on the Titanic. The Greenes are the Jewish Greens—see Mary Greene,
b. 1733, below. The Hubbards are scrubbed in Gardiner’s line at Geni, but his wife was also a
Hubbard, so he married a close cousin. In her line we can take them back to wealthy West India
merchant Daniel Hubbard.
Daniel Hubbard’s grandmother was Mehitable Russell, linking us to the Russells of the peerage and
therefore straight to the top. They admit at Geni these Russells were also Nevilles, proving my point.
Another couple of steps back in the Hubbard line, we hit the Leveretts, one of them Governor of
Massachusetts John Leverett, 1673-6. He was also a Fisher. Leverett=Levi.
Another step back and we hit John Rogers, President of Harvard. In the Hubbard line, we finally go
back to England, Tendring, Essex, and this Hubbard’s wife was Judith Knapp.
At the time of Gardiner Hubbard, his cousin John Gellibrand Hubbard was the Baron Addington in
London, being the director of the Reserve Bank of England. He links us to the Napiers, Claverings,
and Johnstones, and since the Bells and Claverings are related, we know Bell married a cousin. The
Claverings also link us to the Saviles, Herberts, Windsors, Dunbars, and Campbells, Dukes of Argyll.
Gardiner Hubbard is the link between these schools for the deaf where Bell was working and Western
Union, since he was promoting both of them as a wealthy Congressional lobbyist. Read his Wiki page
where the link is made explicit:
During the late 1860s, Hubbard lobbied Congress to pass the U.S. Postal Telegraph Bill known as
the Hubbard Bill. The bill would have chartered the U.S. Postal Telegraph Company that would be
connected to the U.S. Post Office, but the bill did not pass.
To benefit from the Bill, Hubbard needed patents which dominated essential aspects of telegraph
technology such as sending multiple messages simultaneously on a single telegraph wire. This
was called the “harmonic telegraph” or acoustic telegraphy.
Hmmm. Sort of suspicious, ain’t it? So one year Hubbard is bankrolling the young Bell in a school for
the deaf, and the next year Bell suddenly files a patent for the telephone, in a field Hubbard is also
actively promoting?
Did you think it was Bell who organized Bell Telephone? No, he was just a front:
Hubbard organized the Bell Telephone Company on July 9, 1877, with himself as president, Thomas
Sanders as treasurer and Bell as ‘Chief Electrician’. Two days later, he became the father-in-law of
Bell when his daughter, Mabel Hubbard, married Bell on July 11, 1877.
I told you, the dirty laundry is now hanging right out in the open. Wikipedia is an open oyster for those
such as me.
And we also link to Edison:
Hubbard also became a principal investor in the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company. When
Edison neglected development of the phonograph, which at its inception was barely functional,
Hubbard helped his son-in-law, Alexander Graham Bell, organize a competing company in 1881 that
developed wax-coated cardboard cylinders and disks for used on a graphophone. These
improvements were invented by Alexander Bell’s cousin Chester Bell, a chemist, and Charles
Sumner Tainter, an optical instrument maker, at Alexander Graham Bell’s Volta Laboratory in
Washington, D.C. Hubbard and Chester Bell approached Edison about combining their interests,
but Edison refused,[9] resulting in the Volta Laboratory Association merging the shares of their
Volta Graphophone Company with the company that later evolved into Columbia Records in 1886.
I think we may assume Hubbard and the Bells also stole those improvements from someone. Someone
besides Edison.
In 1874, out of the blue, we are told Bell, age 27, began working on a “harmonic telegraph”. We are
told drawings and notes exist from this period, but none are posted and I doubt anyone has ever seen
them. Up to that time all of Bell’s work had been in working with the deaf, not in electronics. But
since we are now less than two years away from the invention of the telephone, they have to make up
something. We are told Bell mentioned to Hubbard he was working on a “multi-reed device”, and that
Hubbard agreed to bankroll him. In 1875 Bell hired Thomas Watson, and we are told the two of them
began experimenting with acoustic telegraphy. We are told he had a patent drawn up by the end of the
same year (wow, that was fast!), but we don’t get to see that one.
In 1875, Bell developed an acoustic telegraph and drew up a patent application for it. Since he had
agreed to share U.S. profits with his investors Gardiner Hubbard and Thomas Sanders, Bell
requested that an associate in Ontario, George Brown, attempt to patent it in Britain, instructing his
lawyers to apply for a patent in the U.S. only after they received word from Britain (Britain would
issue patents only for discoveries not previously patented elsewhere).[85] That makes no sense. It implies he was trying to undercut Hubbard and his other investors, which
could never have worked regardless. And of course we aren’t told what happened in England. This
story is obviously made up to fill the delay between 1875 and March 1876, when the patent was
granted in the US. We do get to see that one, but it doesn’t matter since they admit Elisha Gray had
filed the same patent three weeks earlier. They then tell us Bell’s lawyer filed his patent the same
morning, just hours before Gray did. What are the effing odds?
But here’s the pudding:
The patent examiner, Zenas Fisk Wilber, later stated in an affidavit that he was an alcoholic who
was much in debt to Bell’s lawyer, Marcellus Bailey, with whom he had served in the Civil War. He
claimed he showed Gray’s patent caveat to Bailey. Wilber also claimed (after Bell arrived in
Washington D.C. from Boston) that he showed Gray’s caveat to Bell and that Bell paid him $100
(equivalent to $2,700 in 2022).
So there you go. Bell’s patent was a copyjob and nothing more. A brazen steal, obtained by bribing the
patent examiner. We may assume that has happened thousands of times, and is the norm not the
Bell later admitted that he talked to Wilber about Gray’s patent, but denied giving him money. That
denial sorta rings hollow, don’t it?
I wonder how long Wilber lived after that, don’t you? Died of liver failure from alcoholism within a
couple of years, is my guess.
Here’s another way we know this was all a fraud and Bell just a front. They tell us Bell did quite well
from his invention and was worth almost a million dollars at his peak. What? Even after paying
investors he should have been worth hundreds of millions. It reminds us of the Beatles and Elvis, who
we are told sold or signed away most of their publishing rights for a pittance.
This also makes no sense: we are told that when Bell married Mabel Hubbard right after the founding
of Bell TC, he gave her as a wedding present 99% of his stock shares. According to the property laws
of the time, that was meaningless, since as the husband he would have still owned them. It only makes
sense if she then gave the stock to her father, which is my guess is what happened. It is the only way to
explain how Bell came away with so little.
Bell wasn’t too busy with his new company, since he immediately took the year off, taking a 12-month
“honeymoon”. First year of the biggest company of all time, and he is gone to Capri.
More confirmation comes from the claim that Bell’s main source of income for the next twenty years
was from lecturing. What? Not from Bell telephone?
Then we find this:
On January 13, 1887, the U.S. Government moved to annul the patent issued to Bell on the grounds
of fraud and misrepresentation. After a series of decisions and reversals, the Bell company won a
decision in the Supreme Court, though a couple of the original claims from the lower court cases
were left undecided. [117][118] By the time that the trial wound its way through nine years of legal
battles, the U.S. prosecuting attorney had died and the two Bell patents (No. 174,465 dated March 7,
1876, and No. 186,787 dated January 30, 1877) were no longer in effect, although the presiding
judges agreed to continue the proceedings due to the case’s importance as a precedent. With a
change in administration and charges of conflict of interest (on both sides) arising from the original
trial, the US Attorney General dropped the lawsuit on November 30, 1897, leaving several issues
undecided on the merits.[119] Almost eleven years and five Supreme Court cases and nothing was ever decided? That’s what money
can buy you.
Bell’s daughter Elsie married Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor, of that high-ranking noble family, proving
again the Bells were of that ilk. Grosvenor was the second cousin of President Taft. Also note his
middle name, no doubt linking us to parricide Johnny Hovey of Albuquerque, who I outed as a fake
years ago, embarrassing Benjamin Radford of Skeptical Enquirer in the process. Grosvenor was head
of National Geographic for 55 years, and we are supposed to think that was due to Bell. It wasn’t. It
was due again to Hubbard, who was the founder of the National Geographic Society.
Also of great interest to us here is the fact that Grosvenor named his son. . . Melville Bell Grosvenor.
So you see again how important that name was to the Bell family. Melville Grosvenor named his son
Gilbert Melville Grosvenor. Grosvenor’s cousins in England at the time were the Barons Stalbridge
and the Marquesses of Westminster, related immediately to the Hamiltons and Leveson-Gowers. Also
to the Sutherlands and Egertons. Therefore. . . the Grosvenors were more cousins of the Bells. We
already saw Alexander Graham Bell was related to the Sutherlands. Which means the Grosvenors were
also Melvilles themselves. Also Maxwell, Howard, Cavendish, MacKenzie, Blair, Erskine again,
Fitzroy, Vesey, Cave, Laschelles, Drummond, Manners, Lumley, Savile again, Beresford. In short,

Source: http://mileswmathis.com/bell.pdf

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