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I’m A Southpaw. Do You Still Handwrite?

I’m a leftie; a southpaw. Handwriting. You do know how to write by hand, don’t you? Is it a dying art?

Analogue. Digital. Human. Robot. Transhumanism. Artificial intelligence which is arguably not intelligent, but a human programmed computerised system. Computer models. Imperial College, Neil Ferguson and covid984. Shit in? Shit out!

I have educated, indeed, highly educated, Oxford and Cambridge educated, friends with appalling handwriting. I’ve maintained a hand written diary for 50 years. I’m left handed at writing, drawing and painting, though I can paint with my right hand to a lesser ability; especially with a pallet knife. Indeed, I can handwrite with my right hand very slowly and in need of much improvement. My strongest football kick is right-footed, I play tennis with my right hand, my snooker cue is pushed by my right hand and I think I’m right handed at cricket. I’m not into cricket. I try to clean my teeth with both right and left hands, believing it exercises both sides of my brain. I use a liquorice root stick, not that it matters for left or right hand considerations.

Is handwriting going to become passé; a thing of the past? I guess there was a time, the 1700’s, 1800’s, when handwriting, and I suppose reading, were not so widespread. Random search engine link:

I use capital letters, full stops and commas in text messages. I have never, thus far, used an emoji or emicon. I loathe them. They seem soulless. I’ve never written the abbreviation for ‘lots of laughs’, not used chatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) https://chat.openai.com/auth/login nor spoken to a computer like Siri.

There was a moment in 2018 when Jo Johnson, brother of Bollox Johnson, had a mishap live on BBC Question Time as his mobile phone ‘Siri’ kicked in.
I even illustrated it for the UK Column.

Some think we are destined for a digital artificial intelligent world. I’m not convinced. The UK Column’s Alex Thomson and his pals are also sceptical.

Where there’s no will, there’s no way: Why artificial intelligence will never rule the world—Transcribed

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