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Richard D Hall

This week I received news that historical researcher Baram Blackett has
been killed in a house fire at his home in Benwell, Newcastle. This follows
the recent tragic deaths of Ross Broadstock in October 2022, who had been
heavily promoting the historical research of Alan Wilson and Baram
Blackett, and the death of Baram’s genius co-author Alan Wilson who died in
September 2023.
You can watch an interview I recorded in August 2022 with Ross broadstock,
when all three were still alive here …
For those who don’t already know, somebody or some group attempted to
murder Baram Blackett back in August 2011 using an incendiary device placed
under his bed creating a massive house fire which very nearly killed him.
You can watch a lecture about this incident that I gave in 2012 here …
In 2011 the ensuing fire caused Baram to be comatosed for 11 days after the
treacherous attempt on his life, and his family were told he only had a 25%
chance of survival. Survive he did, only to be killed this week in another
house fire! RIP Baram Blackett. I have no details about the events leading
up to this fire or whether there were any suspicious circumstances. You can
watch the full series on Wilson and Blackett here …
Further videos here …


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3 Responses to “Richard D Hall”

  1. newensign says:

    Yes Ian, sad these three people have died, as hinted, their deaths were caused by the powers that should not be. I have been to some of Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett’s meetings when staying near Newcastle. I knew Ross Broadstock as I was I was on his Facebook group. Besides Rich Planet one will find many interesting facts on our hidden history.

    • ian says:

      Thanks for that N’, It is certainly an area of research I have neglected. Basically because I have other interests too and there are only so many minutes in a day. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Gordon Routledge, a local historian from round here, just north of Carlisle in the debatable lands. I’ve read some of his work. I know that history is modified and our leaders are deified, eg the wippersnapper king who gor Watt Tyler murdered said that he’s always viewed the peasants as vile, but would view them as viler hereafter, but you struggle to find it. I don’t mind whether or not they’re assholes, but it’s the pretence of decency and democracy that doe my tits in.

  2. newensign says:

    I can understand that Ian. I myself was not at all interested in history because at school it was all about dates and who succeeded who! It was not until I retired that I found history fascinating because it throws light on how we arrived at the present situation we are in! So don’t worry Ian most are the same, but at least you delve into things and come up with some interesting posts!

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