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Israeli Nazi Supplier Paradox – Krupp Dolphin U-Boats & Sa’ar 6-class of corvettes

Given the shambolic and underfunded armed forces of Germany  German taxpayers may well wonder why their money has been used to subsidise arming the Apartheid state of Israel rather than bolster their own defences.

Given the Israeli version of history Israeli taxpayers may well wonder why their government is employing Krupp former taskmasters of Nazi slave labour to bolster theirs.


August 27 2020
Sa’ar 6 Class Corvettes

The Sa’ar 6-class of corvettes includes a series of four new warships being built by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) for the Israeli Navy.

Based on the German MEKO 100 patrol corvette, the Saar-6-class is designed to offer enhanced attack capabilities compared to its predecessor Sa’ar 5 class.

The warships will be used to conduct patrol duties in Israel’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to protect the country’s gas reserves, shipping lanes and other strategic assets in the Mediterranean.
Sa’ar 6-class development

The Israeli Ministry of Defence placed an order with TKMS for four new patrol vessels in January 2015 and the order was finalised in May 2015.

The cost of construction is estimated at $480m, of which two-thirds will be paid by Israel and the German Government will subsidise the remaining amount with the Dolphin-class submarines.


“We, as thyssenkrupp Marine Systems and Germans, are honoured and proud to continue the long cooperation – spanning decades – with the Israeli Ministry of Defence and the Israeli Navy. The new class of submarine will provide Israel with the most advanced capabilities, based on an innovative, cutting-edge technology.

This agreement demonstrates the deep commitment of thyssenkrupp Marine Systems to guarantee Israel’s long-term security. It was signed after a thorough and extensive groundwork process, and I would like to thank our partners in the Ministry of Defence and the Israeli Navy for their commitment and professionalism.” -Dr Rolf Wirtz, CEO thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, claimed.

Dr Rolf Wirtz claimed Tel Aviv to be the company’s longstanding partner, adding that in the last joint project with the Israeli Navy, the SA’AR-6 project, TKMS delivered four corvettes on time and within budget.

Israel Buying 3 More German Subs…Rigged for Nuclear Cruise Missiles (Pentagon/9/11?)

1933-1945 – Krupp Under the Nazis

To assist the Third Reich and as an integral part of the waging of its aggressive wars and to secure the aggrandizement of Krupp, the firm plundered and exploited private property in and public property and resources of occupied countries and enslaved their citizens. Plants in Austria, France, and Belgium, chromium ore deposits in Yugoslavia, nickel mines in Greece, naval and shipbuilding facilities in Holland, and iron and steel plants and foundries in the Soviet Union were exploited by the defendants in furtherance of these wars of aggression. Citizens of these and other countries were compelled to work for Krupp in the manufacture of armaments and munitions.

The progressive draining of Germany’s manpower resources caused labor to become the main bottleneck in production, and manpower became the key to the problem. Krupp plants in Germany employed at least 70,000 foreign civilian workers from the countries under German occupation. The extent of the slave labor program in Krupp’s own plants can be measured only approximately; complete central recordshave not been found. Records at Essen, however, reveal that on one date about 75,000 slave workers were being utilized in Germany by Krupp. Other records and testimony bring the total to about 100,000 persons exploited as slaves by Krupp in Germany, in countries alien to them and in concentration camps. The proportion of such labor at Krupp plants in Germany averages around 40 percent of the total work rolls;-at the Bertha Works and Auschwitz it was about 80 percent.



(August 30, 2023 / JNS)

On Aug. 14, Naval News reported that INS Drakon (Dragon) was launched in Kiel, Germany, where it is being built by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

Israel’s newest submarine, the INS Drakon is due to arrive at Haifa Naval Base later this year. It will be the sixth submarine and the third new-generation Dolphin 2-class vessel in the Israel Navy’s fleet.


1933-1945 – Krupp Under the Nazis

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis seized power in Germany in 1933. Hitler launvched on a massive armament program. The Krupp complex was key to German rearmament. Krupp arms were vital in German military victories duruing the early years of World war II. Krupp was one of the largest industrial combines in Germany and a recipient of slave labor from Auschwitz during the war. During the war, Krupp employed more than 70,000 foreign civilians and 23,000 prisoners in more than 80 different plants, including about 10,000 prisoners from the concentration camps.

Alfried Krupp, who reached the age of 30 in 1937, played an increasingly important part in Krupp affairs during the last several years before the War; his special responsibilities were in the field of armament, raw materials, and mining. In December 1943 an unincorporated firm, Fried. Krupp, Essen, was formed in accordance with a special Hitler decree. Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach assumed the sole ownership and control of the Krupp enterprise by virtue of the formal approval of Martin Bormann, Chief of the Party Chancellery, and of Dr. Lammers, Reich Minister and Chief of the Reich Chancellery. No other industrial concern in Nazi Germany was honored by such privileges as were thus granted to the Krupp family enterprise.


How SS Commando Otto ‘Scarface’ Skorzeny Became an Assassin for Israel After WW2

Based on interviews with former Mossad officers and with Israelis who have access to Mossad archives from the last 50 years, it is now known that Krug was murdered by Israel to intimidate German scientists working for Egypt, Forward News reported.

More amazing is the discovery of who committed the murder. Otto Skorzeny turned out to be one of the Mossad’s most valuable agents. He was also a former lieutenant colonel in the Nazis’ Waffen-SS, one of Hitler’s favorite among their commando leaders. The Führer gave Skorzeny the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross, the most prestigious medal in the German army, for leading the operation that saved Benito Mussolini from his captors in 1943.

Skorzeny as commander of the SS unit “Friedenthal”. Bundesarchiv

By 1962, Skorzeny was working for the Mossad, which translates from Hebrew to “The Institute for Intelligence and Special Missions.”

One of the Mossad’s top priorities had been stopping German scientists from working on Egypt’s rocket program. Krug and other German scientists had received threatening messages for several months before his death. In Germany, they received phone calls in the middle of the night to quit the Egyptian program. In Egypt, some received letter bombs.


The intimidation campaign was successful. Most German scientists left Egypt. Israel stopped the violence and threats after a team was arrested in Switzerland for verbally threatening a scientist’s family. The Swiss judge was sympathetic to the Israeli fears of an Egyptian rocket program and convicted the two men of making threats, but set them free immediately.

The Israeli prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, decided that the publicity was bad for Israel’s image and might threaten a weapons deal he had arranged with West Germany.

Harel submitted his letter of resignation, and Ben-Gurion accepted it. The new head of the Mossad, General Meir Amit, moved away from chasing and intimidating Nazis. Amit did have one last use for Skorzeny, though. He asked the Nazi to help arrange a peace negotiation with a senior Egyptian official, but nothing ever came of it.

Skorzeny never precisely explained his reasons for helping Israel. His autobiography never uses the words “Israel” or “Jew.” He did receive his life insurance: he was never assassinated.

Skorzeny possessed a strong desire for adventure, and working with spies, even Jewish spies, must have held a fascination for him. He was the type of man who feels alive in fear. There is a possibility that regret and atonement played a role. The Mossad’s psychological analysts did not buy it, but Skorzeny may have been truly sorry for his part in World War II.

Skorzeny with the liberated Mussolini, 12 September 1943. Bundesarchiv

Whatever his reasons, he took them to the grave. Otto Skorzeny died of cancer at the age of 67 in Madrid in 1975.

He had two funerals, one in a chapel in the capital of Spain and the other to bury his cremated remains in the Skorzeny family plot in Vienna. Both were attended by dozens of German military veterans and wives. They gave him the one-armed Nazi salute and sang Hitler’s favorite songs. Fourteen of his medals were prominent in the funeral processions.

Joe Raanan, by this time a successful businessman in Israel, attended the funeral in Spain. He attended of his own accord and at his own expense. It was a personal tribute from one Austrian warrior to another.


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