‘… another homunculus in a suit from the boy’s department’

Neil Oliver being brilliant.

Puppet Government.

Any British government that wanted to stop the flow of migration would do so in a day, if it wanted to.
No one with a brain thinks Rishi Sunak is running Britain.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan, another homunculus in a suit from the boy’s department, loathes Britain.

‘a miniature adult that in the theory of preformation is held to inhabit the germ cell and to produce a mature individual merely by an increase in size’

Khan sows racial hatred.

Starmer and the fake Labour Party.

Grant Schapps (4×2 yippee!) as Defence Secretary? Do me a favour. You might as well make of my wolfhound Defense Secretary…. at least Jessie’s a real wolfhound.

The monstrous beast that is Agenda21; the 21st century.

Inflation: the cost of lockdown crises

Bank of England and all central banks in service to the BIS, Bank for International Settlements https://www.bis.org/

Climate change: sustainable is a weasel word

The wrath of Khan… stick it where the sun don’t shine!



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3 Responses to “‘… another homunculus in a suit from the boy’s department’”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Very well said Ned

    “No one with a brain thinks Rishi Sunak is running Britain”. Indeed they don’t. The bad guys don’t even pretend that he’s a player anymore He’s a charisma free, no-mark, with a wet lettuce handshake. As I can testify with direct family knowledge. I find it oddly comforting too

    Do you really think that this bag of air can play the Boris role in the next scamdemic? Probs that will fall to Keir Hollow Man after he replaces airbag 2024. Meaning we’ve got a bit more time to get ready

    A “homunculus in a suit from the boy’s department” describes Khan perfectly. It is patently obvious that he doesn’t represent England/London in any way. Other than his foreign background that is. He’s a second generation immigrant born to parents from Pakistan. Nothing wrong with that per se but…. That does make him very different to the vast majority of Brits who have multi generational roots here doesn’t it

    Woke alert! Woke alert! Cancel Fairhurst! He’s not allowed to say that. Cancel him with extreme prejudice….

    The fake “Labour” Party indeed. Fake, fake, fake!

    And Grant Shapps is fake personified. Or should that be Michael Green, Corinne Stockheath or Sebastian Fox? All of which fake names he has used in the past. Shapps is a walking, breathing, bag of fake. He is the perfect metaphor for the 21stC Brit politician. As fake as they come and with a massive snout that is permanently stuck in the Westminster trough

  2. NPP says:

    Michael Green, Corinne Stockheath or Sebastian Fox? All of which fake names he has used in the past.

    I am unaware of this; I also gave his Shapps a ‘c’; perhaps an appropriate Freudian slip away from ‘unt. I’ll leave as is.

    I hardly need know the details; Khan, Sunak, Shapps, Hancock, Starmer, Hunt… the list goes on and on. They are fake to the core.
    It feels inevitable, a reckoning is to come. They will all face the music some how, some way.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      “Michael Green, Corinne Stockheath or Sebastian Fox? All of which fake names he has used in the past. I am unaware of this”

      It is admitted by Google. So it MUST be true! 🙂

      But I do remember it well too. I was once a trustee at a large housing association. At the time that Shapps was Housing Minister under David “pigs head” Cameron. Our Chairman met him at housing shindigs/junkets. So I researched him a bit then, and soon found out that he is a fake. It was a “conspiracy theory” at the time so I didn’t use the info. but it was good to know just what we were dealing with

      Like many conspiracy theories it was later admitted when everyone had moved on and nobody really cared any more. He’s a made man, so that sort of stuff will never get into the msm. Unless they want to take him down for some reason

      “It feels inevitable, a reckoning is to come. They will all face the music some how, some way”

      I agree totally Ned. Those that grossly defile natural law risk their own doom. It wont’ end well for them. For confirmation of that then, you just need to look on the faces of such fakes as they age. They look awful. They may have a long life but they will face a reckoning in the afterlife