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There Is No Climate Emergency? Jail!

If there is, where’s the debate, let alone the evidence? They are now threatening jail for non-compliance. Welcome to Gulag UK.

Debate? It makes little difference anymore. The UK Soviet government are putting through legislation to fine and or lock up ‘zero net’ deniers and non-compliers. When I think my country cannot get worse, it gets worse. Julian Assange is in prison for what? Telling the truth? Telling, saying, printing, publishing, expressing anything that does not comply with official narrative? Is it me next?

After covid1984 I realise my community and country are so brain dead, dull minded and sadly, cowardly, common sense and decency appear over. British people are buying solar panels, electric cars and believing or simply acquiescing, whether they understand it or not, to anthropogenic climate change. They stayed at home because Bollox Johnson and Herr Gruppenführer Hancock instructed them to do so. I still struggle to believe how quickly and easily, literally over night, the nation buckled to these obscene clowns. I did not, but generally the nation did wear face nappies, engaged in the non-diagnostic PCR test, submitted to an ineffectual, unnecessary jab, took a knee for cultural Marxist BLM, espouse anal sex rainbow symbology, accept the lie of non-binary gender, raised money for Ukraine, believe Putin is Hitler despite the experience of Tony Bliar and WoMD and now we’re heading to a carbon zero economy and country because a snake-oil salesman called Attenborough says so. I call him Rottenborough. They’ve even changed the rainbow from 7 to 6 colours. When I think things can hardly get worse, fatboy eco-Fascist Remoaner Stephen Fry suddenly rocks up in Kiev to see his new found thespian buddy ‘elensky; mustn’t use a ‘Z’. So many ‘left-handed Eskimos’ too. Well, I can hardly point out they are all 4 x 2s and ZOG or I’ll be denounced as anti-Semolinaic. Neocons? Neo-Liberals? Whatever the label, they have no reverse gear.

Ssshhh! Do not access this link that Cynthia McKinney shared on Xeeter:
Though, to make it even more interesting, has it been the British all along?

For the first time in my life, Suffolk County Council have prohibited local coal merchants from selling what I refer to as proper coal. I eventually received a reply from the Head of Environment Strategy at Suffolk County Council:
‘In response to your initial question about the availability of ‘standard’ coal for domestic use, I can confirm that this is a change in regulations made by national government to deliver the objectives in the Clean Air Strategy:
Suffolk County Council has no role changing these regulations nor in enforcing them going forwards (any enforcement would be undertaken by the District/Borough Council e.g. West Suffolk Council). As an aside, the reason stated by the government for banning coal and wet wood is not related to CO2 emissions but to reduce PM2.5 particle pollution which can enter the human blood stream and lodge in the lungs causing disease.’

They just follows orders as we say the cliché Nazi did. It is about Agenda2030, it is related to carbon zero policy and there is no ‘clean air’ issue in Suffolk that warrants banning coal. Of course I want clean air, water and earth, but dirty air, water and earth are not ‘climate change’. This individual at the council is paid to ‘manage two teams, one focused on projects to tackle the climate emergency declared by Councillors in 2019 and the other manages the Council’s role as Lead Local Flood Authority.’
Flooding? Fine. Good. Viktor Schauberger and water mechanics? But, there is NO climate emergency. These staff members are bought and paid for; they are hardly going to suggest to their employers there might not be a climate emergency, are they?

I always refer to covid1984 since I read Orwell’s 1984 in 1984. As soon as Bollox Johnson muttered words in March 2020 about covid1984 ‘lockdowns’, my thought was mass vaccination, digital identity and a structure to implement total surveillance are coming i.e. anthropogenic climate change theory and Agenda 21. I give you Boris Bollox Johnson, Herr Gruppenführer Matt Midazolam Hancock and Kueer Starmer lurking in the background. This is modern day UK…

This agenda is supported by the Bank for International Settlements on down.
“We don’t know who’s using a $100 bill today, and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000-peso bill today. The key difference with the cbdc is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”
Augustin Carstens, The General Manager for the Bank for International Settlements

Our then Canadian Bank of England manager Mark Carney is in league with the likes of the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to engineer an economic restructuring of society to ‘adapt’ to zero carbon goals. If Welby walks in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, I am the bloody Queen of Sheba. These visuals are from the UK Column News. Justin believes he is King Cnut; change a letter or two around and we’re closer to the truth.

This visual portrays the UK Column’s analysis of Welby’s involvement in a financial fund to ‘battle’ the climate emergency. If you find this difficult to believe, ask Mike Robinson at UK Column, since he’s pretty strict about backing up his published ideas.

This is Mark Carney commenting on the ‘green agenda’ implications for businesses. He’s recently been appointed…
Former Bank of England boss to head Bloomberg board

Patrick Wood, among many others, has long been reporting on things climate and sustainable being part of a technocratic plan: Technocracy News & Trends:

Agenda 21 has been rebranded as Agenda2030 and includes moving people from the countryside into urban cities. I note that covid1984 seems to have induced people out of cities, whether London or New York, into the countryside; perhaps one of the positive unintended consequences of the covid1984 programme. A glimmer of hope?

As the covid1984 threat and story has declined, the climate agenda has been further pushed to the fore from continued indoctrination within schools to attempts at completely restructuring our society using the excuse of saving the planet. The likes of Sir David Rottenborough, Chris ‘I’m a tired old punk’ Packham and George Monbiottom have been scaring us about climate change and global warming for decades.

There are scientists declaring there is no climate emergency:
… but, so what? The average non-binary humanoid in the street is clueless as to what climate change really is or entails. They are more concerned with tattoos, body piercing and proudly declaring their children are LBGTabcxyzPQCIA. After all, why bother with male female procreation when Sir David Rottenborough and 97% of experts say there are too many humans infesting the planet anyway. No more male female sex, save the planet!

An example of a dialogue and debate not allowed on the BBC: Ice cores….

‘Climate change’ is ushering in Communism, Fascism, totalitarianism, whatever collectivist term you wish to give it, it’s already going through parliamentary procedure:
’Today the Energy Bill will be passed in its 3rd reading by Parliament, the bill will clear the way to allow the Government to take over your electricity consumption and your appliances via smart meters (but please keep talking about concrete).’

Here at:
Smart meter transition and the Data Communications Company (DCC)
It tells us:
’Smart metering brings immediate benefits to consumers, helping them to take control of their energy usage, and is a key enabler for the transition to a more flexible energy market and the delivery of net zero emissions by 2050. It give consumers near real time information on energy use – expressed in pounds and pence – so they can better manage their energy use, save money and reduce emissions.’

Do you believe this is for your benefit? If so, may I also invite you to enter my Bridge For Sale shop?

No, I haven’t gone through all of this:
… but, the government are pushing through ‘climate emergency’ legislation. Whether from ‘X’ or where ever, I saw and saved these images:

A businessman who has invested in solar panels, informs me,
‘Energy policy is not about energy. It’s about control. Solar panels enable people to become independent of the grid. Whereas petrol has to be bought. If you can run your car and house without the need to buy anything from big business, that has to be a plus. Sun, keep on shining.’

He justifies this by financial accounting figures, people employed and a business to maintain. How can I argue against? Wages to pay, mouths to feed.

Neil Oliver, ‘The Coast Guy’ who used to be on BBC TV before he started speaking awkward truths, lays it out week in week out on GB News, but are there enough watching, listening and taking note? Certainly, not yet.

It says here:
‘Property owners who fail to comply with new energy efficiency rules could face prison under government plans that have sparked a backlash from Tory MPs.

Ministers want to grant themselves powers to create new criminal offences and increase civil penalties as part of efforts to hit net zero targets. Under the proposals, people who fall foul of regulations to reduce their energy consumption could face up to a year in prison and fines of up to £15,000.’

Our parliamentary official arseholes are literally threatening fines and incarceration for ‘climate denial’. In Suffolk there are 3 working police stations. 50 years ago we had a local Bobby On The Beat and a working police station in the next village. Today the local police don’t really exist. However, I wonder if they will magically reappear in the near future should I fail to comply with net zero. It’s tempting to write and ask Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore. Apparently, Tim was re-elected as Suffolk PCC 05 May 2016. Elected. It’s a laugh. In reality, he’s selected, bought and paid for:

I try to be positive, optimistic and upbeat, but I’m not feeling that way as I type this. When my local village shop constructed perspex barriers to prevent virus circulation, placed socialist distancing stickers on the floor and everyone donned a face nappy, I could not believe what I was experiencing; that my community had gone completely nuts. We’ve since had a reprieve while our leaders orchestrate a proxy war to the last Ukrainian, but my community and country have lost the plot and we’re sleep walking into an even greater dystopian nightmare based upon allegedly deadly, disastrous and dastardly carbon dioxide. Trust the plan! Let’s debate flat earth theory! Paul McCartney’s really a doppelganger! Free energy is just around the corner! Putin, Xi and Trump are going to unleash QFS! The Quantum Financial System! Sure. Do come into my Bridges For Sale shop.

I tell myself good will over come. I must believe good will out. We can prevent and stop the rot, but it would require enough people to say no. Most aren’t even interested or aware. I just realised it’s 9/11 and there are still fools who buy the idea of energy weapons and a missile instead of the plane hitting the Pentagon. It was an ‘inside job’ and it was a plane. No wonder I’m bloody down.

I listened to John Mearsheimer, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen discussing the Ukraine war. Mearsheimer was almost apologetic for how pessimistic he feels about the whole thing; he explains that ‘we’, the ‘collective West’, the neocons, modern day liberals, war-mongering eco-fascists, know no reverse gear.

Hope for good? I woke to find Djokovic won the US Open. As a boy he experienced NATO bombing. Well done Novak, you give reason to be a little cheerful:

Ned Substack:
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5 Responses to “There Is No Climate Emergency? Jail!”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    “They stayed at home because Bollox Johnson and Herr Gruppenführer Hancock instructed them to do so. I still struggle to believe how quickly and easily, literally over night, the nation buckled to these obscene clowns. I did not, but generally the nation did wear face nappies, engaged in the non-diagnostic PCR test, submitted to an ineffectual, unnecessary jab, took a knee for cultural Marxist BLM, espouse anal sex rainbow symbology, accept the lie of non-binary gender, raised money for Ukraine, believe Putin is Hitler despite the experience of Tony Bliar and WoMD and now we’re heading to a carbon zero economy and country because a snake-oil salesman called Attenborough says so. I call him Rottenborough”

    Yeah! Agreed on all points Ned.

    t’s very hard to believe that the once proud Brits have sun[a]k so low isn’t it. Emasculated, scared, silent, wimps, oh dear

  2. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    “I tell myself good will over come. I must believe good will out. We can prevent and stop the rot, but it would require enough people to say no. Most aren’t even interested or aware. I just realised it’s 9/11 and there are still fools who buy the idea of energy weapons and a missile instead of the plane hitting the Pentagon. It was an ‘inside job’ and it was plane. No wonder I’m bloody down.”

    Chin up Ned, it is what it is. Yes, good will overcome eventually

    All you can do on a personal level is say NO! That’s all. Do not comply. Like you then, I didn’t comply with anything and NOTHING happened, nothing at all. Most folk here are decent in their soul. The normie NPC’s have switched their brains off. Forget about them

    At least you are out in the sticks, like me. It will be the cities that bear the brunt first. And it’s not a done deal yet, by any means

    • NPP says:

      Yes, thank goodness I’m not stuck in a city.

      My country is finished. Of course I do not comply, but it’s over. Islam has taken London, Bradford, Blackburn etc.
      My 25 year relationship with Turkiye is over; there is no love lost.
      Climate emergency has taken the shires in England.
      Every time you see a solar panel, it is another nail in our national coffin. I do not see a solution.

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        I disagree Ned, it’s not over by any means

        I live in Bradford Metro, out in the sticks, North of the city, beautiful countryside, adjacent to the Yorkshire Dales. The very well heeled outer edges of the Metro. Plenty of Asian folk, Bangladeshi mainly, work in my area. All the garages, all the convenience stores, all the taxis, “Indian” restaurants, supermarkets and more

        My experience of these folk has been uniformly excellent. Their community seems to me to be based on family, enterprise, morality and hard work. What’s not to like?

        During lockdown then, Bradford seemed to wave a collective two fingers to the totalitarians which was great to see. I spent a few weeks driving round the area teaching my son to drive. Everywhere else was deserted, but not Bradford, the roads were busy. Cash is king in Bradford too, no digital currency there, forget it

        I agree that there are plenty of status seekers out in the sticks where I live, with their electric cars, solar panels and such like. But is that so important? Yes far too many of them took the jabberwocky. But the large majority of those that I speak with here are not buying the climate change shite, or the woke nonsense, at all, not one little bit

        I live in a comfortable, long-term Tory, constituency. It has a high Boomer retired population and this is a factor I suppose. These old school , comfortable, middle class Tories seem far more grounded than the city lefties who have largely lost their minds now 🙂

        They all grew up in an analogue world and are more in touch with reality than the young screen huggers. I educate the screen lovers at every opportunity. It’s a civic duty

        So it’s not a done deal yet and I’m not losing hope either

        • NPP says:

          Encouraging to read. Thank you.

          I hope you are correct & I incorrect.

          The ‘climate emergency’ has taken everything to another level; a level that is too much for even my tolerance.

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