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Teds want real money and freedom from central bankers

Interest rates are heading north causing misery to millions, mortgage misery and otherwise. Central bankers always play this game. Get everyone into debt at 1% per annum then slam up rates to 1% a month. Then confiscate their property. The Teds want silver coins back in circulation, an end to VAT on silver and give us back real money to England, that the UK took away from us in 1795. Paper money and digital can only work if they are based on weight of precious metal. People’s access to precious metal should never be restricted as it is by the Banking Restrictions Act of 1795. Money should be issued by elected governments not by private banks and interest rates set likewise. Or the reptilian private bankers will use the power as a form of seizure, as they are doing now. Vote Teds for an independent England and to bring back unrestricted access to real money.
It’s all in the Teds Anthem.
V1. England is our country. Why don’t you wanna know? England is our country. Why don’t you wanna know? We must start some brand new thinking – like we never did befo’.
V2. England’s been our country for 1100 years. England’s been our country for 1100 years. We must celebrate our nation, make sure everybody hears.
V3. Coz they’re gonna break up England into many little parts. Yes they’re gonna break up England into many little parts. If we don’t stand firm n stop them, our rights and freedoms will be lost..
V4. We gotta start campaigning. Gotta move today. Getting England back together is the only way – and we definitely have to leave the UK..AY Coz they gave away our freedom. Getting England back’s the only way.
V5. Sterling was our money, silver coins in our hand. Sterling was our money, silver coins in our hand. Since they gave us only paper, inflation’s always stalked the land.
V6. Gotta get back silver coins, all money based on weight. Dig-ital curr-encies are only fake. So we definitely first our country must retake. Real money gives us freedom, slavery liberates.
V7. England’s been our country for 1100 years. England’s been our country for 1100 years. Vote English Democrat. (B7 G E7) Live free another thousand years.
To the rhythm and tune of Going Up The Country – written by Henry Thomas 1920s.
This version the best to be inspired by –

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