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VT Science and Magic:The Impossible Moon Landings, Unified Field Theory and Magnetic Buoyancy

VT Science and Magic: The Impossible Moon Landings, Unified Field Theory and Magnetic Buoyancy

More Anit-Gravity Articles Here

Gordon Duff

Note: The notes here are in response to observations tied to Keshe related projects.  VT personnel are active in working with the Keshe Foundation on the delivery of several unique technologies related to not just energy production and medical care but touch on basic physics and space flight as well.

VT affiliates in technology-related industries work with conventional science and hold chairs at a number of major universities, including MIT and the University of California along with key positions at the European Space Agency.

That said, their experiences meeting with Keshe who refuses to use broadly accepted scientific language though Keshe himself is a conventionally trained physicist has led to organizational challenges.

It is our job here to be skeptics, not cheerleaders.  If Keshe technology works as promised, and thus far some of it demonstrates that possibility already, the world as we know it is at an end.  Energy will be free, many threatening diseases will be a thing of the past, and space flight will be available for our children.

That said, we will be looking for opportunities to bridge the gap of understanding and as we believe is the right thing to do, subject Keshe science to rigorous but unprejudiced examination.  Toward that end, consider this a welcome mat

Jeff Smith, VT Science Editor 

Editor’s Note: Dear readers, while this is a challenging topic to get a handle on, Jeff has done an excellent job and I have done a magazine layout to help make it more readable as it is challenging material for a general audience.

For us, non-nuclear physicists, do not worry about understanding all of it. It is very rewarding to understand the key points, and the most important is “magnetic buoyancy”.

It is what enables flying saucers to fly, and this is not science fiction, but the real science of how it works…pretty cool stuff. But it is a two-step process, starting with the unified field theory. It is not important that you understand exactly how it works, but that it exists, and that basically how the two are related, as then the magnetic buoyancy part will flow easily from that.

VT is blessed by having a talent network of great depth and breadth, with more than a few Mensa’s here, several of whom are regulars. So where we may seem to go off the farm from time to time, not only the world but the universe is our farm…and yes we will want to share with you from time to time what some of our projects involve.

Don’t sweat it if you have to reread the article a few times to absorb more or to have the light turn on. I do. It is worth the time as our goal here is to increase the baseline understanding of some of these nuclear science concepts so other topics can be discussed in the future, ones that we know from past experience require stepping stones to cross over the creek.

Don’t miss the “Foo Fighters” mention at the end, the early days of hiding the experimentation of this science behind the UFO sighting smokescreen when ironically magnetic buoyancy would be the key stepping stone to flying saucer aerodynamics.

And yes, VT people have not only seen these on occasion, in hangars but touched them…magnetic buoyancy on a much larger scale than that designed to give the WWII aerial illumination flares more hang time, proving once again that big things often have small beginnings… Jim W. Dean

First published January 28, 2016

The Unified Field Theory

A theory that describes two or more of the four interactions (electromagnetic, gravitational, weak, and strong) previously described by separate theories.

by Jeff Smith, VT Science Editor

According to M. Mathis and other modern theorists, a unified field equation only has to unify two separate fields in order to qualify as a unified field. It does not have to unify all four fields. Both Newton and Coulomb formulas are unified field equations. That is why the two equations look so much alike. They are basically the inverse of each other.

However, the two equations unify the same thing in different ways. Newton was unaware of Maxwell’s E/M field, so he did not realize that his equation contained two fields, “E/M” and “G”, (electro-magnetic and gravity).

Coulomb working on electrostatics, pre-Maxwell, likewise did not realize that his equation also included gravity. So the E/M field is hidden inside Newton’s equation, and the gravitational field is hidden inside Coulomb’s equation. Both Maxwell and Einstein missed this unification.

If we look at Newton’s equation first…F = GMm/r2 … we learn that this equation has been around since 1687. But how can you get two fields from one when only mass is involved? Well, remember that Newton invented the modern idea of mass with this equation. But he let the variable “M” stand for what we now call mass. In the process, he compressed the equation too much.

Not knowing about E/M fields and atomic structure he made the equation as simple as possible, but in this form, it is so simple, it hides the fundamental basis of mass. If Newton had written the equation it would have looked like this:

F= G(DV)(dv)/r2

Writing each mass as a separate density and Volume. We would have had a much better understanding of what mass really is, Mass is not a fundamental characteristic, like density or volume is. To know what mass is, you have to know both density and volume. But to know what volume is, you only need to know the length. Likewise with density. Density, like volume, can only be measured with a yardstick.

If you say that density and volume can be measured with a yardstick, so can mass, since mass is defined by density and volume. But mass requires both measurements of density and volume. However, density and volume do not require mass in order to measure them. Once we have separated out density and volume in Newton’s equation, we can assign density to one field and volume to the other field.

So we now have two fields instead of one. If you let volume define the gravitational field and we let density define the E/M field. Both fields then fall off with the square of the radius, because each field is spherical. The aspherical field diminishes by the inverse square law, just look at the equation for the surface area of a sphere:

S = 4πr2

If you double the radius, you quadruple the surface area, or if you double the radius, you also divide or reduce the E/M field density by 4. If the E/M field density is produced by a spherical emission, then it will diminish by the inverse square law.

This implies that gravity is now only dependent on the E/M field radius. If gravity is no longer a function of density but only a function of volume, then gravity is not a function of mass. Now that we have separated out the variables and assigned density to the E/M field, gravity is no longer a function of density, it is now a function of volume. If gravity is a function of volume alone, then with a sphere, gravity is a function of radius, and nothing else.

It is now apparent that only the combined field is a function of mass. In Newton’s original equation the total combined Gravitational  Force field is a function of mass. But gravity is not a function of mass. It is a function of radius.

Density is now assigned to the atoms radiated E/M field. Therefore Newton’s equation is not telling us the density of the bodies in the field, it is telling us the density of the emitted or radiated E/M field. Both are a function of the other. If you have denser matter it will emit or radiate a denser E/M field. But, as a matter of mechanics, the variable “D” only applies to the density of the emitted E/M field. It is the density of the particles emitted by the matter that creates the gravitational field.

So what is “G”?

“G” is the transformation between the two fields. It is a scaling constant or the gradient ratio that exists between the two fields.  One field called “gravity” is determined by the radius of the object and the other “E/M” field is determined by the density of the emitted particles. However, these two fields are not operating on the same scale.

To put both fields into the same equation, we must scale one field to the other.  Since we are using both fields to find a combined force, we must discover how force is transmitted in each field. In the E/M field, the force is transmitted by direct contact of the electrons and the atoms. In the “gravity” field it is transmitted by the atoms itself.

Now that gravity is a function of volume alone, and it is not a function of the particle size, it becomes a function of the atoms that make up matter itself. Therefore, G is a scaling constant between the size of the atoms and the size of the atoms E/M field.

To put it in another way, the function of G is to reduce the volume down to the level of the density, so that they may be multiplied together to find the combined force. Without a scaling constant, the volume would be too large to combine directly with the density, and we would get the wrong answer. This is if we assume that the particles involved in the E/M transmission are about “G” times the size of the atom.

Part two – Coulomb’s equation: 

F = kq1q2/r2

One hundred years after Newton, Coulomb’s field equation comes along. In Coulomb’s equation, we have charges instead of masses, and the constant is different, but otherwise, the equation looks the same as Newton’s.

Physicists have always wondered why the equations are so similar, but until now, no one really knew why. No one understood that they are both the same equation using different symbols. With Newton’s equation, mass consists of density and volume and with Coulomb’s equation, it is field charge.

When corrected Coulomb’s constant “C” is now 9 x 109 and Newton’s constant for “G” is -9 x 109. The reason for the correction is because Coulomb used pith balls for his calculations and not protons. So Coulomb’s constant of K = 6.7 x109 is multiplied by 1.4 to now get K= 9 x109 or the mirror image of Newton G. 1.4 is the correction factor.

Coulomb’s constant is another scaling factor just like “G”. Instead of scaling smaller, “K” scales larger. Coulomb’s constant moves us up from Bohr’s radius of the atom to the radius of larger objects like Coulomb’s spheres. It turns the single-electron charge into a field charge. But where is the gravitational field in Coulomb’s equation?

If we study charges, we find that it has the same fundamental dimensions as mass. The stat-coulomb has the dimensions of M 1/2 L3/2T -1. This gives the total charge of two particles the cgs dimension of ML3/ T2. But mass has the dimensions L3 / T2, which makes the total charge M2. So we can treat Coulomb’s charges just like Newton’s masses if we write the equations like this:   Coulomb:  F = K(DV)(dv)/r2    and   Newton:    F= G(DV)(dv)/r2.

Once again, the volume is the gravitational field and the density is the E/M field. The single electron is in the emitted field of the nucleus, and D gives us the density of that field. But this time the expressed field is the E/M field and the hidden field is gravity. So we have to scale the electromagnetic field up to the field level that we are measuring with our instruments.

If constants K and G had been the same number, all this would have been discovered a lot earlier. It would have been easy to see that Coulomb’s equation was just the inverse of Newton’s equation. But because the constants were not the same number, the problem was hidden.

In scaling up and scaling down, you cannot simply reverse the scales. It is more complex than that. In scaling down, you go from the molecular size to the electron size, and in scaling up, you go from atomic size to our own macro size.

Since the two fields are always in vector opposition and gravity by itself is a function of radius alone, then the gravitational force is much stronger at the smaller or atomic end of the scales and it is much weaker at the larger or macro end of the scales. So as the radius of the molecule expands the effect of gravity becomes less and if you shrink its radius, the effect of gravity becomes greater.

The Bohr radius symbolized a, is the mean radius of the orbit of an electron around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom at its ground state (lowest-energy level). The value of this radius is a physical constant; a is approximately equal to 5.29177 x 10 -11 meter (m).

Part Three. Anti Gravity and the Lunar Landing Module.

According to this theory if all you half to do is increase the radius of the atom and it weighs less. Then how do you do that artificially? It’s simple and it has been done many times since about 1898 by many people including J.J. Thompson. Tesla, T. Townsend Brown, Walter Dornberger / Larry Bell,  and by the NASA /Apollo lunar lander weight loss program along with many others unknown.

We will start with Larry Bell’s and Walter Dornberger’s “Gadget”. The so-called “Dornberger Gadget” as it was referred to was basically a spring electroscope. It was a simple device recovered from the ashes of Germany’s WW2 rocket program. It was brought back to the US under Project Paper Clip and experimented with by Larry Bell and Walter Dornberger at Bell Aircraft corporation way back in the 1950s.

All it was was a very simple physics experiment involving a glass vacuum bell with a wire wrapped around its exterior and attached to the top of the bell chamber. One end was connected to a set of pith-balls and small lead fishing weights suspended from a spring and the other end was connected to a very high voltage (over 30 kV) DC power supply.

At first, when the high voltage was turned on under atmospheric pressure, only the pith balls would expand, just like with a standard electroscope. When the vacuum pump was then turned on and a hard vacuum was created the pith balls would drop back to their uncharged state. This was due to Bremsstrahlung losses that were caused by the high conductivity of the hard vacuum, forming Berkland currents or filaments between the pith balls and the glass vacuum chambers walls, creating charge loss. No other effect was seen.

Bremsstrahlung radiation is the radiation given off by a charged particle (most often an electron) due to its acceleration caused by an electric field of another charged particle (most often a proton or an atomic nucleus).

However, when a wire was warped around the vacuum chamber and also charged to the same high voltage level as the pith balls and the air was pumped out forming a very hard vacuum. The spring holding both the lead weights and the pith balls would retract proving a loss in weight.

But it would only work in a hard vacuum such as exists on the surface of the moon. It would not work on the earth due to air ionization drawing off the accumulated charge. However, this effect could be scaled up to larger objects such as the Lunar Landing Module placed on the surface of the moon.

This was NASA’s dirty little secret.  How they really got off the moon. It was impossible for a 500 lb. kick motor with only 90 seconds of the flue to lift a 3,000 lb. spacecraft up to its orbital height of 50,000 feet in 90 seconds or less. Even though the spacecraft only weighed about 1/6th of this weight on the moon or about 500 lbs its self. You would still half to reduce its weight by another 250 moon lbs in order to get a 1.5 G acceleration fast enough to go up 50,000 feet in 90 seconds or less.

The problem was solved by  Larry Bell and Walter Dornberger’s Gadget under the cover of the NASA lunar weight loss program. On the surface of the earth, the atmospheric gases would short out the effect. This is why the LM could only be tested in a full vacuum chamber or only on the surface of the moon.

Larry Bell with Chuck Yeager
Larry Bell with Chuck Yeager

This effect was first discovered by J.J. Thompson way back in 1898 when he discovered the electron playing around with cathode ray tubes. The presence of gas in a cathode ray tube shields the ability of electrostatic or magnetic fields from deflecting a cathode ray or electron beam. But under a hard vacuum, it can easily be moved by a very small force.

This effect was then re-discovered and worked on back in Germany during the 1920s. The German army then militarized it during the 1930s where it was placed under Walter Dornberger’s control. After the war, Larry Bell recruited Dornberger and further developed the technology under the cover of the NACA, pre NASA.

The only other known researcher that work on this effect in the US was T. Townsend Brown who independently also discovered the effect. Brown however did not understand the electron disconnect problem that shorted out the effect. If he had simply warped a high voltage wire around one of his cathode ray tubes history would halve come out different.

By creating an electrostatic shield that produces an electron disconnect with gravity, also called a Debye lair or shield around the vacuum chamber it stops the radiation losses and blocks out the earth’s magnetic lines of force, creating what is called “Magnetic Buoyancy”.

Another way of putting it. Heat or plasma so dislikes gravity. Enough so that it repels and runs away from it. IE if you increase the radius of the hot plasma gas, gravity begins to lose its grip on it.

Part four. Magnetic Buoyancy.

This “Magnetic Buoyancy” effect was first discovered way back in 1945 when the first atomic bomb called Trinity was exploded in Alamogordo New Mexico USA. Dr. Glasston in his book on “The Effects of Nuclear Weapons” talks about it in some detail. However, after 1962 all info on the Magnetic Buoyancy effect has been reclassified and removed from public view until now.

Basically the principle is simple. If you expand the radiated E/M field of an object by heating, it’s density decreases. When the expanded E/M field becomes large enough, the object will then be levitated by the earth’s own magnetic field lines, inducing magnetic buoyancy.

Its that simple. Einstein just didn’t think about it or maybe he “simply” skipped class the day it was taught or maybe he just had the wrong security clearance. So much for history.

Part five. The process.

The process is very simple. If you create a large enough electron space charge around an object that is in a vacuum state it will increase its E/M radius and reduces the force of gravity on it. However this “space charge” requires an electron disconnect (Debye shield)  from the surrounding air molecules in order to work properly. This is to prevent the space charge from being bleed off due to the presence of the surrounding gas molecules in the air.

Therefore by charging up the outer walls of the containment vessel with the same polarity charge as the test object, you create a semi- Faraday shield that blocks the radiation losses. This is called an “electron disconnect ” with gravity and it is necessary for the test chamber to work properly. Once the test object has been properly disconnected from all external E/M fields, Magnetic Buoyancy takes over.

As they use to say in that old TV commercial. Up up and away with TWA. Thank you, Howard Hughes.


Alpha particles being relatively heavy and positively charged, tend to have a very short mean free path, and quickly lose their kinetic energy within a short distance of the source. This results in several MeV of ionizing radiation being deposited in a relatively small volume of material. The Ionizing ability of a particle is related to its penetrating ability. As its penetrating ability increases Ionizing ability decreases.

This means that several million electron volts are radiated within a few centimeters surrounding the Thorium source and are trapped there forming an electron disconnect or what is called a Debye lair/shield that blocks or pushes out the earth gravitational/magnetic lines of force-producing what is called magnetic buoyancy per Dr. Glastones work on the subject matter in his 1962 edition of “The effects of Nuclear weapons” plasma fireball theory.

Heatshield tiles or spacecraft Hull Plating that produces very large amounts of Alpha radiation will slow down a spacecraft reentering the earth’s atmosphere.

Thorium is a likely substance to be added to heat shield tiles due to its ability to absorb and withstand extremely high temperatures and its ability to then throw off large amounts of Alpha particles that will then react with the earth’s natural magnetic field lines slowing down reentry speeds substantially. It came to be used on the Apollo heat shield to reduce reentry speeds in order to not shred the subsonic velocity parachutes.

The technique used by DR. Walter Dornberger and the Germans during WW2 that was brought back to the US where it was experimented on by Larry Bell and NASA was to use vacuum tube fulfillment wire that was heavily coated with Thorium salts.

These were formed into wire mesh spheres that were packed with a flammable material that was soaked in oxygenated kerosine flue commonly called Hydrazine fuel.

When ignited the plasma ion density would rise to a level capable of pushing out the earth’s magnetic field lines and producing positive magnetic buoyancy. The intended purpose was to be used as aerial illumination flares for antiaircraft defense.

These were referred to as FOO Fighter by allied pilots flying night missions over Germany during WWII. The Phoenix lights of several years ago might be a revived experiment using this technology.

VT Science and Magic: The Impossible Moon Landings, Unified Field Theory and Magnetic Buoyancy

NASA, Bob Lazar's UFO and the History of Lost Technology

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