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A Personal View on The Fires in Lahaina Hawaii

I’ve been in denial about Lahaina. Having lived on Maui for 25 years or more, I’ve experienced fires that closed the roads and also high wind “dry hurricane” events. So I was buying and even defending the official narrative for 36 hours. But the aftermath images tell a completely different story. The clincher for me was seeing plastic trash bins unscathed next to completely burned out cars with their windows gone.

Please share this around. I’m still in shock that these ghouls would destroy such a beautiful, historic town. But I’m sure Black Rock will see that their insurance companies deny claims and buy the place up. This video is getting shadow banned on other channels.

Patricia A




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18 Responses to “A Personal View on The Fires in Lahaina Hawaii”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Thanks newensign, the vid is grim but informative

    When I saw the heavy promotion of the global warming nonsense as the cause of the Maui fires then, I immediately suspected the whole story. Natural wildfires don’t act like that. The vast majority of fires are caused by humans aren’t they, so why would these be different?

    Then I thought about the California fires [that this vid references] in the late 20teens that were totally anomalous. Destroyed houses next to pristine houses. Trees untouched next to destroyed houses. Some houses half destroyed and the other half pristine. Judy Wood showed similar in cars for 9/11. What other explanation could there be other than human direction of some sort? Nature ain’t like that because it is God’s work

    This vid shows exactly the same scenario in Maui as in California. It’s pretty low quality film, but it is unmistakable. This has been caused by human direction. It is NOT a natural phenomenon, far from it

    It all fits perfectly with UN’s Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030, too. It feeds neatly into the Global Warming/Climate Change nonsense as well

    It stinks to high heaven and the perps are clearly the Reptiles. Who else has the power to do this?

    • newensign says:

      I agree Pete. One interesting thing I did hear from Mark Steele (an inventor and developer of surveillance system who is also campaigning against 5G) said the fire were not caused by DEW but by a combination of 5G and smart metres. He said amongst all the burnt out houses in Florida, there were a number completely unburnt and those just happened to be the ones that did not have smart meters! He said a plane was sent up to beam down a laser beam to confuse people as they don’t want people to know smart meters are very dangerous!

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        Thanks newensign, that makes sense

        I wouldn’t touch a smart meter with a barge pole. What is there to gain? I can work out the power consumption for my various household stuff quite easily. So why let the reptiles know everything about your personal energy consumption patterns? How does that benefit me?

        Here are 2 more takes on this Maui story

        Directed Energy Weapon?

        Land Clearance for super rich oligarchs?

        Take your pick. Either way the whole thing stinks to high heaven

        • newensign says:

          Thanks Pete for the links, I have to go to a meeting so will look at them this evening.

          • pete fairhurst 2 says:

            The Mathis link reads a bit like disinfo to me

            I’d be interested in your brief take on that newensign

            • newensign says:

              Thanks Pete for those 2 interesting links, which I have now had time to look at. They all confirm what I mentioned in the past, that the enemy is both very cunning and deceitful. Just like 911. They use a combination of means to pull off events and distractions like planes and prior Hollywood footage. This will keep people distracted arguing as to how it was done and who, while the perpetrators sit back and laugh at us and we are still arguing when another false flag goes off then we are all arguing about this next event.
              I just received a post today stating a relief fund for the great loss suffered by the Jewish community on the Island. So their tribe can’t possibly be blamed for this disaster!!!!!???
              “From: jeanice barcelo
              To: Daniel Johns
              Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2023
              Subject: Please share Dan

              I’m sure it’s all just a cohencidence… “The wildfires have all but destroyed the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui, which Hawaii’s Jewish governor, Josh Green, toured on Thursday with Brian Schatz, the state’s Jewish senator.” Jewish groups launch relief effort for Maui as island’s Jews are among

              I’ve been in denial about Lahaina. Having lived on Maui for 25 years or more, I’ve experienced fires that closed the roads and also high wind “dry hurricane” events. So I was buying and even defending the official narrative for 36 hours. But the aftermath images tell a completely different story. The clincher for me was seeing plastic trash bins unscathed next to completely burned out cars with their windows gone.

              Please share this around. I’m still in shock that these ghouls would destroy such a beautiful, historic town. But I’m sure Black Rock will see that their insurance companies deny claims and buy the place up.”

              There is another side to the aspect of disinformation. It can be seen on the post put up recently about venom in the water. Snake venom as used in some of the jabs is in the water the water as well. However this was given great publicity on the Stew Peter’s (Jew) show, and not long after dismissed as nonsense because all doctors are agreed that venom in water cannot get into the blood stream as stomach acids break it down. However, after some research, Dr. Ardis found that indeed venom could pass into the bloodstream, but not only that, but a widely prescribed drug for heart problems and diabetes were made from snake venom, but not only that these drugs were swallowed with water and thence into the blood stream!

              All this goes to show nothing can be taken for granted!!!

              • pete fairhurst 2 says:

                Thanks for that newensign, I always value your opinion

                “This will keep people distracted arguing as to how it was done and who, while the perpetrators sit back and laugh at us and we are still arguing when another false flag goes off then we are all arguing about this next event”

                Spot on. One of the reptiles openly admitted that this is their MO some time back. Maybe it was Donald Rumsfeld, can’t remember exactly who. But that is what they do for sure

                Btw, I admire your monthly newsletter too, it always makes me think hard. I see Tapestry was an author in August with a fascinating piece about the New Testament

                I will respond about snake venom later this afternoon. I have a question for you

                • newensign says:

                  Thanks Pete, will look forward to hearing from you later. Yes, Tap blog is a good source of info, so sometimes put some in the Mag. Tap, kindly gave permission to put his article in it. I find the more one studies the more you realise how much one doesn’t know!!

                • pete fairhurst 2 says:

                  Hi newensign

                  A couple of questions about snake venom, as per your comment above, and your post of 2 days ago

                  Do you know if the snake venom in the UK public water supplies? I find that hard to believe tbh. But, as you say above, nothing should be taken for granted

                  Also I am intrigued by your point, in your original post, about nicotine being the best antidote for the venom! Being a nicotine addict who is currently in remission myself then, it certainly made me think about their relentless anti-smoking campaigns. And that, if nicotine really is very harmful then, would they even tell us! Wouldn’t fit their long term agenda would it

                  That aside then, I wonder how much evidence there is for nicotine being an antidote to the venom?

                  Apologies if the answers are in the vid, which I’ve not yet watched

  2. Gordon says:

    The clue lies in what the commentator is saying. “All that was left was a white powder.”

    • Belyi says:

      Well it’s obvious that the same weapons were used for 9/11. I do wish people would wake up.

    • newensign says:

      Yes Gordon, I think we can all agree it was a was, and if look at my reply to Pete, the devastation is achieved by using a combination of methods to confuse!

  3. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Beeb are headlining today that there was no warning before the fires hit. That they just came out of nowhere

    This despite the fact that there were 80 outdoor sirens on Maui to warn residents of tsunami and hurricanes. There sirens are tested every month to make sure they work. But they were silent even though the fires were supposedly driven by high winds

    A bit like a DEW then? Out of the blue with no warning

    • newensign says:

      I forgot Pete to mention in my previous reply that Miles M (in your link) raised a good point that the devastation was not as bad as we had been led to believe – like the recent train crashes devastating huge track of land in the USA

  4. newensign says:

    Hello Pete, I don’t have any first hand knowledge of venom in UK water save that I hear of people getting ill who haven’t had the Jab and also losing sense of taste and smell an indicator, which Dr. Ardis says is one of the symptoms of venom. He also explains that Nicotine is not addictive, but what is the chemical that the manufacturers put in so you keep buying their brand!! The gut naturally has nicotine receptors but get replaced by fluoride. When I passed this article to a friend in the USA who is a knowledgeable alternative healer tried the nicotine/mint gum, after 2 days all her aches and pains had gone! Like Dr. Ardis does she’s going to a maintenance dose. You are right about it being a scam! See Dr. Kitty Little’s article here:

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Thanks very much newensign, very much appreciated. That paper by Dr Little is fascinating and very believable too

      It fits exactly with their usual MO too, always deception rather than truth. And, if faced with a choice of protecting their diesel revenues OR their smoking revenues then, it’s obvious which they would choose, diesel

      I’ve saved a copy of your pdf and will circulate it widely

      • newensign says:

        Thanks Pete, I was speaking to a friend last night on the phone who told me he came across some research, done sometime back by the military which showed that people that smoked had a higher IO and higher cognitive ability than those that did not smoke which will explain why you are very clued up as to what is really going on – a pity about the chemicals they put in tobacco to make it addictive.

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