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Ritter doubles down on Lira

Scott Ritter doubles down. He sees Lira as a honeypot controlled by the SBU




“Anyone who has ever uttered or written a word that runs counter to the official Ukrainian narrative is, in the mind of Ukraine, an “infoterrorist.”

Ukraine is at war with “infoterrorists.”

As such, those practitioners of free speech who run afoul of Ukraine’s expansive definition of “infoterrorism” are combatants in this conflict, whether you want to be or not. And in war, the individual doesn’t matter. People are mere tools, to be deployed as needed, used, and discarded when no longer useful.

Chronologically, Lira’s arrest followed on the heels of the CCD’s publication of its mission statement regarding “infoterrorism.” There can be no doubt that Gonzalo Lira fell into the category of “infoterrorism” as far as Ukraine was concerned, as did anyone who collaborated with him.

This is a critical point that must be understood by anyone following Lira’s saga—in the eyes of the Ukrainians, he is an enemy combatant, not an individual with rights. He is a terrorist. Enemy combatants/terrorists are either eliminated or turned into a tool to be used to further the fight against “infoterrorists.”

When Gonzalo Lira was released by the SBU in April 2022, he was not the person he was when he had been arrested. That person was neutralized in Ukraine’s war on “infoterrorism.” Gonzalo Lira’s every move was, and is, controlled by the SBU to assist them in their larger information war against other “infoterrorists.”

If the many people who interacted with Gonzalo Lira, both before and after his April 2022 arrest, do not recognize this reality, then they are playing directly into the hands of the Ukrainian security services, because Gonzalo Lira is a Ukrainian weapon being used as part of a larger information operation being waged against everyone in the alternative media universe who produces content Ukraine might consider running counter to its goals and objectives in its conflict with Russia.”


“And yet controversy swirls around the saga surrounding Lira’s arrest and release, as well as his subsequent actions, including his re-arrest in May 2023, his re-release on July 6, and a series of bizarre videos and tweets made by Gonzalo on July 31, released while he waited at the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, awaiting his attempt to “escape” Ukrainian custody, all the while broadcasting his intent for all the world—and the SBU—to see

According to charging documents published by the Kharkov prosecutor overseeing Lira’s case, the former lifestyle coach failed in his attempt, and is once more in the custody of the SBU awaiting trial.”


“And yet controversy swirls around the saga surrounding Lira’s arrest and release, as well as his subsequent actions, including his re-arrest in May 2023, his re-release on July 6, and a series of bizarre videos and tweets made by Gonzalo on July 31, released while he waited at the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, awaiting his attempt to “escape” Ukrainian custody, all the while broadcasting his intent for all the world—and the SBU—to see

According to charging documents published by the Kharkov prosecutor overseeing Lira’s case, the former lifestyle coach failed in his attempt, and is once more in the custody of the SBU awaiting trial.”

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4 Responses to “Ritter doubles down on Lira”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    I meant to put this on the post but published too soon

    “And yet controversy swirls around the saga surrounding Lira’s arrest and release, as well as his subsequent actions, including his re-arrest in May 2023, his re-release on July 6, and a series of bizarre videos and tweets made by Gonzalo on July 31, released while he waited at the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, awaiting his attempt to “escape” Ukrainian custody, all the while broadcasting his intent for all the world—and the SBU—to see

    According to charging documents published by the Kharkov prosecutor overseeing Lira’s case, the former lifestyle coach failed in his attempt, and is once more in the custody of the SBU awaiting trial.”

  2. Tapestry says:

    Gonzalo’s a maverick with a huge following – the kind of person bureaucracies have great difficulty understanding. He clearly greatly enjoyed talking, and smoking, and he does not come across as a tool of anyone or anything. Maybe he had been pressured into making his three videos on the Hungarian border, but he seemed like the same man to me. If he’s in custody and as he’s getting massive wordwide attention, they could produce video evidence to quell the speculation. The main proponent of Lira being a double agent is Scott Ritter, who I don’t trust as a source much anyway. The speculation goes on and on….https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIogOyg6Vc4

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      “The speculation goes on and on”. Yes it does. I’ve got an open mind about all this, but we should know soon enough. A few sources, including Ritter [see my first comment] say that Lira has been rearrested. But without any evidence to prove that

      Lira’s survival for so long in Karkiv was always a puzzle to me. Why wasn’t he silenced earlier? They surely knew where he was, so why wasn’t he stopped? And why would the SBU let him go [twice] so that he can continue to expose all the Ukie lies? Aren’t they part of a puppet, totalitarian, state? It makes no sense

      But we’ve seen nothing definitive yet, just speculation from many different sources. So I guess we will just have to wait. No doubt somebody will post if any hard news is available

      • sovereigntea says:

        The puppet totalitarian state is composed of many competing factions and interest groups beholden at present and unified by their paymasters. Once that financial life support dries up we may get our answer on Lira in the ensuing chaos.

        PS I’ve added your missing text

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