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Darkfield Microscopy of Insulin Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel & Same Nanorobotic Features As C19 💉


I predicted this over two years ago. I’ve got videos of graphene reacting to magnetic stimulation in all manner of tablets that the proletariat buy in B n M, bargain stores etc. Truth is you can’t take any product they sell us for consumption as being safe anymore.

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11 Responses to “Darkfield Microscopy of Insulin Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel & Same Nanorobotic Features As C19 💉”

  1. newensign says:

    Yes, I am not surprised Watcher, not only that, many pills contain aspartame to make them sweet and more palatable!

  2. FritzFreud says:

    I write about this for years.
    I am the first one that pointed out the Nanotechnology called Neural Lace inside the Vaxx.
    Also Aspartame is a Inhibitor a Beta Blocker.
    People are fat because of Aspartame.

    Neural Lace
    Neural link

    Always remember… it was Fritz Freud who was the first to warn you.



    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      “Always remember… it was Fritz Freud who was the first to warn you.”

      Not it my case it wasn’t Fritz. I’ve seen all this stuff before, some of it years ago

      Why all the self promotion Fritz? We are all adults here on Tap, we don’t need lots of your links to see your substack. Nor your “aren’t I great” attitude. It’s a bit off putting tbh

      Just saying

      • FritzFreud says:

        With all due respect.
        I follow Elon Musk since he copied my Technology.
        This Technology was invented by the Harvard Wyss foundation.
        Hansjörg Wyss is the Family of Escher Wyss and a lifelong associate with Klaus Schwab’s family.
        This Technology was developed as Programmable Nanotechnology there together with Elon Musk & Darpa.
        At the beginning of this “pandemic” STARLINK was started.
        I warned people there and then what they are trying to do.
        It is all in my substack.
        I warned peoble even before La Quinta Columna.
        It is all on my substack for all to read.
        And my comment was not from me.
        It was what other people wrote..


        I am not self promoting… you should apologize for that because this is an insult.
        I am however warning people of what is going on.
        And I understand more than other people what is going on because I am on the cutting edge of technology and I understand the mechanics and implication of such a technology.
        If you would understand it you would do something about it.
        So please don’t foul mouth me because I do something about it or at least I try.

        I don’t think you would stand straight if you would been through what I been through.
        I don’t care.
        I want this world to change because it must.
        And I present more than just Ideas.
        I present Solutions.
        Yet I have to bicker around with fools who accuse me of being selfish.
        I have not seen a penny for my work yet Elon Musk and Richard Branson use my work and make millions of it.
        F that.

        I will continue what I do.
        I speak Truth.
        If you don’t like it. join the other side.

  3. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    “I am not self promoting… you should apologize for that because this is an insult”
    Yes you are! You did it again in this comment!

    “If you don’t like it. join the other side.”
    Fuck off

  4. FritzFreud says:

    I don’t like that.
    Again I don’t like that Juvenile foulmouthed thing.
    I proved beyond any doubt of what I try to do.
    I am honest first and foremost and I am rightfully proud of my achievements!
    The richest man in the world has stolen my technology and all you tell me is that I am selfish and self promoting?
    What have you done to make this world better?
    Show me.
    You fail.
    You speak tall words but you can’t reach the door handle.
    I don’t like that.
    Here is a website from 2011 who wrote about my technology.


    I don’t think you have anything to show to the world what you have achieved.
    Yet I stand as a monument to their lies because of my technology.
    Because my technology solves problems they try to push onto us now for their totalitarian NWO like Climate and the Green New Deal which I contrdict personally and alone because of my technology because i put the work in I patented this and no one else.
    You did nothing.
    You just foulmouth me.

    There is a line in “Good will Hunting”
    That fits for you:

    I look at you; I don’t see an intelligent, confident man; I see a cocky, scared shitless kid. But you’re a genius, Will. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of you. But you presume to know everything about me because you saw a painting of mine and you ripped my fuckin’ life apart.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      “You did nothing”!!
      You don’t know me at all do you? So how could you possibly say that? Grow up Fritz

      You are full of shit pal. You’ve made yourself look stupid in this short thread alone

      Why are you hanging here and stinking out the Tap blog sonny? Because that’s what you are deliberately doing isn’t it?

      Ian, who I have great respect for, already told you to fuck off too didn’t he? So that’s two of us in a just few days

      Seems like you’ve made a good, disruptive, start for your masters Fritz, whoever they are. But you won’t last here if you carry on like this

      • FritzFreud says:

        I look at you; I don’t see an intelligent, confident man; I see a cocky, scared shitless kid.

        You are nothing.
        Yet you accuse me of the things you are not.
        I look at you; I don’t see an intelligent, confident man; I see a cocky, scared shitless kid.

        • Gordon says:

          Self-centered, self-righteous, narcissistic, egomaniac, infantilizing who not for the first time has expressed paranoia and has come to the blog clearly to agitate, detract, and to get great pleasure from given rise to argument and negativity.
          You are clearly a clever TROLL but have now been found out by your predictive behaviour.

          • FritzFreud says:

            Proof any statement I make as wrong… scientifically and i go.
            But you can’t.
            Feel free to have your Opinion.
            I have mine.

          • pete fairhurst 2 says:

            Thanks Gordon, nail on the head there

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