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Black Man Awarded Over $2M for Failing “Biased” Teacher Exam, Part of $1.8B Settlement

Black and hispanic people were not able to pass a teacher licensing test at the same rate as their White counterparts, so obviously the test was created to be biased against them. Holding everyone to the same standard is obviously racist, and the only way to combat this systemic White supremacy is by shelling out a few billion dollars to make amends. One black man was awarded over $2 million because he failed a test!

From NY Post:

Roughly 5,200 black and Hispanic ex-Big Apple teachers and once-aspiring educators are expected to collect more than $1.8 billion in judgments after the city stopped fighting a nearly three-decade federal discrimination lawsuit that found a certification exam was biased.

It’s the largest legal payout in city history.

As of Friday, 225 people who failed the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test used for teacher licensing from 1994 to 2014 had already been notified they’re getting settlements of at least $1 million, according to an analysis of Manhattan federal court records.

Court rulings found the exam violated civil-rights laws, allowing far more white candidates to pass.

The case is expected to generate hundreds of other future million-dollar awards.

Herman Grim, 64, of Queens, on July 5 was awarded the biggest judgment to date — a jaw-dropping $2,055,383.


After watching the video, I am sure you will conclude that this man should have been teaching students, as he is clearly VERY intelligent. Maybe with all that money coming in he can hire someone to change his smoke detector.

Pretty soon it will be illegal to not hire a “POC” for any reason whatsoever, especially if a White person ends up getting the job instead.


“ian…….this article was written by Kyle Hunt, and he uses a bit or sarcasm, however, it indicates that we,” ie ole Whitey”, are being attacked from all directions. That in itself should prove once and for all, that our governments, and all of our supposed indoctrination and conditioning into our previous situation pre-plandemic, was merely a construct which suited the real owners at the time. Now they are promoting minorities to a great extent, Frankfurt school Cultural Marxist ideology, whilst attacking us, our rights, and our children”.  These people are the law. They have police and armies at their disposal. They also have vast experience in what they are doing. Be warned.

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