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12 Responses to “Satellites Are Not Real. What Did They Not Tell You About Satellites And What Don’t They Want You To Know? #NasaLies”

  1. The Watcher says:

    It’s changed the URL on the original post to one I never posted.

    Try this link


    • ian says:

      Yes NASA lies, but you can see satallites with your own eyes.

      • Steve Kettle says:

        You’ve got bloody good eyesight then Ian… They are at least 90 miles up and supposedly about the size of a van.
        That would mean if you were in London you could see a van in Peterborough…. I take it you don’t wear glasses?

        • ian says:

          Glowing Stevie Boy. early evening when it gets dark down here but amazingly still getting suns rays 90 miles up. just a steady light crossing the night sky, not blinking, that’s a plane. Try it.

          • ian says:

            The sites I mention will even tell you when, and who owns it. There used to be Iridium satellites where you could see them occasionally through the day as their solar panels caught the sun occasionally but predictably because there were timetables for Iridium flares as they were called. I’m not so much into it now so not sure if they still work.

        • ian says:

          Oh and you can see better looking out through the Earths atmosphere than you can looking towards Peterborough.

          • Steve Kettle says:

            If you were on a train Ian you can sometimes see the sun reflected off a window in the distance if the angle is right. This is momentary Ian it does not reflect to you over many miles….. They must really polish these satellites to a high standard before they send them up.
            Why is NASA the worlds largest consumer of helium Ian? What do they use Helium for?

          • Steve Kettle says:

            I was just equating the distance to physical geography Ian as an example.

  2. Steve Kettle says:

    Is the ISS in “orbit” Ian because of the gravitational pull of the Earth? That’s what we’re told but then again they tell us the astronots are in zero gravity ‘cus they can do those backflips (never sideflips the harnesses get in the way). They can’t have it both ways….

    • ian says:

      Look Steve it’s not my job to educate you. Do your own research. I’m telling the truth. Re the ISS, I’ve seen the fake videos too yes, so what. I also saw what was supposed to be the ISS in orbit, so possibly they can have it both ways. Possibly they’re pretending to be smarter than they are.

  3. Steve Kettle says:

    The satellites are still supposedly in the Earths Atmosphere, It may be a lot thinner atmosphere but it’s still there. They supposedly travel at thousands of miles an hour so do you think those flimsy looking solar panels attached by aluminium bars wouldn’t get ripped off instantly? Or is NASA engineering just so goddam good?

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