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Something incredible is happening in Europe, that will fuel the Awakening

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Something incredible is happening in Europe that will have a tremendous worldwide impact. Hundreds of people are going to distribute a million flyers from StopWorldControl.com throughout every town and city of The Netherlands and Belgium. They will deliver them to thousands of school directors, hospital staff, local authorities, local media, etc. Several postmen will take tens of thousands of flyers on their daily route.

The full color, double sided flyers explain in a nutshell the agenda of the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum to impose unprecedented tyranny onto all of humanity. You can see the flyers below. They are designed as an official notice to the public, to get attention.

Belgium (Brussels) and The Netherlands (Amsterdam) are at the very heart of the worldwide network of financial elites, who are behind the WHO, WEF, UN, EU, etc.

These nations are also the center of the worldwide child trafficking networks, that operate all throughout the USA, Canada, the UK, Asia, Africa, Australia, etc. 74% of all child pornography material is hosted in The Netherlands, making it a worldwide hub for government organized child abuse, which is the lifeblood of the cabal.

Many global lines of extreme evil lead back to The Netherlands and Belgium, from where it affects all other nations of the world.

One well known example of the central role of the Dutch in the agenda of world domination, are the infamous Bilderberg meetings, where politicians and powerful people from the US, Australia, Canada, Asia, Africa, and everywhere else in the world, gather to plan their agenda for world domination.

It is the Dutch royal family who is behind the nefarious Bilderberg meetings, showing their key role in the agenda for world tyranny.

The ancient Royal families from Europe are the core of what is referred to as the “cabal”. The cabal is the international network of tyrants who want to achieve world domination, by means of infiltration and subversion of every government. From Europe they stretch their tentacles to the rest of the world.

Most people in the USA, Canada, Australia, Asia, Africa etc. fail to understand how the evil they suffer, is the result of what is being orchestrated in Europe. For example, people in the USA can be mad at Biden for destroying America, but they fail to comprehend how Biden, and all of Washington DC for that matter (= the Deep State), is nothing but an extension of European entities.

Americans, wake up from your blindness, and see how you are part of a worldwide scheme! See beyond your borders, to the WORLD!

America was founded by people who broke away from the satanic rulers in Europe. The Founding Fathers laid the foundation for a new nation where freedom would reign, but they were immediately infiltrated, and subverted it into a franchise once again of the City of London, which is the financial heart of the world. If the US wants to have permanent victory in the battle against tyranny, Americans have to learn what happens in Europe, as that is where all the roots are. The same goes for Canada, Australia, Africa, Asia, etc.

All the lines of tyranny and corruption lead back to Europe.

The World Economic Forum has chosen The Netherlands to be a testing ground for the rest of the world. During the pandemic unvaccinated people weren’t allowed to shop, nobody was allowed to leave their home after 8pm, peacefully protesting citizens were beaten to death or ended up in the hospital. Thousands of farms are set to be destroyed, to make way for the largest Smart City in the world. The Dutch harbors are key for the worldwide child trafficking operations. Dutch journalists exposing the government led child trafficking networks, have been arrested. And so on.

The Netherlands is one of the worst “cabal” countries of the world, testing numerous systems of tyranny, before they implement them worldwide.

That is why I am so excited that in The Netherlands and Belgium hundreds of people will distribute half a million of our flyers in every city. This is monumental, and will cause a thunderstorm of awakening, that will spill over to the rest of the world.

And it’s all possible thanks to the faithful support of many of you, who don’t let us down, but keep supporting us to do this work. Sometimes against all odds, but we never give up. Thank you for your love for humanity, and your efforts to put an end to the rule of evil tyrants, and open the way for a better world to emerge.

PS: these flyers will also be made available in English, French, German, Spanish and other languages. Stay tuned for more information about this. We start in Western Europe, but this will become a worldwide campaign, to spread millions of flyers all over the earth, to kickstart the next phase of the worldwide awakening.

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