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Compulsory Digital ID – Government Digital Service One Login To Control And Track You All

UK Govt has repeatedly denied Digital ID will be compulsory

But to access all government services including, benefits, HMRC, Companies House, environmental, rent-a-home, get a govt job or a driving license – you will soon need One Login.

Which is erm … digital ID.

A single digital ID to link your info in all the shared databases.

Cabinet Office unveils plans to expand departments’ powers to share personal data

The Cabinet Office has announced plans to update legislation so as to allow departments to more easily share a greater range of citizens’ personal data – potentially including the most highly sensitive details.

The legal tweaks are intended to support the delivery of One Login – the new system for accessing public services that will be rolled out across government over the next two years.

The proposals, unveiled this week, would see 2017’s Digital Economy Act amended to add “identity verification” as a specified “objective” for which departments would be legally allowed to share personal information. The law would also be updated to “enable public bodies to share a wider range of specified data than is currently possible”.


Alex Burghart – the Cabinet Office minister with oversight of GDS said

If you allow the system to know more about you, it can know things you are eligible for and can then prompt you or sign you up for a service – these are the things we are starting to explore in the Cabinet Office.”

You are given no choice the system is already being rolled out and implemented so the “if you allow” part is a deception.

Might “signing you up for a service” also imply charging you for that service ?

HMRC and DWP to start using One Login within the next year

By Sam Trendall

26 Jun 2023

GDS sheds light on plans to continue rollout of government-wide system over the coming months

Government’s two biggest departments will begin implementing the One Login system across their services within the next year.

The Department for Work and Pensions will begin rolling out the new government-wide login tool across its array of citizen services towards the end of this year, according to a new timeline provided by the Government Digital Service, which is developing One Login.

From spring 2024, everyone registering to use HM Revenue and Customs services for the first time will also do so by creating a One Login account. At the same point, the tax agency will begin the process of migrating its existing users to the new platform.


The two organisations deliver some of the most critical and widely used government services and their commencement of the process of adopting One Login will represent a major step in the platform’s progress towards its ultimate aim of comprehensive adoption. The core departmental workforces of DWP and HMRC are also by far the two largest in government, employing the full-time equivalent of 76,893 and 65,361 people – a cumulative tally of 142,254 staff, equating to about 30% of the civil service overall.

At a briefing event held by GDS, the digital unit revealed that the migration timelines set by DWP and HMRC are part of a wider plan to ensure that One Login is in use across more than 100 major services by the end of 2025. The intention is that ubiquitous uptake will be achieved over the months thereafter, once more niche or complex services have been brought on board.


One Login GDS and is intended to provide a single, unified replacement for 191 existing accounts systems used by agencies, incorporating 44 different login methods.


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