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Serbian President Vučić: Foreign intelligence agencies are behind the attempted armed rebellion by Wagner PMC

Foreign intelligence agencies are behind Prigozhin’s attempt to remove the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense. This statement was made by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

The Serbian leader believes that foreign intelligence services are behind the Wagner PMC rebellion attempt. According to Vučić, the West undoubtedly had a hand in the events taking place in Russia. There is no other way to explain Prigozhin’s demarche at the time of Russia’s confrontation with the Western world.

(…) With us, foreign services are always involved in countless things. And in Russia, they knew exactly and chose the topic (…) But is this really a reason to attack your country and stab it in the back at the most difficult moment? Of course not, but you did it because you were helped by many outsiders who had high expectations.

Vucic said.


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3 Responses to “Serbian President Vučić: Foreign intelligence agencies are behind the attempted armed rebellion by Wagner PMC”

  1. danceaway says:

    It would almost be surprising if this were NOT the case.

    Nuland can’t seem to say often enough that regime change in Russia is her goal. One only has to listen to Anne Applebaum or read what she writes; she has been on the scene for some time, but appears more vocal and in one’s face of late, writing for The Atlantic etc. Look at the article referenced by Brian Berletic.

    As Alex and Alexander say, it is an obsession and they have no reverse gear.

  2. sovereigntea says:

    Nuland Applebaum – the gruesome twosome

    Applebaum certainly is focused at present.

    Applebaum is married to well-connected ex-Polish foreign minister Radosław Sikorski — a Bullingdon Club contemporary of Boris Johnson — who along with Applebaum has been a noisy voice in favour of the EU. Neither Stroud nor Applebaum would comment on the latter’s departure but it hasn’t taken her long to find a new respectable home: Applebaum is heading to the LSE’s Institute of Global Affairs, which describes itself as a “safe space” for academics from all over the world to tackle the challenges of the 21st century.


  3. Tapestry says:

    There are plenty enough reasons to explain Prigorzhin’s actions within Russia. Occam’s Razor. Every party will spin the events to suit their agenda. Serbia needs the war to escalate and accelerate so Russian armed forces move westwards. The West wants Putin removed, and replaced with a sell-out leader. Prigozhin has his agenda. Each will say whatever they prefer and suits their current position, while Prigozhin consistently explains his viewpoint which doesn’t change. Prigozhin wants Gerasimov and Shoygu moved on. Those were his demands. He has never once criticised Putin. Nor will he. The Wagners are sufficiently angry with the two mentioned Defense Ministry commanders that they will risk all to get rid of them. Keep it simple. Wagners are not prepared to die to keep Shoygu and Gerasimov in place. They are prepared to die to get rid of them. The Western media doesn’t want people to think too deeply as to why that would be. The Fifth Column in Moscow is sympathetic to Nuland and the bankers, and is very dangerous to Russia’s national interests. In the media there can only be one baddie or the pantomime won’t work. Putin decided to follow the West’s lead in the narrative and spin the Prigozhin rebellion as anti-himself. That way he saw who was thinking of joining the coup attempt and could have a clear idea who they needed to keep an eye on. He knew very well Prigozhin had no anti-regime aspirations seeing Putin as a hero of Russia for fighting NATO. They are old friends. The episode will no doubt have a sequel as Russia either succeeds in shaking out the Fifth Column as things proceed, or does not succeed. If Putin has agreed to remove the pair, he can hardly have it ben known that the chnage is made as a result of the rebellion, so he pretended he was the target for that reason as well.

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