Helena Worth describes herself as UFO-ologist and ‘amateur scientist’ (Picture: SWNS)

Helena Worth describes herself as UFO-ologist and ‘amateur scientist’ (Picture: SWNS)© Provided by Metro

Aliens have invaded Wales and are beginning to kill its sheep, according to one of Britain’s top UFO hunters.

Mutilations in the Cambrian Mountains, with multiple carcasses spread several miles apart, have previously been blamed on ‘big cats’ and the presence of the ‘The Beast of Bont’.

But Helena Worth, who describes herself as UFO-ologist and ‘amateur scientist’, has claimed alien life forms were responsible for incidents of mutilation close to her home in Ciliau Aeron.

The 41-year-old stressed ‘other worldly’ UFO is a more likely explanation of the the brutal killings of livestock.

Helena first became obsessed with UFOs since she first spotted one flying over her home several years ago (Picture: SWNS)

Helena first became obsessed with UFOs since she first spotted one flying over her home several years ago (Picture: SWNS)© Provided by Metro

She said: ‘With cattle and sheep mutilations it’s always very precise cut marks or something an animal couldn’t do.

‘And there often aren’t any footprints up to the animal, so there is no evidence humans are responsible so maybe it could have come from above.’

For years, farmers in and around the Cambrian Mountains have feared a large cat is responsible.

Rumours of a large feline lurking in the Ceredigion area emerged as far back as the 1970s when a series of sheep were found eaten.

For years, farmers have feared a large cat is responsible for the killings of sheep (Picture: SWNS)

For years, farmers have feared a large cat is responsible for the killings of sheep (Picture: SWNS)© Provided by Metro

There have been numerous cases since including the killing of 12 sheep in 1981 in the village of ‘Bont’ – giving the beast its name – and the slaughter of 20 in 2012.

Earlier this year local farmer Jonathan Davies also reported the killing of his sheep to cops.

He said: ‘Two of my sheep were skinned. There was no actual body left, just the skin.

‘It was so tidy. It was like someone had been there with a knife and skinned them.

‘I’d never seen anything like that before. Only the head was left.’

Reports of the latest incident is what has prompted Helena to come forward as she claimed the ‘big cat’ theory was not plausible.

The UFO-logist, who had her first UFO experience in December 2018, said: ‘In the US especially, you get a lot of cattle mutilations – more than sheep.

‘With these cattle they are found the next morning by farmers and it has been only one or two in the herd.

‘They are clean cut with all the inners taken out. No blood is left on the ground and there are no footprints leading up to the cattle. Animals would leave a mess.

‘There are no inners and no blood. This is the theory that many UFOers have, that they may be experimented on from above.

‘When I saw in the local newspaper about the recent sheep mutilations saying it was a big cat, I just knew it couldn’t be.

‘A cat would have left it a mess, which is why I and others believe a UFO could be to blame for these sheep mutilations in Wales.’

Helena claimed that previous sightings of orbs close to the attacks added weight behind her theory.

She added: ‘There is something in Wales called the “sheep mutilation corridor”. It is an area down Wales where these have occurred.

‘We think UFOs are responsible as orbs have been seen about the time and in the areas these mutilations have happened, both in Wales and in the US.

‘I haven’t really spoken outwardly until now but I’m reaching an age where I don’t really give a crap what people think anymore.’

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