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Meet your new World Government: The World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty

It seems that the WHO is the vehicle for imposing a global system of health themed tyranny which is intended both to transfer power from nation states and be highly profitable for untrusted organizations of ill repute such as The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who just happen to be key players in the design and implementation of this scheme and investors in digital health certificates and “vaccines”.

Creepy Bill Gates only got rich due to his family links to the Rockefeller clan and the WHO has been a Rockefeller instrument all along.

Any government official who signs up to this treaty is ceding national sovereignty to an unelected foreign entity, treason in the UK.

cede – transitive verb
  1. To surrender possession of, especially by treaty. synonym: relinquish.
  2. To yield; grant.
  3. To yield or surrender; to give up; to resign.



The Rockefeller Foundation-WHO collaboration goes back to the beginnings of the World Health Organization. The Foundation participated as an observer at the first International Health Conference in June 1946, where WHO’s constitution was signed and the Organization became the first specialized agency of the United Nations.

Note how the World Economic Forum another Rockefeller entity promotes the tyranical treaty.

Mar 30, 2021

Leaders of 23 countries and the World Health Organization backed an idea to create an international treaty that would help the world deal with future health emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic now ravaging the globe.



excerpt page 16





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