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We had Brexit. Now we need Britex, and make England independent of the Westminster swamp.

The Fed’s Digital Dollar Is Here!  (TAP – this is an advert in disguise.  But avoid gold is my advice.  It’s too valuable.  Hold silver.  16 ounces a month’s pay.  4 ounces a week’s pay traditionally.  It is in your control and won’t inflate to zero like paper money, or computer screen money.  Silver is well below its traditional values at the moment, so even though newly minted attracts VAT, it will surge past the tax barrier at some point.  The government will try to remove your gold by law, but silver they are less likely to bother with.  Your local farmer might prefer silver so you can still eat)

TAP – We need a silver backed £.  Vote for the Teds.  The English Democrats will ensure silver is safe and not taxed with VAT and CGT, so if you wish you can trade in silver as in the old days, pre paper money.

Paper money has inflated 1500 times in two hundred years.  That might need three noughts adding in ten years time.  Computer screen money will inflate faster than paper money.

Badges as in the picture are ordered and on their way this month – to be sold on http://www.englandcalling.co.uk. along with silver 1 oz hallmarked pieces, and Libra Pondo (16 Ozs of silver). Small numbers to begin with until we see how it goes. Badges are £3 face to face sales or £4.95 incl P & P. The design of the badge is the England flag sitting on the English currency – the £ sterling – our currency of old – now threatened with extinction by digits on a computer screen called either Unicoin or Britcoin.

We had Brexit. Now we need Britex, quit the Westminster swamp and the UK, for England, where money can be trusted once more.  Only with metal in your pocket are you safe from the bankers, so why are we trusting these thieves any longer?  England it is.  And Silver.  Buy the badge and wear it with pride and hopefulness.  No need to listen any more to yet more fake promises.

ARTICLE (advert)

It is official. The digital dollar, once talked about, is here. Reuters reported that on Tuesday November 15th, 2022, a statement from the Fed’s of New York, announcing that Global Banking Giants and the New York Fed are testing the digital dollar in a 12-week pilots.

Citigroup, HSBC, Mastercard, and Wells Fargo are among the financial companies participating in the experiment. According to New York Fed, the project, which is called the regulated liability network, will use simulated data.

How will that affect you and your finances? Well, go figure. You will no longer have any privacy whatsoever. Your hard-earned savings will be “worth-less”. Surely the dollar will continue to devalue resulting in heavily diminishing your purchasing power. Learn more.

Our government will know what you have, where you have it, and how you are spending it. This is the ultimate control that they are after. It limits and blocks the way you spend your money unless obtaining their approval at first.

Therefore, your money is no longer safe! Prepare for the worst. Your dollar could be worth a fraction of what it is worth today.

They are all in cahoots. Americans can’t afford for their wealth to be tested on. We are not in a “Financial Rat-Lab”. Enough is Enough, we have suffered greatly.

Time is no longer on your side, and you can’t afford to gamble anymore with your money. The reset is real, and the project to replace the “king of currencies” is underway.

You shouldn’t have to work as hard to protect your retirement nest egg as you did to earn it.

Whether you love or hate gold and silver, there is no way to hate what the asset itself can offer you. In the past, gold was viewed as a safe haven. Today, it is role has completely expanded. It offers you privacy, insurance, preservation of wealth, hedge against inflation and potential profit making. Get more information.

There has never been a more urgent time to understand the role of gold and how to own it. Taking control back of both your privacy and your retirement wealth are key. Investing in gold and silver can help you sit back and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with protecting your retirement.

The time on missing on great opportunities is over. Act today! Explore, 100% free, how gold inside your retirement can significantly improve your future wealth.

Call (844) 790-9191 or simply click here to receive all the essential information tailored specifically to your needs.

TAP – don’t bother calling the number.  It’s silver we need – tax free and we can do everything for ourselves as the world used to do.  They’re called The Teds and they want what you want.  Not to be cheated.  That is all, apart from independence from the Westminster corrupted Federal government which is no longer worthy of our trust.

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