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The Russian Baltic Fleet must be saved.

Stalin’s Canal (The White Sea-Baltic Canal) should have been rebuilt decades ago, and all of Russia’s internal canals too, but the Adult In the Room obviously did not care. ——————– From Strelkov:


Finland’s entry into NATO (and the imminent appearance of Sweden in the ranks of the Alliance) finally turns the Baltic Sea into a NATO lake. As a result, our Baltic Fleet found itself not only in a difficult, but a threatening position. It is no secret that now he is totally inferior to the combined forces of the navies of the NATO countries. For some classes of ships (for example, submarines), the superiority of the enemy is overwhelming. We will not be able to cope with the combined forces of the NATO navies in the Baltic theater (this is a fact), but we can still save the main thing – personnel and ships, each of which, in the conditions of a weak Russian shipbuilding industry, is a treasure. Peacetime for our country ended with the outbreak of the Third World War on February 24, 2022.

So, it is necessary to realize that the enemy will attack and this is already inevitable. Meanwhile, now our Baltic Fleet is concentrated in Baltiysk (Kaliningrad Region) within the reach of enemy missiles, aircraft and artillery. Turning it into a pile of flaming debris during a massive strike, and then capturing Baltiysk with a swift throw of ground forces will not be difficult. And the enemy, no doubt, has already developed appropriate plans and will take advantage of this chance. For him, June 22 has already come a long time ago … It is necessary right now, without a moment’s delay, to prepare the evacuation from Baltiysk and Kaliningrad – ships, materiel, archives, equipment, families of military personnel and sailors, the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet and take everything to Kronstadt and St. Petersburg.

I want to remind you that in 1941, our Baltic Fleet was much more powerful, had a developed basing system and even some superiority in strength over Nazi Germany and Finland. But this still did not save him from monstrous losses due to the superiority of the enemy in the air, the loss of the Baltic bases and the total mining of the Gulf of Finland by the enemy. Having broken through to Leningrad during the tragic Tallinn crossing, the fleet was locked up and almost until the end of the war stood idle under enemy air raids and artillery shelling. Now the enemy, in addition to superiority in surface and submarine ships, aviation and mine weapons, also has anti-ship missile systems, as well as a space reconnaissance and target designation system.

Therefore, NATO will not allow the second Tallinn crossing of 1941 or the Ice Campaign of 1918 – we simply will not have time to overcome the 550 nautical miles through the sea space from Baltiysk to Kronstadt, needlessly destroying ships and people.

It is not sad, but it is precisely for the sake of saving ships and personnel for a war period that the composition and structure of the Baltic Fleet will need to be radically changed.

The most valuable and “fresh” ships will need to be transferred to the Northern and Black Sea fleets, and the main emphasis will be on coastal troops, mosquito fleet, sabotage activities and anti-ship missile systems, which will target NATO ships, preventing them from approaching the Russian shores. Panic and reasoning all-propeller?

No, a sober assessment of the situation, a call not to remain idiots and learn the lessons of the past war. As long as the fragile truce is still in place and NATO is playing a “strange war” with us, it is necessary to seize the chance, and not wring our hands later, shouting about a treacherous attack. After all, the entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO is a clear and precise signal of the inevitability of war in the Baltic. Finally, for those who still believe that all this is nonsense, since we have nuclear weapons, and “they won’t dare.” All the “red lines” that our leadership so diligently drew have already been crossed by the enemy. Moreover, he did it as defiantly and brazenly as possible (one attack of the Kremlin with a Ukrainian drone is worth something), checking Moscow’s readiness for retaliatory actions.

His conclusion is obvious – the Russian leadership has no desire and political will to escalate and press the cherished red button. And this understanding of the psychology of the current Russian “elite” is pushing NATO to further escalate and expand the geography of hostilities, which will inevitably spread to the Baltic …”


via – itapirkanmaa2 on yt.  based in Finland.

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