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Mike Stone – Why Americans Should Never Enlist

HenryMakow.com – May 8, 2023

The US used to stand for freedom.

Now it stands for sodomy.

 by Mike Stone — (henrymakow.com)

Did you see who the United States Navy revealed as their first “digital ambassador” last week? It’s a drag queen. Apparently, the admirals running the show in the Pentagon think having a homosexual drag queen represent the Navy will result in more young men enlisting.

Think about that. The people running our military actually believe that using a tranny as the face and spokesperson of the Navy will increase enlistments. Why do you suppose that is? Could it be because they are all homosexuals themselves, as Kay Griggs claimed? (https://henrymakow.com/2023/02/insiders-wife-exposed-us-military.html)

This stunt by our military is the Village People and their homosexual song “In the Navy” literally come to life. And it’s just one reason why you should never enlist in the military.

Here’s Some Sick Depravity to Go with Our Bombs

The United States military now exports homosexuality and trannyism all over the world. You can see that quite clearly by this latest recruitment tactic and by the number of U.S. embassies around the world flying the rainbow flag.

Don’t discount the power of flags. They are symbols of submission and allegiance. When you see our country’s embassies flying the rainbow flag, what they are telling the world in clear, unmistakable language is that the United States submits and pledges allegiance to homosexuality, sodomy, sexual perversion, and the sexual mutilation of children.

If you enlist in the military that’s what you’ll be fighting for. You’ll be making the world safe for sodomy.

No matter which branch of the military you join, you will be serving alongside of homosexuals and taking orders from them. If you think that won’t matter, consider our recent battlefield defeat in Afghanistan. The United States military, supposedly the most powerful military force on earth, lost a war to a bunch of goat-herders. Not only that, but we were defeated in humiliating fashion with a cowardly retreat and evacuation that was witnessed by the entire world.

That defeat doesn’t make sense until you realize that the Taliban men we were fighting against are composed of uncompromising alpha males, while our military leadership consists of men wearing dresses who think having a homosexual drag queen represent the Navy will boost morale and enlistments.

Targeting Civilians and Children


Continues …

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One Response to “Mike Stone – Why Americans Should Never Enlist”

  1. Tapestry says:

    Camp. Don’t go. Navy’s no different. Rum, sodomy and the lash.

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