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EU – Evil Unlimited

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Woe to those who are calling evil, good, and good, evil, Placing darkness for light, and light for darkness, Placing bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter – Isaiah 5:20

Parliamentary question – E-000281/2023 European Parliament

Symbolic Pics of the Month (02/23) by vigilantcitizen.com

Art exhibitions organized by elite organizations reveal how deeply sick and disturbed these people truly are. Here are paintings that were on display inside the European Parliament in Brussels.

A small person is forcibly stuffed inside a jar. These paintings symbolically depict the abuse and control of people … inside the headquarters of the European Union … which is shaped like the Tower of Babel, by the way.

“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)

Exposing The Darkness
The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.
“The United Nations is the greatest fraud in history. It’s purpose is to destroy the United States.” (John E. Rankin, a U.S. Congressman) “The age of nations must end. The governments of nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they will surrender their arms.” (U.N. World Constitution…
Read moreThe 3.5-metre high statue shows a naked man with long hair and a beard.

From SputnikNews report:

The 3.5-metre-high statue “Agape”, the Greek word for the highest form of love, depicts a naked man who has classic male features such as broad shoulders, narrow hips, a penis and a beard, yet also has female breasts and is in the process of breastfeeding a baby.

The 3.5-metre high statue shows a naked man with long hair and a beard. In addition to the classic physical male characteristics such as broad shoulders, narrow hips and a penis, the sculpture is also equipped with female breasts.

Named “Agape”, the Greek word for the highest form of love (as opposed to “eros”, or erotic love, and “philia”, or brotherly love), the statue was designed using 3D scans of the artist’s own body and that of his girlfriend.

The goal of the statue, according to artist Aske Jonatan Kreilgaard, is to “question what the man should be and be able to do”.

According to Kreilgaard, the sculpture hadn’t been made with provocation in mind. However, he welcomes the ensuing conversation.

“I’m glad it’s starting to talk about these things. I think it’s exciting to see what it creates of emotions, and we don’t necessarily have to agree,” Aske Jonatan Kreilgaard told TV2.


For even as the days of Noah, thus shall be the presence of the Son of Mankind.- Matthew 24:37 (The Concordant Literal New Testament)

Yahweh saw that the evil of humanity was multiplying on earth, and every form of the devisings of its heart was surely evil all the day. – Genesis 6:5 (The Concordant Version of the Old Testament)

Art exhibitions organized by elite organizations reveal how deeply sick and disturbed these people truly are. Here are paintings that were on display inside the European Parliament in Brussels.

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2 Responses to “EU – Evil Unlimited”

  1. Gordon says:

    I can’t think of another word other than grotesque. Hmmm, definitely freakish.

  2. Belyi says:

    I can’t think what happened to David Spangler. He worked at Findhorn in the early days of the Caddys and wrote a book about it. He then went on to the Esalen Institute in California. I believe he was even one of the founders. How on earth did he get tangled up with this sinister junk?

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