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Hiroshima- Radiation Sickness Was Mustard Gas Poisoning

HenryMakow.com – April 23, 2023

“The malodorous “atom-bomb gas” that was perceived by many during and after the bombings was none other than mustard gas.”

This begs the question – Are nuclear bombs another hoax?

What’s in those missile silos? Bales of hay?

(Disclaimer- I still believe the official narrative but would not be shocked if Dr. Palmer is right. He is an MD and chemistry professor at the Unniversity of Waterloo fired for refusing the gene therapy.)

 by Michael Palmer, MD – (henrymakow.com)

International Red Cross Hiroshima case report. Click to enlarge

In previous posts here on Henry’s website [1,2] and elsewhere [3,4], I have argued that no atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, there are numerous reports of radiation sickness from both cities. A recent post here [5] presented some of the eyewitness testimony suggesting that the “radiation sickness” was caused not by radiation but rather by mustard gas. Here, we will look at some of the objective evidence—as well as some further relevant eyewitness testimony—that supports the use of mustard gas in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

1. Acute lung damage and respiratory distress

While mustard gas has radiation-like effects on the bone marrow, the hair follicles, and other sensitive tissues, there nevertheless are telling differences between the two. Inhalation of mustard gas will cause acute and severe lung damage. In contrast, in those exposed to rapidly fatal radiation doses, it is the brain, not the lung, which shuts down first [6, p. 218]:

“In a nuclear criticality accident at Los Alamos in 1958, one worker received a total body dose … between 39 and 49 Gray. … This person went into a state of shock immediately and was unconscious within a few minutes … The patient died 35 hours after the accident.”

In contrast, many early victims at Hiroshima and Nagasaki suffered the most intense respiratory distress. An eyewitness from Hiroshima, Mr. Hashimoto, recounts from the day of the bombing [7]:


Continues …


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