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Good advice

Apr 23, 2023 08:32 pm

My latest piece on how to sail to an easy reelection was picked up by the financial news website ValueWalk. You can read it here.

The main takeaways:

– Elections with an incumbent are foremost a referendum on the performance of the incumbent

– Great campaigns may contain elements from previous campaigns but are never a simple rerun of previous great campaigns

– Presidents and Prime Ministers usually get elected to do a specific thing. Call it a mandate. Once in office, they should be seen delivering on the mandate, and then quickly reinvent themselves as new issues appear on the political horizon.

The post My Latest Piece Picked Up By Financial News Website ValueWalk appeared first on Campaign Analysis.

Teds should ask for an English Independence mandate, choke woke agendas, stop mass immigration, quit the WHO, end the world pandemic response and manage locally, end the sanctions, negotiate peace.  Restore the law, the justice system.  Anything I’ve missed?


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5 Responses to “Good advice”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    I’d vote for that! Even though I’ve not voted for decades ;-))

    Your manifesto needs to be sellable and not too ambitious, otherwise it won’t be credible

    So, I’d leave off “end the sanctions” which may offend too many normies. In practice you could do that under “negotiate peace”. Ditto “end world pandemic response”

    Reform local government? Including local education

    • Tapestry says:

      Do normal people want war?

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        No, but a lot have them have been brainwashed in to thinking that a war thousands of miles away is acceptable, leftists particularly

        So it’s ok as long as it doesn’t effect them. I’m not sure if that is a vote winner that’s all. So care and opinion research maybe best

  2. NPP says:

    There’s also the added factor of simple election fixing; which means strategy goes out of the window if an election is fiddled.
    I still wonder if the Brexit pro-vote was greater than 52%.
    There was a Scottish election that had questionable elements.
    If Biden genuinely won the 2020 election, I am the Queen of Sheba.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Agreed all Ned, a very good point

      I think UK gerrymandering has been done via postal votes. The current system is wide open to insider abuse

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