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Happy St Georges Day. England’s revival starts here.

They really don’t like it up ’em!

A unique offer to celebrate a return to the bestseller list



I don’t know about you but I’ve been both bemused and amused by the reaction in some quarters to the publication of my book. It appears that some members of the New Elite, to quote a certain Lance Corporal Jones, really don’t like it up ‘em!

This was best illustrated by a columnist at The Times -a newspaper which reviewed the book favourably– actually refusing to even read the book unless he was paid a handsome some to review it. God forbid journalists at the paper of record actually stay connected to the wider culture and read something that might challenge their beliefs.

It’s a perfect illustration of the New Elite and what I point out in the book -they’re consistently the most likely to block and refuse to engage with ideas, beliefs, and people they disagree with and look down on those from outside their tribe.

If you’ve been on Twitter recently then you’ll have seen this political intolerance on full display -the ad hominem attacks, the continual efforts to discredit and demonise anybody who suggests an alternative way of looking at the world. And if you’ve read the book, which clearly some of my critics have not, then you will know that much of this is making the argument for me. As I write on pages 38-39:

“The revolutionaries who reshaped Britain in their image tend to be dogmatic and dismissive of any opposition. Anybody who dares to question how hyper­-globalisation has changed Britain are instantly derided as the ‘closed­-minded’ or ‘nostalgic’ ones who yearn to return to the 1950s and are contrasted with the ‘open’, ‘tech­-savvy’, ‘university­-educated’, ‘mobile’ and ‘winners of globalisation’. This is a common tactic not only in Britain but across the West. The new elite have become experts in cloaking their politics in appeals to ‘openness’, ‘tolerance’ or ‘diversity’ while at the same time berating anybody who challenges the direction of travel. By portray­ing their opponents as fascists, racists and closed­-minded reactionaries, the new elite seek to shut down the con­versation and exclude them altogether”.

But, at the same time, I’m also immensely grateful for the way in which the book has clearly struck a chord with a much larger number of people who are all looking at our politics, our media, our institutions, and our national conversation with a palpable sense that something’s fundamentally wrong, that something’s not right.

This is not only reflected in the book’s return, this week, to the Sunday Times bestseller list but how I’ve been flooded with e-mails and messages from senior civil servants, journalists, academics, teachers, sixth-form students, marketing executives, retired architects, and Members of Parliament who’ve all shared their personal experiences of what I discuss in the book —from feeling as though they cannot share their real views within their institutions to feeling completely homeless in today’s politics.

It also became clear to me while debating my arguments in media on both the left and right —from BBC Any Questions to left-wing Novara, from writing in The Guardian to The Times. I just sense that many people on both the left and right are now united by a deep sense of disillusionment with the direction of British politics and the country.

Once you look beyond Twitter, once you look beyond the New Elite, once you step outside the universities, in other words, I think many people can relate to what I’m saying -that neither left nor right are adequately representing the country, that even after Brexit millions of people still feel their values and voice are not sufficiently reflected in the national conversation, and today a rapidly growing number of people are deeply alarmed by the continued onset of radical ‘woke’ progressivism.

So, before we move on this week and return to the usual political analysis I want to ensure that as many people are joining this conversation as possible. I’m marking the book’s return to the Sunday Times list by offering all free subscribers a one-time 25% discount on a full year’s membership —an opportunity to access the entire and growing archive, leave comments, get audio posts, and support independent, contrarian writers who, I hope, are throwing light on things you care about.

You can get the discount by following this link:


Best wishes and happy St. George’s Day! Matt

Matt Goodwin’s Substack goes out to around 13,000 subscribers from 105 countries around the globe each week and a growing number of active supporters who make this possible. To become an active supporter then upgrade. If you would like to ask Matt to speak at an event drop him a message or connect @GoodwinMJ.

Matt Goodwin’s Substack goes out to nearly 13,000 subscribers in 109 countries around the globe several times each week. Become an active supporter to access everything, leave comments, and support independent, contrarian writers.

Happy Saint George’s Day Henry!
Watch our video message on this special day by clicking the play button:
Hep us fight for England Henry!
The English Democrats is the ONLY English nationalist party!
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Yours for England,
The English Democrats

Today is St. George’s Day, the very special day for the English, when we celebrate our Patron Saint. It coincides, of course, with spring really kicking in, although it seems to be kicking in a little late this year!


But even the worst British weather can’t dampen English spirits on 23rd April, so wear your red rose and fly your Crusade Cross of St. George with pride.

If you’re not English, don’t worry, it’s not your fault!

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2 Responses to “Happy St Georges Day. England’s revival starts here.”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    I read his three recent Substack articles about this over the last few weeks. After you posted the first one then, I subscribed to free content

    All 3 were excellent, nail on the head, best summary of the recent history our current political predicament that I’ve seen. Most of the changes that he described have happened during my lifetime. It’s been like watching a slow motion train wreck over decades

    So I just bought the book via Bookfinder.com, who led me to Book Depository, where it is on sale for £8.00

    Is Goodwin a Teds supporter then Tap?

    • Tapestry says:

      Funnily enough I was tipped off by a senior Ted to follow Matt Goodwin. As for his being in any way a Ted, I wouldn’t know. He would probably maintain credibility by not declaring any loyalty to any particular party. I received the Teds St Georges Day communication in adjacent emails to the MG one wishing all a Happy St Georges Day, and thought they’d sit nicely together in a post. I should have thought about the impression it gives being as you describe. The two philosophies are very close – the only difference being that Goodwin writes about Britain, not England and the Teds want England out of the Union Joke. I wonder if Matt Goodwin’s political analysis stretches any further as regards St Georges Day. England alone is interested in our own saint. Did he tip a wink at independence there?

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