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Digital currency is not money.

A pound means a pound in weight of Sterling silver – hence the currency is called Sterling.

A pound can never be digital.

The paper version of a £ promised to pay the bearer on demand his lb (i.e. 16 ounces in weight) of sterling silver.

A digital version promises slavery, and nothing more.

Your silver has been removed and you’ll click buttons wondering what happened to your wealth.

Transfer money through whatever system they throw at us, but keep no money there.

It’s not money anyway, just digits on a computer screen, that can be deleted any time they want.

Keep 4 ounces of silver in your pocket, or 4 ounces in each pocket, and 800 ounces (50 lbs) around your home or workplace.

No one will refuse silver once digital money has become the discredited system it is bound to be. You won’t starve that way.

Buy gold if you want but it’s far too valuable and more a target for stealing.

Silver is money that you can use.  Dare I say, real money.  Used as such since time began.

I am making a few pure silver pieces for pocket money use at the moment –

No many in stock as yet I’m afraid…when I do have them, I’ll put them up on www.englandcalling.co.uk in the merchandising section, as hallmarked silver rounds.

Try in two weeks from now.


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5 Responses to “Digital currency is not money.”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Good advice Henry

    How are your silver rounds authenticated to be precisely one ounce of silver? Is there a certificate, or some other way of authentication to show your seller when using them? I imagine that they are not much use as money unless the recipient is confident about that authenticity

    Also, Silver Brittania’s are VAT free, so what about your rounds?

    800 ounces silver will be worth over £24,000 I guess. So secure storage in your home would be a good idea, any thoughts about that?


    • Tapestry says:

      Indeed Pete. Good points. Britannias have the edge I would say, but they are not always available. The rounds we are making, so far in very small numbers, are all hallmarked like jewellery That means each one is tested and certified by the assay office.
      VAT is chargeable but you can register as a dealer….
      Many fine ladies have jewellery at home of similar values…..all kept in their lovely jewellery boxes drawing attention from undesireables. Silver is a lot heavier to get to such values.
      You’d need a car outside the door.
      Spread your horde around is my advice. And have some security here and there. It would take some gathering 800 rounds spread over ten locations, and some carrying too.
      Many jewellers buy hallmarked silver by weight for cash……the market would develop I would imagine once there are people cut off from digital ‘currency’.
      The authentication other than the hallmark, is the weight. Many rounds made all over the place are sold unhallmarked. I am sure they are all sound.
      But even mints have been accused of under metalling in the past. I prefer selling hallmarked so there is no question. Price is yet to be agreed upon, but more like £24 net, I would think with silver at £20.45 at close yesterday.
      The profit margin is even then tiny. The volume could be staggering if people get off on the idea.

    • Sabremesh says:

      Slight correction. All silver coins including silver Britannias are subject to VAT at the standard rate of 20%, unless they are ‘pre-owned’.

      However, because the original purchaser will have paid VAT on them, and will want to recoup the outlay when selling on, VAT-free pre-owned Britannias are sold at a premium, and are almost as expensive as the new ones that have VAT added on.

      If purchasing non legal tender coins, then hallmarked coins would be an excellent option.

  2. newensign says:

    I have always been suspicious of crypto such as Bit coin that fluctuate wildly in value making it difficult to plan especially businesses where as Gold and Silver respond to scarcity of particular commodities. Its been show that a Roman best suit cost in gold terms the same as a high quality suit today!!

    • Tapestry says:

      Silver fluctuates also and can move very suddenly. At this point in time it is still fair value. I would be careful of buying during a price spike as it might spike downwards just as quickly.

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