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Vax Murderers………….John Kaminsky.

Vax murderers


Doctors, politicians, editors
deserve the death penalty
for conspiring to commit
premeditated genocide

The world government’s current murder for profit/population reduction scheme includes Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Media working together to exterminate millions of people — and succeeding.

Instead of interrogating ordinary people about their vaccine passports and punishing them if they’ve been smart enough to avoid the poison jab, I recommend something far more beneficial to the public interest.

Instead of needlessly interrupting the lives of innocent citizens with these senseless and sadistic annoyances, let’s indict all these sinister doctors, perverted politicians, elitist executives and media misanthropes for mass murder. Because the evidence is ironclad.

But unless you turn off your TV, you won’t be able to hear it.

Hear it, understand it, convict them, and then execute them. All of them. Here is the evidence.

1. According to its Nobel Prize winning inventor, Kary Mullis, the PCR test cannot actually identify any specific disease; therefore, this widely used test can’t prove that anyone has actually ever contracted COVID, never mind died from it. Yet millions of people, many of them children and young adults in the prime of life, have been murdered based upon rigged diagnoses which are provably bogus.

2. According to the most principled doctors in the world — namely Cowan, Kaufman and Lanka — the disease known as COVID has never been isolated nor purified, meaning that it doesn’t actually exist, and since all those poor people who have taken the jab and died, it must have been the treatment that killed them, since the disease doesn’t exist and has never existed.

3. The federal Emergency Use Authorization that allowed the government to mandate Remdesivir as a conditional treatment to treat this disease that didn’t exist was dependent on there being no other suitable treatment, which is why authorities fought so hard to ban hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as over-the-counter remedies for this flu disguised as a plague.

Because accepting them as legitimate treatments — which by now has long since happened — would mean Remdesivir was illegally approved because its viable alternatives were systematically suppressed in order to both fatten the profits of the pharmaceutical giants as well as the hospitals and doctors who conspired in this unfathomably despotic deception. This means all those conspirators in this diabolical plan can and should be indicted for conspiracy to commit mass murder, which has been occurring worldwide for more than two years.

4. Consistent with the banning of these over-the-counter remedies which reduced the lethality of whatever flu-like pox they had foisted on the public, the use of Remdesivir at $3200 per dose had proven lethal in previous trials yet wasl

Proof of the evil nature of this plan was evident in the total bonuses to hospitals upwards of $100,000 per cadaver produced by this demonic formula, which has forever stained the medical profession and demolished any confidence the public will ever have in the government that permitted it to happen, and in fact enthusiastically and cynically endorsed it the name of stupendous profits, pervasive corruption and misguided social megalomania.

What Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset has actually done is ruin human society. Its effects on a world governed by madmen are incalculable.

Foremost it has sabotaged future generations both psychologically and physiologically by acts of mutilation against children which can never be forgiven but also will never be adequately assessed for years to come, as children having heart attacks and babies born dead augur a nightmare future that might not even exist at all, once the parameters of the self-induced plague inflicted on our species are fully comprehended, if they ever are.

The horrific specter of inorganic but self-organizing sludge being extracted from the veins of murdered jab victims reveals the depraved mental processes that propelled our most highly paid physicians to contrive such a dastardly fate for their trusting patients, a betrayal that will never be understood by those who still warily try to understand that trusting our fellow human beings may have now sunk beyond realistic possibilities of human behavior. That would be a nightmare from which human beings could never recover.

Yet along with the destruction of the nuclear family and the permanent erasure of individual human autonomy, these seem to be some of the characteristics those megalomaniacs now tinkering with human anatomy seek to expunge from the repertoire of human behavior, an impression you nauseously get from watching that sick freak, the robot Jew Yuval Noah Hariri.

We’re talking about making slaves and eliminating humans, and the process — now that the medical profession has gone over to the dark side — may not be reversible.

A key factor in this darkening nightmare scenario is the accelerating decline of consciousness in the general population. Shredded by years to television and propaganda calculated to erode its faculties, the assembled electorate is no longer able to perceive a difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, or even between Ron DeSantis and Tulsi Gabbard, because both the candidates and the voter are so regimented in a curriculum imposed by Jewish media that very few can any longer envision a reality that nourishes individual freedom. For so long the only options have ever been take the bribe and accept your fate, and to aspire to anything else — like understanding what a truly free society would really be like — is simply way beyond what your local newspaper tells you what will ever be possible.

Did I mention what Freud forgot to tell you? The only thing that counts is what you do for others. What you do for yourself nobody really cares about.

The same thing applies in reverse. Nobody really cares about what you do TO yourself, but you will be forever known for what you have done TO others.

On that score, the most heinous butcher of all time can be none other than the current highest paid employee in the U.S. government, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who quite likely with his lies about his COVID concoction has killed more people that any other single person in history, or will be by the time a few years from now when his spike proteins have finished their diabolical destruction.

But what really makes him the champ of all the vax murderers is that he was likely the champ before the COVID deception ever began.

My friend Bruce McDonald wrote:

Fauci has LITERALLY been getting away with mass murder for DECADES!  This is a segment from a presentation given by Dr. Robert Willner where he accuses Anthony Fauci of genocide. 

Dr. Willner published the evidence to back up his claim in his book “Deadly Deception, The Proof that  SEX and HIV Absolutely DO NOT CAUSE AIDS.”  Dr. Willner even injects himself with the blood of someone known to have the HIV virus to prove his points! 

Dr. Willner exposes the first major criminal fraud perpetrated by Anthony Fauci, the HIV causes AIDS hoax.  Fauci realized he could hijack the newly invented PCR process to manufacture the perception that a pandemic was occurring by simply improperly calling the process “a test” and controlling the number of cycles used in the process.

This total FRAUD that HIV causes AIDS is STILL responsible for killing a never-ending stream of innocent people to this very day.  It’s a fraud that has generated well over half a TRILLION dollars in profits for Big Pharma by KILLING people with the most toxic drugs in existence.


Do I still need to tell you that it is way past time to rise up and destroy the maniacs who are destroying our country and the world, before we are no longer able to attempt such a vitally necessary maneuver?

Among other reasons, it would be the only way to convince the world that we have regained our sanity, which would forestall the necessity of the rest of the world to rise up and destroy the mad dog the United States of America has clearly become, which as we speak, China and Russia are certainly contemplating.

Because if we don’t do it ourselves, eventually someone else surely will.



John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.


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