Overcoming environmental damage to your energy output

Molecular Hydrogen Helps Ward Off EMF Damage

Molecular hydrogen may also help ward off some of the damage incurred by nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF). One theory advanced by Martin Pall, Ph.D., is that the primary danger of EMFs is the mitochondrial damage triggered by peroxynitrites, one of the most damaging types of reactive nitrogen species.

Low-frequency microwave radiation activates the voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the outer membrane of your cells, causing them to open, thus allowing an abnormal influx of calcium ions. This activates nitric oxide, which is a precursor for peroxynitrite.1

These potent reactive nitrogen species are associated with an increased level of systemic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction and are thought to be a root cause for many of today’s chronic diseases.

Clearly, limiting your EMF exposure should be your primary strategy, but if for whatever reason you cannot, then you may want to consider taking molecular hydrogen regularly to increase your endogenous antioxidants and limit the damage from peroxynitrite and other oxidative stressors. How does this work? LeBaron explains:

“One of the first studies, published in Nature Medicine in 20072 … found that in addition to [molecular hydrogen’s] ability to reduce hydroxyl radicals, [it could] reduce peroxynitrite. We see a reduction of the peroxynitrite levels, and we also see reductions — like in animals and tissue samples — of nitrotyrosine levels, which is a marker of the peroxynitrite as well.

Now, calcium signals can induce nitric oxide and activate various NOX enzymes to increase superoxide production, and then you have superoxide and nitric oxide, and they react instantaneously. If they come in contact with each other, they will form peroxynitrite. The only thing that limits how fast they react is the rate of diffusion.

So, what we need to do is … decrease the excessive production of superoxide or nitric oxide. Then we could essentially prevent peroxynitrite formation. And that’s exactly what molecular hydrogen does.

This is really fascinating because if you took other antioxidants and you put them in the presence of nitric oxide or superoxide, you could scavenge them. They would donate their electrons and neutralize them. That can be good, but it can also be bad, because your body makes and specifically uses things like superoxide to increase mitochondrial biogenesis, or nitric oxide for vasodilation.

So, we don’t want to just neutralize all of these. Hydrogen [is] selective, and if you put molecular hydrogen in the presence of superoxide or nitric oxide, there is no reaction. They don’t have a strong enough oxidizing power for hydrogen to react, so we don’t have to worry about that happening.

The question then is, how does hydrogen help with the superoxide and the nitric oxide when their levels are in excess production? That goes to this signal modulating effect. With superoxide, typically that’s from NADPH oxidase or NOX enzymes that can become hyperactivated.

Molecular hydrogen has this ability to down-regulate this NOX enzyme, so you end up producing less superoxide in the first place. And, if you have less superoxide, then you’re going to make less peroxynitrite.

And then, on the other side, when you have nitric oxide production, you have three main isozymes or enzymes. You have the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). eNOS, that’s in the endothelial cells, so typically, that’s good. You want more of that, you kind of lose that as you get older.

Incidentally enough, on a side note, molecular hydrogen can actually improve eNOS. So, we can have better blood perfusion and things in this way.

But the iNOS, specifically from macrophages, can be problematic. And hydrogen has this ability to down-regulate the activity of iNOS, of making this excessive nitric oxide production. So now you’re decreasing superoxide and nitric oxide levels, and consequently you get less peroxynitrite.”

How Molecular Hydrogen Can Optimize Exercise Performance

Molecular hydrogen can also be used to boost exercise endurance. LeBaron published a paper on this in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology a few years ago. There are also several others, including a systematic review and meta-analysis, that detail its favorable effects. As explained by LeBaron, it can help you push yourself harder, improve blood flow and reduce fatigue.

“One of the earliest studies found [molecular hydrogen could] prevent fatigue during a maximal isokinetic knee extension exercise. Isokinetic just means same speed, so you’re on a machine and you’re just doing these leg extensions. I think they did 50 in a row, and you just do them as hard as you can.

The group that took molecular hydrogen was able to maintain a higher force output during those 50 maximal isokinetic knee extensions. Also, they looked at exercising at around 70% your VO2 max, which is about close 70% of your max heart rate, and those who were doing this were able to exercise longer [and] had lower levels of lactate …

One interpretation is that molecular hydrogen may have improved the function of the mitochondria … Now, if we’re getting our ATP production from the mitochondria using aerobic respiration, then we don’t have to go through the anaerobic pathway of making lactate.

So that’s … why we’re seeing lactate decrease; we’re able to use the mitochondria to make ATP, so now we can exercise better, longer and have less fatigue, especially the perceived exertion.

There are also explanations in terms of lactate clearance and accelerating the Cori cycle and different things. But mitochondrial bioenergetics are probably a major target of molecular hydrogen …

[It’s also] protective, because when you exercise, you breathe a lot more and that’s going to make more free radicals. A lot of those free radicals are going to be very good for your body because it’s going to force you to make more antioxidants, it’s going to increase mitochondrial bioenergetics and all this stuff, but you’re still causing damage.

You’re still damaging DNA. With molecular hydrogen, you can negate or reduce the damaging effects of exercise while not inhibiting the benefits of exercise, and in fact, maybe even potentiating the benefits of exercises. This is the idea that hydrogen in some ways can act as an exercise mimetic. Not in the true sense, but maybe it’s a pseudo mimetic because it can activate some of the same metabolic pathways that exercise does.

And, in this case, it can maybe potentiate those benefits of exercise. Then again, to compare that to conventional antioxidants … taking high dose antioxidants can negate the benefits of exercise training.

Normally, with exercise you have improved insulin sensitivity, your glucose levels go down, you have better antioxidant status. Taking high levels of synthetic antioxidants can completely negate those benefits. So, again, hydrogen is superior because it doesn’t do that.”

How Molecular Hydrogen Rejuvenates Your Mitochondria

Interestingly, molecular hydrogen also induces heat shock protein responses, thereby mimicking some of the benefits of sauna therapy. One of the most important benefits of heat shock proteins is that they help refold misfolded proteins that no longer work properly and facilitates their removal if they can’t be properly refolded.

Some of LeBaron’s colleagues in Japan investigated this, showing molecular hydrogen is able to induce mtUPR, the mitochondrial unfolded protein response, which is thought to promote rejuvenation of the mitochondria. Molecular hydrogen has also been shown to upregulate collagen biosynthesis, which is important both for youthfulness and post-injury healing.

More Information

So, to recap, the reason molecular hydrogen can have such diverse benefits in so many different disease models is because, essentially, all of them have excessive oxidative stress, redox dysregulation and inflammation as their root cause.

By regulating the oxidative pathways, molecular hydrogen can address these root causes. It’s also selective and doesn’t create reductive stress by avoiding making excessive antioxidants if your body doesn’t need them.

For these reasons, it’s my absolute favorite antioxidant and, I believe, the best option for most. One potential contraindication would be if you have small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO), as, theoretically, those bacteria may feed on the hydrogen. This has not been confirmed, but it’s a theoretical possibility. So, if you have SIBO, carefully evaluate how you feel after taking it.

If you want to take a deep dive into the science and application of molecular hydrogen, check out LeBaron’s courses, available at molecularhydrogeninstitute.org. The institute offers four levels of certification, plus an apprentice course, but you don’t have to be a health professional to take them.

“These courses are specifically designed to eradicate a lot of the misinformation, get the correct information out and allow you to think about how to use molecular hydrogen the best, how to optimize it and so on. So I think people are going to really like them,” he says.


TAP – woudn’t this help those suffering from the spike protein?  jabbed or covid induced – both.

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