
a brilliant expose of how immigration is destroying Britain by acampaigning woman from Kent.

register with to receive video.

This is another from John York video on by Paul Rimmer

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11 Responses to “Britainistan”

  1. newensign says:

    Its not possible to see the links as VK won’t allow me to register. I suspect it doesn’t like my phone number – it defaults to +7 which I suspect is the Russian access code. One probably has to have a smart which I don’t.

    • Tapestry says:

      Interesting. I register with email address not phone successfully.

      • newensign says:

        I have tried with e-mail, it accepts the e-mail but then goes to the phone page with default +7, if I had a smart phone, still no chance as I don’t have a Russian number. The same applies to telegram – I think this may be the doing of the dirty trikes Dept. to stop us accessing media they don’t approve of Tap!!

  2. newensign says:

    correction smart phone

  3. Tapestry says:

    I messaged the channel to see if there is any other way to copy the videos – any other channels John York uses.

    • newensign says:

      Many thanks Tap for your efforts. I know I am considered an oddball for not having a smart phone! I am looking into the use of a virtual phone on the web to get a login code, for I understand that having done it once one log in thereafter with only an e-mail address.

  4. danceaway says:

    I don’t have one, either, new ensign!

  5. newensign says:

    Thanks Tap and Danceaway. Pleased to know I’m not the only one!!! I am just on an old phone £9 50 when I bought it a few years ago and what I think they call a dumb phone!