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Patrick O’Carroll – “Neutral” Switzerland is an Illuminati Whore

HenryMakow.com — March 10, 2023

“Major Swiss banks have been involved in financing BOTH SIDES
of all major “Illuminati”-planned wars in the world since around 1800 AD.
Like Britain, Switzerland is yet another Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing that has successfully managed for centuries to deceive the whole world into believing it is “decent”, “clean” “honest”, “harmless”, and “transparent”. Behind the scenes, the “Illuminati” are well aware that Switzerland is one of the most evil and corrupt countries in the world, and hence just the kind of venue they always needed, which is why they made it that way..”

by Patrick O’Carroll — (henrymakow.com)

Many great historians, such Professor Carroll Quigley, Professor Antony Sutton, and Fritz Springmeier, proved beyond all doubt that WW2 WAS THE SINGLE MOST CONTROLLED “CONFLICT” IN HUMAN HISTORY. And Switzerland played a key role in that rigged “conflict”.

CIA Director Allen Dulles was one of MK Ultra’s supporters.

Throughout WW2, Allen Welsh Dulles lived at HerrenGasse 23, Bern, Central Switzerland, right beside Bern’s central train-station. In 1945, Bern was only a two-hour journey from Basel by car or railway. Along with London and NYC, the “Illuminati” used Basel as one of their three main financial hubs for financing, and controlling, both “sides” of their wholly artificial WW2.

Still today, the address HerrenGasse 23 belongs to the residential part of the five-floor building complex that houses the famous Loeb retail-store in Bern, which is still owned today by the Swiss Jewish “Illuminati” family Loeb. See picture here.

Certainly, the name Loeb is a cognate of the German “der Löwe” for lion, and that is also a common surname adopted by Jews of Levite origin throughout Central Europe. Indeed, the birth name of the Jew Levi Strauss of Buttenheim-Bavaria was Loeb Strauss, or Löb Strauss. Other Swiss Levite Jews go by the surname Leu, which is a Swiss-German form of “der Löwe”, with a lion also featured on the logo of the important Swiss private bank Clariden Leu, now defunct.


Continues …


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2 Responses to “Patrick O’Carroll – “Neutral” Switzerland is an Illuminati Whore”

  1. ian says:

    An excellent post D’. I’ve been very busy for a few days, both my sons are away to some pool tournament and I have dogs, dogs and more dogs to walk, amongst my other duties, and my computer is playing up, but as Arnie famously said, I’ll be back.

  2. Tapestry says:

    When Rome fell the wealth transferred to the Helvetii. Where were they based? Switzerland.