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Trump is an Asset of KGB/Mossad Part V

Trump is an Asset of KGB/Mossad Part V

By Timothy Fitzpatrick

Why and for whom had convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged procurer girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell bugged the sexual encounters between his elite friends and children and prostitutes? Was it merely for billionaire Epstein’s own gain or was it for someone else? Was Epstein the ringleader? Or was it actually his girlfriend?

It seems unlikely that the already-rich Epstein did it for his own blackmail purposes. It’s difficult to find a clear motive.
Epstein doesn’t seem like a politically ambitious character. Instead, he seems content with his billions and sexual license. What seems more likely is that Epstein and Maxwell were doing it for a third party. Let’s continue to speculate, as we have for the breadth of this series, that that third party is Israel’s bloody spy agency Mossad and about what they stood to gain from Epstein’s sexual blackmail of prominent people, especially U.S. President Donald Trump.

Trump rides Lady Ghislaine in Mossad super cell

Donald Trump revealed in 2002 that he had been friends with Jeffrey Epstein for 15 years. That would put the start of their friendship around 1987; although, it’s possible their friendship began earlier. The late disgraced Mossad superspy and media mogul Robert Maxwell (jewish name: Abraham Leib Hoch, of a Chassidic jewish Czech family), the father of Epstein’s alleged child-sex procurer Ghislaine Maxwell, held a party on his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine (named after his favourite daughter), sometime in the spring of 1989. Guess who was at that party? Donald Trump. Also on board, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch[1], were Ghislaine Maxwell, former U.S. senator John Tower (of Iran-Contra scandal infamy), and other prominents, like ex-navy secretary John Lehman. Whether Epstein was at that party is anyone’s guess, but it’s certainly plausible, as Robert Maxwell had extensive dealings with bankers and financiers, including the Rothschilds, his “trusted friends” Goldman Sachs, and Lehman brothers. You’ll remember from the first part of this series that Trump’s yacht, Trump Princess, was purchased from Mossad asset and major Iran-Contra player Adnan Khashoggi.
Maxwell’s £12-million yacht, Lady Ghislaine, was purchased from one of Khashoggi’s brothers. As we will see, Maxwell himself was a significant player in the Iran-Contra affair on behalf of Israel’s Mossad and, to some extent, the Soviet Union.

So now we have established not only a long-standing relationship between Trump and Epstein but also between Trump and two Maxwells—Robert and his daughter Ghislaine. Trump’s late father Fred personally may have known Robert Maxwell as well, as Fred was involved in major real estate projects that would have interested characters like Maxwell and his money-laundering thug pals in the Soviet Union, who laundered much of their dirty money through New York and Florida—two places in which Donald Trump has primary residences. Donald Trump and Ghislaine could be friends, business partners, acquaintances, or perhaps something more. The trio (including Epstein) has been spotted together on multiple occasions, including when golf magazine writer Michael Corcoran sat with Trump, Ghislaine, and Epstein on Trump’s private plane in order to conduct an interview. In 2007, Ghislaine Maxwell was photographed with Ivanka Trump’s future brand officer of her clothing company at the Felix Rey Valentine’s Day party in New York City in 2007. Trump and Ghislaine may have been intimately involved with each other. Whatever the case, on board Lady Ghislaine that day in 1989, Trump was in the hands of a Mossad super cell.

Robert Maxwell: Soviet-friendly Mossad superspy

In that same year Trump was riding the Lady Ghislaine, Robert Maxwell was extremely busy scheming and scamming his way to riches and power, simultaneously working for himself as publisher of his British media empire, Mossad, the Soviets, and organized crime—all of which benefited each other in multiple ways. Maxwell biographers Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon write;

“Maxwell used the power of all his newspapers to attack Israel’s enemies” and that he had “acquired a rare and privileged position in the communist world.”

When Maxwell wasn’t making hundreds of millions hocking Mossad’s pirated and bugged version of Bill Hamilton’s PROMIS software to intelligence agencies, governments, and criminals around the world—even penetrating the Unites States’ most secure nuclear installation, Sandia National Laboratories—Maxwell was helping jewish-Soviet mob bosses like Simeon Mogilevich launder money through various world banks and through Maxwell’s complex web of dummy corporations (in the fourth part of this series, we learned of Trump’s role in helping the Mogilevich syndicate/Chabad Mafiya launder money through his real estate ventures. Mogilevich also got his hands on a copy of PROMIS, which was allegedly sold to Osama Bin Laden, among others) and brokering deals with likes of Soviet presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and Leonid Brezhnev (purported to be close friends with Maxwell), as well as KGB boss Vladimir Kryuchkov (the main player in the staged “August Coup” against Gorbachev and Perestroika). Maxwell helped Mogilevich obtain an Israeli passport through the Mossad under Soviet loyalist Israeli PM Yitzhak Shamir.
Perhaps it was Maxwell who first introduced Trump to Mogilevich and other jewish oligarchs and gangsters. Perhaps they even met on the Lady Ghislaine that day in 1989. Perhaps this is when the Soviets, through mobsters like Mogilevich, first recognized the potential to blackmail and groom Trump as an agent of influence. Former FBI director John O’Neil—who died his first day on the job; September 11, 2001; as head of security at Larry Silverstein’s World Trade Center—told journalists that Maxwell’s complex money laundering schemes became the model for Soviet and other organized crime syndicates. Evidently, Trump would go on to walk in Maxwell’s footsteps, providing channels for Soviet oligarch loot—stolen from the mostly peasant millions upon millions of victims of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Was Epstein blackmailing for Mossad through the Maxwells?

To bring plausibility to the theory that Epstein and/or Ghislaine were running the child-sex blackmail ring on behalf of the Mossad, we have to establish a clear link to the Mossad. One is Robert Maxwell, via his daughter Ghislaine. The weight of evidence suggests that in 1991, the Mossad, itself, murdered Robert Maxwell after he allegedly tried to blackmail them into paying off his massive debts and because of the implications of the revelations in The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy by journalist Seymour Hersh that same year that Maxwell had been a secret spy for the Mossad—something that was not publicly known up until that point. Maxwell was apparently assassinated shortly after the publication of Hersh’s book, after British Labour MPs George Galloway and Rupert Allason quoted before the House of Commons a portion of Hersh’s book as it pertained to Maxwell and demanded an investigation into Maxwell and his Mossad ties. The Hersh citations, then free to be reported on by the press under parliamentary privilege, found their way into the British media, and Mossad’s charade began to unravel. Hersh also revealed that one of Maxwell’s Mirror editors, Nick Davies, had helped Maxwell and the Mossad betray former Israeli nuclear technician whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu. Mossad defector Ari Ben-Menashe claimed that in 1986 Robert Maxwell alerted the Israeli embassy (Mossad) that Vanunu had given The Sunday Times a story exposing Israel’s nuclear development at Dimona. Vanunu mistakenly thought that he was giving an independent news outlet the story of the decade. Instead, what he got was a Mossad honey trap, which resulted in the Mossad kidnapping Vanunu after being lured to Italy by a woman of the Mossad. Vanunu was then incarcerated for 18 years in Israel. These revelations, along with Maxwell’s mountainous debt, his ever rising complications with money laundering in the Soviet Bloc, and his supposed blackmail of the Mossad, appear to have led to his assassination on the Lady Ghislaine 5 November 1991, just weeks after the Hersh bombshell.

Apparently, the Mossad had had enough of a man Likudnik Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir once described as having done more for Israel than any other man on the planet. But remember, there is no honor among thieves. Many high-level operatives were murdered in the aftermath of the Iran-Contra affair—the affair itself being used expressly to help Israel arm Iran and Iraq as part of a Balkanization scheme, which became known as the Yinon Plan. Israel also used the scandal to install Ronald Reagan as president—clearly the preferred choice of the Likud-Chabad syndicate. Donald Trump would go on to become Reagan 2.0 in 2016. Maxwell directly aided the Yinon Plan-Iran-Contra scandal by helping to arm Iran with weapons from Soviet occupied Poland. Kryuchkov was fully aware of Israel’s interests in arming its enemies and played right along (Mossad-KGB collaboration). “So the Iranians get to kill more Iraqis. Then, when Tehran is on top, Israel starts to supply Baghdad so as to kill more Iranians.”

Ghislaine Maxwell went on the record stating that her father was murdered, despite the botched investigation that tended towards either a suicide or accident conclusion. Ghislaine didn’t hint at who might have carried out the hit. Would she go on, only a few years later, to help Mossad set up Operation Jeffrey Epstein knowing that the very people she was working for might have killed her dad? Or did her father receiving a state funeral in Jerusalem—attended by the Israeli government’s top brass—fool her into thinking that Mossad was innocent of her father’s death? More interestingly, yet, perhaps she never volunteered to aid the operation in the first place but was approached by the Mossad and obliged out of fear that she might meet a similar fate as her father.
She could have detached herself from the past in order to gain what Mossad could have offered her. She was reportedly the most practical in her behavior after learning of her father’s death.

More Epstein-Maxwell-Mossad connections

Another Mossad connection between Maxwell and Epstein is Ehud Barak, former Israeli Prime Minister. While working for Mossad and helping Soviet jews immigrate to Israel, Robert Maxwell would meet with Barak, who was then director of Aman, Israel’s military intelligence. After authorities sentenced Epstein for child prostitution in 2008, they discovered a black contact book containing names of many prominent people, some of whom Epstein is believed to have blackmailed. As well, it contained contact information for some of the child victims. Barak’s name is in there…and it is was circled by Epstein’s former housekeeper Alfredo Rodriguez (since died mysteriously) as being one of many to either witness or participate in Epstein’s abuse of young girls. Also circled were the names of Trump, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Alan Dershowitz, among others. Soviet asset Henry Kissinger—close friend to Robert Maxwell—was also listed in Epstein’s book.

Another (potential) Mossad connection with Epstein—also with Robert Maxwell—is late jewish billionaire bankster Edmund Safra. In a long list of Iran-Contra-Oded-Yinon players, Safra also appears to have been assassinated, in 1999. Safra’s name and contact information were found in Epstein’s black book. Safra was the owner of National Republic Bank of New York and helped Robert Maxwell launder money from the Soviet Bloc.

Maxwell’s involvement in the Soviet Perestroika deception

In addition to Seymour Hersh’s exposure of Robert Maxwell as a secret Mossad spy, Israel may have also feared what Maxwell might reveal about Zionist-Soviet collaboration as well as the Perestroika (restructuring of Russian communism for public consumption) deception, of which Maxwell would certainly have had knowledge, being a close friend with Kryuchkov—one of the fake plotters used to legitimize Perestroika and Glasnost as authentic. Kryuchkov helped Maxwell set up 600 companies through which to move dirty money around the globe; some of that money was made from the theft of U.S. technology. The Soviet defector who exposed the perestroika plot, Anatoliy Golitsyn, says this about Kryuchkov:

“As a leading KGB official, he supervised the experiments with ‘democratization’ in Czechoslovakia and Poland. His KGB advisers worked closely with the Czechoslovak and Polish security services. As deputy head of the KGB since 1978, Kryuchkov has been intimately engaged in the preparation of ‘perestroika’.”

Before Maxwell became a media baron, he served both in British intelligence and in British Parliament as a Labour MP. Ideologically, he appears to have been the quintessential socialist jew, except when it came to his own capitalist businesses. Maxwell even smoked specially rolled Cuban cigars on the order of crypto-jew Fidel Castro himself. So it was that Maxwell would go on to collaborate with the Communists in the Soviet Union to help jews colonize Israel and to help the communists rob blind the proletariat. The Soviets began to issue visas to its jews planning to immigrate to Israel following Maxwell’s visits to and collaboration with the Soviet Union. The astute reader will remember that the Soviet Union, next only to the United States, was the first to recognize the illegal state of Israel in 1948. I won’t get into it here, but it’s well-established that communism and socialism are constructs designed to advance exclusively jewish interests. Maxwell, and almost certainly Mossad, could have been part of the Soviet development of the Perestroika deception (the fake collapse of communism designed to bring down the guard of the West). The Mossad’s motto, after all, is By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt do War. Could Maxwell’s alleged blackmail of Mossad have involved disclosure of Israel’s collaboration with the Soviets and their perestroika fraud? It seems that such a revelation would have been more detrimental to Israel’s long-range global plan—especially in light of their immense alliance with Russia today—than anything Mossad defectors Victor Ostrovsky or Ari Ben-Menashe revealed as motives—not to say that what they revealed wasn’t significant. It certainly was.

Golitsyn summarizes the role of agents of influence like the late Robert Maxwell and U.S. President Donald Trump working in tandem with Soviet Perestroika initiatives:

“These KGB assets will be used to generate Western support for ‘perestroika’ in the USSR and Eastern Europe and also to prepare a favourable climate for ‘restructuring’ in, and convergence with, the United States, Europe and the Third World…. The ultimate objective is Lenin’s replacement of nation states with collective regional governments as building blocks of the ‘New World Social Order’ – World [Communist] Government…. What the West fails to appreciate is that the motive for doing so and for introducing controlled ‘democracy’ is to stimulate changes in the Western system and to facilitate the convergence of the two systems with a view to the eventual absorption of the Western democracies within a World Government.”

Israel’s use for Perestroika is part of its world governance strategy, which involves the leadership of the rising Eurasian power, or BRICS hierarchy, with the self-proclaimed “chosen people” ruling it all. The jews call it “olam ha ba”, the world to come—their messianic kingdom on earth with gentiles as their footstool.

No doubt, Maxwell used his vast influence through his media empire not only to portray Israel as the good guy but also to perpetuate the legitimacy of Gorbachev’s perestroika deception. The media, after all, were the Western’ world’s only disseminators of what went on in the Soviet Union. Thomas and Dillon reveal Kryuchkov as saying, “’Comrade Maxwell is going to be a good friend of this country.’ And Maxwell replied that he would be glad to tell the world how much the Soviet Union was changing.” Maxwell would go on to purchase the English-speaking Soviet paper The Moscow News:

“The newspaper had been Maxwell’s attempt to embrace the liberating policies of Mikhail Gorbachev. Both saw the newspaper as a means to promote perestroika.”

Did Maxwell pass on sexual blackmail of Trump to the Soviets?

If Robert Maxwell, or even his daughter Ghislaine, had blackmail material on Donald Trump, either from Jeffrey Epstein’s various Kompromat Klubs or other sources, what are the chances that it was passed on not only to Mossad but also to the Soviets? Perhaps the Mossad originally contracted it out to the Soviets and Maxwell joined the fray later, or Soviet blackmail of Trump may have been a backup to Mossad’s. We may never know. But the highly controversial Christopher Steele dossier tends to corroborate this theory as well as Golitsyn’s perestroika deception hypothesis—something both the Left- and Right-wing media completely ignore. Unfortunately, those on the Right have been kept from reading the dossier by way of deception. They have been told that it was invented by the Democrat Party, which it doesn’t appear to be. The dossier appears to be authentic and is a must read for truth seekers. The Steele dossier discusses Trump’s sexual compromise as taking place in Russia (i.e. “PissGate”), which isn’t hard to believe. It doesn’t say exactly how far back the kompromat of Trump extended, but it’s likely to have gone back many years, as Trump has been involved with the Russians for a long time.

Maxwell’s protege Epstein

Like Ghislaine and Jeffrey Epstein, Robert Maxwell was considered a “sexual predator” by at least one lover of his. Also like Ghislaine and Epstein, he was no stranger to bugging. Maxwell had bugged his own offices—even restrooms—at the Daily Mirror in order to snoop on his employees. It seems that Ghislaine sees in Epstein the image of her father. Is this the reason she aids and abets his criminal activities, or is it because as the ringleader, she needs him. Perhaps it’s a little bit of both.

Maxwell a Chabadnik?

In the previous installment of this series, we learned how Soviet power changed only in name—from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to an organized crime syndicate controlled by the Chassidic jewish Chabad Lubavitch, with which Donald Trump is deeply entangled. Although Maxwell’s upbringing was in a Chassidic jewish household, there isn’t a lot of evidence linking Maxwell to the Chabadniks. In 2015, Chabad Headquarters published an article linking Maxwell with Chabadnik rabbi Yitzchak (Izzy) Kogan.

“Emotionally difficult though it was, Izzy nevertheless returned to Russia and put his street-smarts to work, negotiating with diplomats and private philanthropists to facilitate the dramatic air-lift of 226 children from the Chernobyl area to Israel. He reached out to Robert Maxwell and Armand Hammer who sent their own aircraft to evacuate the children since Russia refused to provide its own carrier. After several tense days during which the children were kept waiting in the Minsk airport with 400 frustrated parents, they finally arrived in Israel to great fanfare.”



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