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Remember This: These Groups Were Exempted From Getting COVID Shots in 2020. Never Forget This

It was a planned genocide. It was mass murder. They murdered our friends, family and loved ones and they didn’t care

They did it for money.

No amnesty. Never ever forget what they have done to the children. Your children. Your grandchildren.

Source: Rense Radio

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4 Responses to “Remember This: These Groups Were Exempted From Getting COVID Shots in 2020. Never Forget This”

  1. ian says:

    My best friend. Well, shall I say long term friend. We met at primary school, and though we’ve often taken different paths, we stay in touch. He would be outraged at me, if I sent him this. He’s a really decent bloke, 70, very fit, yet he proudly told me that he’d got the Flu Cv double tap recently. TV is their truth. I tried sending him a couple of easy watching videos by Vernon Coleman early on, before the jab rollout. He sent me back Loads of angry face emojis. I have tried to awaken him, or even discuss some fake history even 9/11, etc it results in angry ultimatums. I’ll always be his friend, I was his best man, but it’s to me is so sad that they can’t be reached.

    Down the road from is an old couple. He’s 91 she’s 89. Two years ago, Jimmy, the old guy barrowed a load of farmyard manure to his garden 100 yds away. Now he’s dying with cancer and his very fit wife is going blind. I blame the shots. My youngest son remarked that Jimmy had went from being a 60 year old 90 year old, to a 120 year old in six months.

    It’s very disturbing. I’m noticing a lot of fights breaking out too, and bad driving. The local news is full of it. Could this be the shots, or perhaps the stress of the last two years. I wish I could wake folks up.

    • Gordon says:

      Know what you mean Ian. Lost a good friend-neighbour a week ago due to blood cancer (forgot the name of it). He was gone less than six months from taken the kill shot.

      I won’t use full names of people whom had died in my village within the last year after taken the kill shot and boosters.

      Keith in remission of cancer died of cancer after taken the shots.

      David died in his car on his way home from taken the kill shot.

      Gib cured of cancer died of blood cancer within six months of taken the kill shot and boosters.

      Tommy died of cancer after taken the kill shot and boosters.

      Ken died after taken the kill shot and boosters.

      Bill died of cancer after taken the kill shot and boosters.

      Gib, Tommy, Ken and Bill all lived in the same street. Also in the same street Ian and Jimmy contracted Shingles after taking the kill shot and boosters.

      Kay’s neurological system is affected after taken the kill shot as is Cath’s.

      And these are only the people I know of yet when telling folk to question the C-Vax I only ever get a vacant look.

  2. Weaver says:

    It is very sad Ian but some people just do not want to listen and I have learned that you have to step back. It is very frustrating and I have lost count of the times I have been called a conspiracy theorist but when you know the truth you feel you want to share it. I think we get affected more because we are seeing everything happen in real-time and want to do something about it but nobody is listening.

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