Gen. Milley wants ceasefire. NYT, Ukraine next move Melitopol. G20, US & UK want Lavrov shunned. U/1

Collective west not winning the economic war so heavily focused on regime change. It’s all about money. Keep the money flowing. Russia wants to be sovereign and left alone. Will use diplomacy and economic strengths, along with military. Surovikin’s plan to grind the Ukrainians down. Over 50% of Ukrainian forces now reported to be mercenaries; they are expensive.

Telegraph article – US and UK asking other G20 participants to refuse to eat with Lavrov, be photographed with him, to have bi-lateral meetings with him, and to walk out when he speaks. This is the level that diplomacy has sunk to; an insult to children to call this childish; children have more common sense and humanity.

Passionate video from Alex.

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