15 November 2022

Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Once again, anti-Russian Western policies are impacting the international supply. According to a recent report by Russian authorities, thousands of tonnes of Russian fertilizers are being seized by the European Union, prevented from being used for food production. This type of measure is extremely dangerous for food security and worsens the global supply crisis.

In a recent statement, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin said that more than 280,000 tonnes of Russian mineral fertilizers remain detained in European ports. The number is the result of a long process of retention in recent months. Moscow would have negotiated the export of these fertilizers with partner countries around the world, mainly Africa, in the context of recent Russian policies of free shipping of goods to emerging states, in order to contribute to combating the supply crisis. However, Europeans would be arresting the goods and preventing them from leaving the continent’s ports.

“Up to 280,000 tonnes of Russian mineral fertilizers have been under arrest in a number of European countries over recent months (…) It is that part of the mineral fertilizers which were seized in European ports and which we are able to export at our expense. The fertilizers will also go free of charge to those African countries. In addition, we are engaged in a number of projects with other countries (…)”, he said.

The deputy minister also emphasized the importance of sending fertilizers in large scale to poor countries as a guarantee of food security, stating that without such products there will be no grains in the coming seasons, generating a widespread problem. In the West, the importance of grain distribution to combat hunger is always mentioned, but the relevance of fertilizers is neglected – perhaps deliberately, in order to affect Russian agricultural industry, since Russia is one of the world’s main fertilizer producers.

“In general, it is evident to everybody that when it comes to grains, it is food security. But in my opinion, food security is no less affected by fertilizer exports, as the next year’s crops will be called into question without fertilizers”, he added.

Vershinin also commented on how the European policy of blocking Russian exports is one of the reasons why Russia was extremely dissatisfied with the management of the Grain Deal. Although new negotiations have taken place recently, with the western side making firmer commitments, little has been seen in the sense of actually implementing the agreed measures. So far, the general situation of the food crisis remains the same: the West causes shortages and blames Russia for it.

Moscow continues to maintain its normal flow of grain and fertilizers through the Black Sea and hopes that the shipped containers are correctly redistributed to the emerging countries to which they are destined. However, when such products arrive in Europe, instead of being redirected, they are held indefinitely. The western media plays its role in this operation against Russia by mobilizing public opinion, as the major western newspapers describe the absence of agricultural commodities in emerging countries as a “Russian crime” and simply ignore that it is the European Union that is illegally arresting goods in their ports and increasing world hunger.

According to Vershinin, this situation is reaching a dangerous point, as the longer the West delays in fulfilling its obligations, the more emerging countries worsen their food security conditions. He called on the entire international society to work together so that the case is resolved as quickly as possible, before social disasters become inevitable.

“There is extremely little time left. I have told you about the circumstances we take into account in decision-making. And here, as they say, every day is precious. That is why, our message to the UN representatives, so to speak, was that we should not waste time, but should use every day to achieve meaningful results. It is all the more important that we work to ensure food security, and we are doing our job (…)”, he stated.

In fact, the position of international organizations cannot be silent in the face of this type of scenario. The UN, and even more specifically the FAO, must officially speak out to condemn the West – or at least start investigations focused on attesting to the veracity of data reported by the Russian government. It is unacceptable for an organization so publicly committed to democratic and humanitarian values as the EU to act so perversely against poor countries and vulnerable populations, just with the interest of harming Russia’s international image.

Furthermore, it is clear how such policies generate a reverse effect: the more the EU and the West try to blame Russia for their own crimes, the more emerging countries tend to distance themselves from the West itself, as it is clear in the current situation which side is really cooperating against hunger and which side is acting in a destabilizing way.

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The EU is doing this to themselves just as planned. America and Canada are next. Prayed up and prepped up.
