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Justin Bieber: Facial paralysis is ‘punishment’ for exposing illuminati pedophilia

A Hollywood insider has revealed that Justin Bieber believes his recent misfortunes are a physical manifestation of the dark forces that took control of his body and soul after joining the Illuminati at the start of his career.

(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from NewsPunch.com)

Hold onto your seats, because this is about to get wild.

In June, Bieber revealed he was suffering from facial paralysis, after a diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt syndrome. The 28-year-old, who had been on his Justice world tour, announced that recent shows have “taken a real toll” and he needs more time to “rest and get better”.

Earlier this year on March 10, Bieber’s supermodel wife Hayley Bieber was similarly struck down by another unusual ailment. The 25-year-old was sitting at a table with her husband when she suffered a mini-stroke, disabling her and requiring urgent hospitalization.

Bieber believes that their ailments are the physical manifestation of their efforts to break out of the Illuminati entertainment industry and break his contract with the “black prince.”

He has been trying to break free of the industry since 2017, when he told hundreds of people at a Bible study class in Los Angeles that he had “woken up” to the “evils of the music industry” and needed to get out because it is “controlled by the absolute worst kind of people – pedophiles.”

Bieber was a regular at a Bible study class held at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills and in July 2017 he shared with the congregation what he described as a “horrific story” and explained why he felt he had to quit his world tour.



Describing a party – attended by the upper echelon of the music business, including executive VPs of development, producers, power agents and international financiers – Bieber said he was encouraged to sexually abuse a young child who had been brought to the party for the sexual gratification of the industry elite.

“I didn’t want to do this. I really didn’t. They said this kid was drugged, it was horrible,” Bieber said, explaining that it was made clear to him that he would gain entry to the “business side of the industry” if he “joined the club” by passing the initiation rites.

“I wouldn’t just be a performer, I’d be a mogul. That path would open up for me, like it did for Jay-Z.”

“It’s the difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire.”

But Bieber told the congregation that he couldn’t do it.

“To join the club I’d have to do bad things to this poor kid. But then I realized that even that wasn’t enough for them. I’d also have to kill this little child.”

Bieber said he had heard rumors about this type of initiation in the music industry, but he had not been confronted with it before.

“I got told they secretly film these parties. Once they’ve got you on video doing something like that, they own you.”

Bieber said his conscience is clear because he didn’t participate, but the fate of the drugged child is haunting him.

“They said this kid was raped by a few different guys. They said he was bleeding. I got out of there but I heard he died and that haunts me.”

Bieber’s disturbing tale, which was completely censored by the mainstream media to protect the industry elites, adds to the wave of accusations made by celebrities and musicians about the real nature of the music and entertainment industry Illuminati.

Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood have both gone on record exposing the pedophilia at the heart of Hollywood. Disney child stars including Bella Thorne are blowing the whistle on the real nature of the industry.

According to Elijah Wood, innocent young lives are destroyed to satisfy “people with parasitic interests” who “see you as their prey.” In an interview with the Sunday Times, Wood dropped a series of bombshells about the pedophiles that run the industry, noting that “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organized.”

If you read the Washington Post or watch CNN, pedophilia is not a problem, and those who talk about it are tinfoil hat wearing kooks perpetuating ‘fake news.’ But more and more stars are coming forward with similar stories about the depraved Hollywood and music industry system, including former Disney star China McClain who recently exposed the depths of Satanism in Hollywood.

Hollywood maverick Mel Gibson is another one who has spoken about entertainment industry pedophilia, stating that Hollywood studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children” and the consumption of “baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own.”

Hollywood elites are an “enemy of mankind continually acting contrary to our best interests” and “breaking every God given taboo known to man, including the sanctity of children,” Mel Gibson said in London while promoting his role in Daddy’s Home 2, his most prominent on-screen role in years.

“It’s an open secret in Hollywood. These people have their own religious and spiritual teachings and their own social and moral frameworks. They have their sacred texts – they are sick, believe me – and they couldn’t be more at odds with what America stands for.

Mel Gibson appeared on the Graham Norton Show on the BBC in 2017 while promoting his role in Daddy’s Home 2, his most prominent on-screen role in years, and he schooled his fellow guests backstage about the real nature of the entertainment industry control matrix.

Explaining that he spent the last 10 years “working on my own ideas, outside of the Hollywood system” after being blacklisted in 2006 for sharing opinions about the industry and the world that run counter to liberal orthodoxy, Gibson said, “I don’t know how to break it to you gently… Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia.

Hollywood is drenched in the blood of innocent children. For a long time all the references to pedophilia and cannibalism were symbolic or allusive. But I was personally introduced to the practice in the early 2000s. I can talk about this now because these people, the execs, they’re dead now.”

“The blood of a sexually abused infant is considered highly ‘enriched’ and is highly prized. The money changing hands, the favors, the kickbacks – you have no idea. Babies are a high-functioning currency all of their own. Babies are their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak.”

But according to Gibson this isn’t a flavor-of-the-month perversion, popular among men and women who have grown bored of standard issue sins.

This isn’t anything new. If you do some research you will see it’s a metaphysical, alchemical phenomenon and you can find it behind the scenes in all the dark eras in history. 

“It’s a dark, multidimensional occult art and practice, used by secret societies in the last few hundred years for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith by Hollywood in America in our era.

The mainstream media quickly pounced on Gibson’s revelations, declared them fake, and memory-holed them. A celebrity cannot speak out against the system without being silenced and punished. Gibson’s career has not been the same since.

In recent times Nicole Kidman and Lindsay Lohan also spoke out about pedophilia in Hollywood, before backtracking, attempting to cover their tracks, and pretending they never said what they did. Lohan and Kidman understand the severity of the consequences for those who betray the industry.

Close friends of Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Coolio and Anne Heche have come forward with remarkably similar stories, revealing the stars were working on exposing the pedophile ring at the heart of the music industry – and it cost them their lives.

Justin Bieber shocked his fans by cancelling his world tour and announcing that he needed some time away from the music industry. Now the claims that his misfortunes, health ailments and his recent fall from grace in the music industry are punishment for betraying the music industry Illuminati and attempting to break free of the vast control system.

Bieber is now seeking a priest to perform an exorcism to get rid of the “dark spirituality” that he says he invited into his body at the start of his career.

We can only wish him the best of luck in his endeavors.



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