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The Great Conspiracy in History That No One Talks About – Part III – Hugh Williams

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Before the Reformation, while society was not perfect, it was based on Christian Faith, Hope and Charity, and this is evidenced by the magnificent cathedrals, churches and monasteries that were built and which we can still visit, either as places of worship or as interesting ruins. And there would be much more evidence still available had the Reformers not destroyed countless books and religious paintings, allowed religious buildings to fall into decay, and melted down gold and silver chalices for their personal gain.

If People Understood the Reformation Better, They Would Equally Understand the History of the Past Five Hundred Years Better

The following is an excerpt from the book Global Conspiracy, by Hugh Williams, available at St Edward’s Press Ltd. To order the book, please visit the publisher’s website here.

This is part III of The Great Conspiracy in History That No One Talks About. Click here to read part I: The Protestant Reformation and its Legacy; and here to read part II: People’s Lives Depended on, and Benefitted from, the Monastic System

It has only dawned on me recently that, if people understood the Reformation better, they would equally understand and know the history of the past five hundred years better. Without that understanding, nearly all of the events that follow the Reformation will appear to be a disconnected series of events. But once one can see that the Reformation laid the foundation on which subsequent developments have been built, one can see how nearly all the events of subsequent history are both connected to each other and also related to the turmoil that engulfs the world in the twenty-twenties.

Before the Reformation, while society was not perfect, it was based on Christian Faith, Hope and Charity, and this is evidenced by the magnificent cathedrals, churches and monasteries that were built and which we can still visit, either as places of worship or as interesting ruins. And there would be much more evidence still available had the Reformers not destroyed countless books and religious paintings, allowed religious buildings to fall into decay, and melted down gold and silver chalices for their personal gain.

This was the noble, nay holy, system that the Reformers swept away leaving the ground cleared for them to start a whole new philosophy based on the two twins of (1) Making money and (2) A determination both to destroy what was left of Catholicism and prevent it from spreading its message around the world. There are other things one might mention but this particular chapter is meant to be merely an overview. This may seem a startling announcement but here are twenty-five instances that show how many of the key events that have taken place since the Reformation have been planned by our conspirators, either to attack Catholicism or to make money:

Sixteenth Century
1. Piracy on the high seas. On the whole this was directed against Catholic Spain and conducted by pirates licensed by the Protestant British government. So, the famous Sir Francis Drake was none other than a licensed pirate, and yet we are taught to regard him as a heroic seafarer.
2. The Slave Trade. While this utterly reprehensible practice was begun by others, the British were soon encouraged to take part and enjoy the rich pickings that were available.
3. The Spanish Armada (1588) was launched by Spain in horror at the execution of Catholic Mary Queen of Scots the previous year, and to try to undo the effects of the Reformation in Britain.

Seventeenth Century
4. The Gunpowder Plot (1605). Of course one could never agree with anyone wanting to blow up Parliament, but do we still need to be celebrating its discovery over four hundred years later with fireworks and the mawkish and unpleasant burning a “Guy” on 5th November each year? It is an undeniably anti-Catholic commemoration.
5. The Thirty Years War. This little considered war (1618-1648) resulted in the deaths of nine million Christians and devasted the continent of Europe.
6. Ireland. We should also consider Oliver Cromwell and the campaign he waged against the Catholics in Ireland (1649-1653); a campaign that still has its echoes today. The problems created for Brexit by the Northern Ireland border, would not have occurred if the island of Ireland had been allowed to remain wholly Catholic.
7. It was about this time (the second half of the Seventeenth Century) that the business area known as the City of London began to develop. As a result of Cromwell’s actions, the City, and particularly the Bank of England (formed in 1694), became the financial base from which all future developments would be controlled.
We say more about the City in Chapter 12 and so suffice to say here that the City, through the Bank of England, exerts very considerable financial control over all of us.
And while on this subject, it is very telling how in the UK the worship of money has taken precedence over the worship of Almighty God when one thinks how public holidays in the UK, instead of being called holy days or feast days (the latter being usually marked in honour of a Saint) are now called bank holidays.
8. The Glorious Revolution (1688) This is called “Glorious” for the simple reason that it saw, and celebrated, the exile of James II, the last Catholic monarch in Britain.

Eighteenth Century
9. The War of the Spanish Succession (1700-1711) was, in effect, fought to prevent the French, who supported Catholic James II, returning him to the British throne. The ’15 and the ’45 rebellions were also attempts to return a Catholic king to the British throne.
10. This century also saw the consolidation and polarisation in Great Britain of the two main political parties: The Tories, later to be called Conservatives, who favoured tradition, and the Whigs, later to be called Liberals, who supported the ideas of the Enlightenment. While there is much that could be said to explain this development, what is seldom realised today is how, once Members of Parliament had been thus categorised, those who wish to control what goes on the world could do so by means of “whipping” MPs. A political system that is based on political parties prevents MPs from thinking and acting independently, which is why MPs today are little more than sheep that can be easily rounded up by sheepdogs, the whips, and forced to do their master’s bidding.
11. The Age of Reason or the Age of the Enlightenment. The whole thrust of the promotion of this school of thought was, and still is, to foster the false belief that Reason and Science had been stifled before the Reformation; and that, at last, man was free to develop his own independent thoughts. While this matter is dealt with in Chapter 6, perhaps I might simply say that there is copious evidence that the Reformation had the reverse effect to the one that those who call themselves “Enlightened” claim. This is because the Reformers stifled the great advances that had been made during the Mediaeval period and that, had the Reformation not happened, Science would have developed much more rapidly and a great deal sooner. Instead of setting Man free, the Age of Reason has actually led to the State gradually dominating and controlling our lives more closely than has ever happened in the past.
12. The Seven Years War (1756-1763) was a war waged, and waged successfully, by Britain to stop Catholic France trying to thwart the development and spread of the…
13. … British Empire (1707 to 1948). It is now becoming much more a matter of public knowledge how appallingly the British, through their burgeoning empire, behaved in India, the West Indies, Canada and, later, in South Africa, and all to gain greater power and wealth. For example, before the British began to control India in 1757, India accounted for about 25% of the world’s economy. By the time the British left in 1947, that proportion had slumped to 3%.
14. The French Revolution (1789- 1799) while this did not stem directly from the English Reformation, its whole purpose was to devastate Catholicism in France. It also saw the effective end of the French Catholic royal family.

Nineteenth Century
15. The Industrial Revolution. While not all of the Industrial Revolution was built on the backs of slaves in the West Indies and suppressed natives in India, a great deal of it was. This very profitable revolution was at its peak in the first half of the nineteenth century.
16. The Communist Manifesto. This was published in 1848 and called for the overthrow of the Church through plunder, violence and deceit.
17. The Year of Revolutions. 1848 was the Year of Revolutions though its existence is barely mentioned today. There were revolutions this year in France, Milan, Prague, Switzerland and Ireland. Two years before they took place one of its instigators, Piccolo Tigre announced, “We must stifle the Catholic Church and the Christian germ.”
18. The Crimean War (1853 – 56). The purpose of this war was Russia’s wish to overrun the Islamic State of Turkey and protect Christians living in the Holy Land. Russia was thwarted in this pro-Christian aim by Britain and her allies.
19. Darwinism. On the Origin of Species was published in 1859 and, as everyone knows, the world has been taught to pay homage to Charles Darwin for promoting the Theory of Evolution, a theory about which Darwin himself expressed grave doubts. The key point about this theory, which the world accepts as fact, despite the ever-developing huge holes in its carapace, is that if humans, plants, animals and the whole universe came into being by accident, then we have no need for a god, let alone a Christian God. (St Edward’s Press has published a book that details the arguments against Darwinism. It is called Gwynne’s Evolution or Creation? See also Chapter 1 in this book.)

Twentieth Century
20. The First World War (1914 – 1918). This war should never have happened, but there were forces that very much wanted it to be waged with the intention that Christian Europe should suffer huge devastation and need to borrow enormous funds with which to rebuild itself. It resulted in the deaths of eight and a half million men, mainly young Christians, and the destruction of the Austrian and German royal families.
21. Russian Revolution (1917) resulted in the end of the Russian Christian royal family and led to Stalin becoming responsible for the deaths of about fifty million Christians. Some say this figure is too low.
22. The Power of the Press. We cover this in Chapter 13 and so let us limit comments to the point that those who exert power over the press have extended their control over the rest of the media, including the film, publishing and other industries.
23. The Spanish Civil War (1935-38) What surprises me about the way this war is reported in the UK is how nearly all of those who volunteered to fight in it took up arms in support of Communism and against the Spanish Catholic Church.
24. The Swinging Sixties. The term “Swinging Sixties”, which we cover in Chapter 8, refers to this decade which witnessed pop music dominating popular culture and public morality being severely damaged by the liberalisation of the laws of divorce, abortion and homosexual practice, the proliferation of contraception (most notably “The pill”), as well as the introduction of sex education in schools.
25. The Second Vatican Council. In the 1960s, a series of liberal resolutions were passed by an Ecumenical Council of the world’s Catholic bishops, called the Second Vatican Council, which resulted in the wholesale modernisation, nay destruction of Catholicism. Many say that the church that emerged from this council, with its new doctrines, new morality and new way of saying Mass (a way that was both radically different from that followed by Catholics for nearly 2,000 years, and also against Catholic law and doctrine), etc., was not the Catholic Church that began to operate at Pentecost, but an entirely new church.
Since this event, and considerably encouraged by the “Swinging Sixties”, religious belief and the public sense of morality has collapsed catastrophically throughout the world, and most notably in the West. According to Bella Dodd, in her book, School of Darkness, this development has been given invaluable assistance by the Communist Party infiltrating and subverting social institutions like churches, and especially by arranging for over one thousand of its members to inveigle themselves as Catholic priests in the 1930’s. (See more in Chapter 9.)

I have added this section on the legacy of the Reformation because I doubt that any of these truly shocking developments would have happened if the Reformation, which the conspiratorial Elite fostered, had not taken place.

Excerpt from the book Global Conspiracy, by Hugh Williams, available at St Edward’s Press Ltd. To order the book visit the publisher’s website here.


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