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Prof. Dolores Cahill: We Are Witnessing the Rollout of Agenda 21’s Depopulation and Undermining of Society

In mid-October, Professor Dolores Cahill spoke with Zeee Media about how the depopulation and infertility program using Covid “vaccines” fits into Agenda 21.  They also discussed digital currencies and how Agenda 21’s “demoralisation agenda,” a psychological operation, is used to undermine the rule of law.

Professor Dolores Cahill is the co-founder and president of the World Freedom Alliance and president of the World Doctors Alliance.  She has a background in molecular genetics and immunology and has achieved key breakthroughs in developing and demonstrating applications of high throughput array technology in biological, diagnostics and medical research.

During the mid-1990s, Prof. Cahill together with others in the German Max Planck Institutes developed high-throughput protein array or “high protein content chips.”

“We can show that a lot of antibodies used in diagnostic tests, to diagnose diseases like cancer and autoimmune diseases were wrong. And then I started to get a lot of pushback because it meant that the manufacturers of the diagnostic tests – which were shown to be inaccurate – couldn’t sell their products anymore,” Prof. Cahill told Maria Zeee during the interview (see below).

What Prof. Cahill and associates showed is that a lot of people who were diagnosed with cancer and autoimmune diseases didn’t actually have the disease they were diagnosed with.

The next discovery Prof. Cahill made was that babies were dying 2 and 4 months after being injected with “vaccines” but no one was “stopping it.”

She went on to advise the Irish government and the European Union and during this time attempted to alert academic, diagnostic, pharmaceutical and government officials to vaccine adverse events and treatments of serious diseases. “All [of] my career has been trying to give the information that you can treat these so-called serious diseases by simple lifestyle changes: reducing stress [and] good nutrition including vitamins.”

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.  For those who are unable to access Rumble, you can watch the video on Bitchute HERE.

Maria Zeee: Uncensored: Prof. Dolores Cahill – We’re in the Mass Killing Phase of Agenda 21 & What People Can Do,
19 October 2022 (68 mins)

Agenda 21

In the video above Prof. Cahill said Covid-19 was the eighth planned “pandemic.” “There were many of these before including the ones that were stopped by Professor Wodarg,” she said.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg exposed and was instrumental in ending the 2009 Swine Flu Scandal.  His actions resulted in an investigation by the European Parliament “to look into the issue of ‘falsified pandemic’ that was declared by WHO in June 2009 on the advice of its group of academic experts, SAGE, many of whose members have been documented to have intense financial ties to the same pharmaceutical giants such as GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Novartis, who benefit from the production of drugs and untested H1N1 vaccines.”

(Related: Undeniable links between the Oxford / AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine & the British Eugenics Society)

In 2002, when the first so-called coronavirus pandemic – that never was – occurred Prof. Cahill was “looking at it in real-time.”  She was aware at the time that the side effects of the vaccines were all the areas that governments and the European Union were financially investing in.

“If you inject people, particularly children, with poisons – like mercury and aluminium – the toxic effects … are allergies: autoimmune disease, intestinal dysfunction like Crohn’s disease … infertility.  Mercury and aluminium are also neurotoxins so you have neuro-cognitive impairment that shows in Alzheimer’s… [or] autism.”

“When I started studying the health issues – and I knew that a lot of what was going on in science in the 1990s was inaccurate – and then when the coronavirus came, the initial one in 2002/3, I started then studying what was happening [beyond health issues] because I knew there was prevention and treatment – even then, 20 years ago – and also vitamins.

“Then I started looking into the World Health Organisation and how they were implementing [Agenda 21] and the control of the media.  Also, I was also aware of CIA documents and United Nations documents of how they were going to intimidate people who spoke up, particularly experts and scientists.”

Prof. Cahill explained that a 1971 book titled ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy’ laid out Agenda 21.  And a 1992 book titled ‘The Committee of 300’ describes, exactly, the poisoning agenda she had become aware of.  It also names the people involved in the conspiracy at that time.

Agenda 21 is the United Nations Agenda for the 21st century. It was published in 1992 and covers the period up to 2099. “So, it’s the agenda for this entire century … You have Agenda 2020, Agenda 2030, 2040, 2050.  And what is behind Agenda 21 is a detailed roadmap for every year from 1992 through the century,” Prof. Cahill said.  “They are basically planning, and are implementing, the destruction of each area of our society from within.”

The plan is very detailed.  It includes. for example. police turning on their vehicle sirens at random times or reducing street lighting at night with the aim to increase the levels of anxiety or feelings of insecurity within people.

There was a stock market collapse on 17/18 September 2019. “I knew that was the trigger event for the next pandemic,” Prof. Cahill said, “and that was a month before Event 201 … I was watching Event 201 in real-time.”

(Related: Cock-Up or Conspiracy? Understanding Covid-19 As A ‘Structural Deep Event’ and Building an Empire – The United Nations Using the World Economic Forum to Roll Out Its Agenda)

At the end of 2019, Prof. Cahill had a voluntary role representing Ireland as vice chair of the European Union’s innovative medicine initiative. “They were pushing money into mRNA vaccinations as part of an EU funding mechanism in January/February 2020.  And from the inside [of the EU], I was given the information around vitamins and that it was not necessary, which was not edict.”

Prof. Cahill then asked the Central Statistics Office of Ireland how many people had died of Covid-19 up until March 2020. When the statistics office said there had been zero Covid deaths in Ireland and after checking further information through her “network,” Prof. Cahill gave an interview in May 2020 with Computing Forever host Dave Cullen explaining what she had discovered as well as explaining that there was prevention and treatment.  The interview went viral.

Depopulation and Infertility

The Agenda for the 21st century will “say a reduction in population but also an increase in infertility that is brought about through these injections,” Prof. Cahill explained.  “Twenty/thirty years ago they said the killing years were between 2020 and 2026.”

For this decade, the aim is to vaccinate people in response to a “pandemic” and have coordinated media deception and intimidation.  “[The aim is] to make people very unwell to reduce their life expectancy and to kill people.  But, and this is why I spoke out, it seems this mRNA [injection] is designed to interfere with fertility in both males and females.  So, their plan … is to inject the younger generation … What we don’t know … can they transmit the infertility agent through sexual intercourse,” Prof. Cahill said.  Their plan is to have a huge increase in infertility during this century, she said, “their aim is to collapse the number of people” by the end of the century.

There were infertility agents in the tetanus injections for decades, Prof. Cahill said, “and this was highlighted in Africa because they had the army coming into towns and villages over Africa injecting, forcibly … and they only injected tetanus [vaccines] into women ages 14 to age 45.”

The spike protein in the Covid injection acts in a similar way to the tetanus injection in that it seems to attack the lining and the sheath of the uterus. “That’s why there was a lot of clotting and heavy bleeding in people whether they were injected or not,” Prof. Cahill explained.

Combined with the HPV vaccine, the effect is that the body attacks the ovaries so there is a shrivelling of the ovaries in 10-15 years. “The girls that got the HPV vaccine at age 12 are going into early menopause [which also] has an impact on their fertility,” she said.

Life Expectancy of the Vaccinated

In May 2020, during the interview with Dave Cullen on Computing Forever and again a few days later in an interview with Del Bigtree host of The Highwire, Prof. Cahill said that no mRNA injections were ever licensed anywhere in the world until 2020. The reason for this, Prof. Cahill said was that:

“In some of the animal studies, all of the animals died.  But in a longer period after the injection … because it is priming the immune system and it takes months or years for the immune system to activate – all in a bad way – in order to then kill people … and I stand by [what I said in May 2020].  [What I said relates to] the mRNA injections – not all of [the injections] are mRNA.”

She explained that some batches of injections are placebos and others, because of poor mixing of the ingredients in the manufacturing process, may have very little mRNA. “But for people who get the mRNA, as I said in May 2020, that then primes their body to attack itself.  It is the immune system that is primed [and] may have homology to where ever the mRNA or the peptide or the protein is in their organs.  So, the immune system will attack that organ.”

“They will present to the medical system with unusual symptoms like an enlarged heart or sudden adult death or breathlessness or sepsis.

“What I said [in May 2020] was, for those with the mRNA, the time that they would die would be within 3 years to 5 years after the injection.  But it depends then how young they were, how healthy they were, and whether they had other comorbidities.

“So, that, unfortunately, is true.  Unfortunately.”

Earlier in the interview, she mentioned the animal trials where all the animals injected with mRNA died.  But in some of the animal experiments, only half of the animals died after being injected with mRNA. Prof. Cahill explained that in the animal trials where only 50% of the animals died within six months, the 50% deaths results were because they stopped the experiment and killed the remainder of the animals. If they had kept the animals that survived after six months alive and continued the experiment for a year, then the results would have been that all the animals would have died within the time frame that would have been the equivalent in humans of 3-5 years.

“If people have had multiple injections, there are toxic agents [within the vaccines] that have a different mechanism of killing people.  So, the ones we see in Open VAERS, of people who die within the first month … one in four dies within 48 hours.  And it probably is that they are dying with a different mechanism, that they are hyper allergic to ingredients that are in the injection like polysorbate 80 … or polyethylene glycol (“PEG”) or SM-102.”

Real Money versus Digital Currency

The Agenda started in a serious way in 1913.  Their plan has been implemented, in the background, for about two generations. “In a way, they have really implemented maybe 50% of the Agenda. So, this is a systematic and incremental and a nudge Agenda,” Prof. Cahill said.

Agenda 21, published in 1992, is a continuation of the same Agenda, and part of it is to undermine society from within. It’s a 108-year plan which rolled out incrementally so people wouldn’t be aware from one generation to the next that it was happening.  One of the main levers is the so-called vaccine and another is the banking system.

The plan incorporates undermining all aspects of society – whether it’s law, lawful policing, the education system, the health system, the regulatory system, the media current affairs, the government or the banking system, Prof, Cahill explained.

“Cash is freedom …  If you have money, cash money, you can just buy and sell and you can also earn a living in private. Privacy is very important in the law.  And proper money that actually has a value, and cash, is the way that men and women operate under the law, in private … We have an inalienable right to privacy.  If you have real money and cash that ensures privacy.”

If you want to undermine the law and undermine society, how do you do that?  It can be done through the banking system by interfering with gold-backed money and then attempting to track and trace everybody’s digital transactions, Prof Cahill said.

“And then move from a system where you can have ‘own your assets under the law’ and nobody can trespass on them or interfere with them, to a system where they try [to] transfer all of your assets into their system and they can then cut it off by any means.”

In their digital system, all our assets will no longer belong to us, they will belong to the banking system. So, they will own our assets.

“What we have under this Agenda 21 is an unlawful layer, in the banking system, on top of what we think is the lawful system … Everything they do is to increase fear and to impoverish people.

“This is a multi-generational program … if they can do it in one generation, the generation that is five-year-olds now, in 20/30 years’ time, will think it’s normal that real money and cash isn’t accepted.”

As far as the real money moving to digital currency part of the Agenda is concerned, “they’re [probably] halfway through [implementing it],” Prof. Cahill Said.

The Demoralisation Agenda

“But I think what’s very hopeful,” Prof Cahill said, is “the whole thing is very simple to solve … No one is above the law … and if every man or woman is liable for any criminality they do, under the law, and no one is above the law.  Once people realise that we can actually stop this very simply.”

In other words, the solution is to hold each person – doctors, policemen, coroners, judges, and care homeowners – accountable in their personal capacity for what they have or have not done.

By way of example, in Ireland, there is an organisation called the Irish Republican Brotherhood (“IRB”), the oldest political movement in Ireland. “We have reconstituted the [IRB] … and what we’re doing now – we have hundreds of people, thousands of people that are aware to solve all this – we just have to ask people that are paid as judges or regulators or the police: ‘is what you are doing lawful and what is your role?’,” Prof. Cahill said.

She gave an example of 10 care homes in Ireland in January 2021 where people died shortly after being injected with a Covid “vaccine.”  The local police constable is paid and has sworn an oath to investigate those deaths.

“We in society have a societal bond and that is that people cannot go around killing people [no matter who you are or the position you hold].  It’s very simple. And who do we pay to ensure people literally do not get away with murder? … When there are mass deaths, like 8 people [in one care home] within 48 hours, we then have to investigate and say ‘well, did the local policeman report that as a suspicious death, did the undertakers report it, did the owners of the care home [report it], did the people we pay, the coroners, did they investigate?’.

“For a coroner or a doctor to put the wrong cause of death on a death cert[ificate], that’s five years in prison for them for one case.  That is the law … If a family makes a complaint and the [police] don’t investigate whether the coroner is doing their job, or the people we pay as judges [don’t investigate] – it is the second highest crime of malfeasance, malfeasance in public office and criminal misconduct, for a judge to not investigate that type of crime.”

Why have people so far been unsuccessful in getting the police, for example, to investigate?

How Agenda 21 has undermined the rule of law, for the last generation, is by the courts, police, coroners and pathologists not operating lawfully.  “Within Agenda 21 they have a detailed program of analysing the psychology behind the criminal behaviour … [its] what’s called a ‘demoralisation agenda’,” Prof. Cahill said.

They want people to be unsuccessful in stopping criminal behaviour to demoralise populations so they feel “hopeless.” The unsuccessful legal actions of “freedom fighters” is part of the demoralisation agenda to make it look like certain systems will not work.

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One Response to “Prof. Dolores Cahill: We Are Witnessing the Rollout of Agenda 21’s Depopulation and Undermining of Society”

  1. ian says:

    Again, a fantastic amount of information.