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War In Ukraine – U.S. Creeping Towards Ever Deeper Involvement

Moon of Alabama – Nov 4, 2022

The number of Republican voters who are against the war in Ukraine has steadily increased. In March only 6% said that the U.S. is doing ‘too much’ for Ukraine. That number is now 48%. The Republicans in Congress have been pressing the Biden administration to better safeguard the enormous amount of weapon and money it is sending to Kiev:

Following concerns in Congress and accusations by Russia about weapons smuggling, the Biden administration released its blueprint on Thursday for ensuring that the $17 billion in arms it has so far sent to Ukraine were making it to the battlefield — and not the black market.

On October 27, nine months after the U.S. sponsored war started and after $17 billions in weapons and ammo have been send, the U.S. State department published a:

U.S. Plan to Counter Illicit Diversion of Certain Advanced Conventional Weapons in Eastern Europe:

The plan will be a whole-of-government effort implemented broadly across three phases:  now through Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, FY 2024, and beyond FY 2024. It will focus on three lines of effort:

    • Bolstering the ability of security forces in Ukraine and its neighboring states to account for and safeguard their arms and ammunition during transfer, in storage, and when deployed;
    • Strengthening border management and security in Ukraine and its neighboring states; and
    • Building the capacity of security forces, law enforcement officials, and border control agencies in Ukraine and its neighboring states to deter, detect, and interdict illicit trafficking of certain advanced conventional weapons.

End-use monitoring (EUM) measures, as traditionally conducted by State, DoD, and Commerce, while different in their scopes and methodologies, are generally designed to mitigate the risk of illicit diversion in peacetime or low-intensity conflict environments, as they normally rely on in-country presence of U.S. government personnel. Conducting EUM in an active war zone such as Ukraine requires different approaches, as the conflict makes it impractical to request the return of equipment from the front lines to depots or other locations where U.S. government personnel can inspect them in a safer environment.

So the U.S. can not really account for the weapons it delivers to Ukraine, says the State Department, but it can teach the Ukrainians how to count and guard them.

Good luck with that.

Three days later the Pentagon claimed that it had started to do what the State Department had called ‘impractical’.

US military now doing onsite weapons inspections in Ukraine

Cont. reading: War In Ukraine – U.S. Creeping Towards Ever Deeper Involvement


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2 Responses to “War In Ukraine – U.S. Creeping Towards Ever Deeper Involvement”

  1. sovereigntea says:


    Welcome to Washington DC, would you like some wine?

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s former national press secretary Andrew Koneschusky was busted by Predator DC coming to meet a decoy he believed to be an underaged teen boy for sex, bringing drugs. This came after a long string of extremely explicit messages with the decoy posing as an underaged teen. This story was sourced from: Chuck Schumer Press Secretary Andrew Koneschusky Busted Coming for Underaged Boy — Predator DC. It is on a collective basis with this kind of behavior displayed by Koneschusky by who knows how many like him in government and related institutions who are all compromised that has led to the United States being over thrown.


  2. Occams says:

    Have a buddy who asked a bunch of military guys he knows why they cannot see the problems here at home and are prepping to go fight Russia – for no reason?

    “We just want to go to war. We don’t care. This is what we train for”