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Self-inflicted castration of our national defence: Heartfelt whistleblower testimony LtCol Dr. Long

Thank you sovereigntea for this recommendation

LtCol Dr. Long triumphant heart ❤️ felt testimony, after being ignored and threatened for trying to bring attention to the debilitating adverse reactions and deaths to the pilots in her care — after they took the mandated covid jabs.

From original video: “Exclusive testimony of Army Whistleblower LtCol Theresa Long MD (flight surgeon). Her testimony shows how the DOD, FDA and many other organizations are violating federal code and how the jabs are causing vaccine injuries to fighter pilots as well as their medical records are being falsified to cover up jab injuries. Injuries from brain tumors, cancer, and deadly heart conditions she shows how the jabs are injuring and grounding many young military pilots. Find out the dangers they are facing.

LtCol Theresa Long MD gave her “Whistleblower” testimony to the Alaska Medical Freedom Symposium in Palmer, Alaska. Hundreds were in in attendance with many more watching live online across the state and throughout the U.S and Canada.

Army LtCol Theresa Long MD give her heartfelt testimony just days after the passing of her Father.

Help spread her word as people need to hear the truth. Please like and share, Thank you.”
> Sourced From:
Rumble > sspstudioandgallery > Army LtCol Theresa Long MD – Full Testimony 09/17/22 —>


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