Biden preparing to tank US manufacturing with ban on importation of all Russian aluminum

Image: Biden preparing to tank US manufacturing with ban on importation of all Russian aluminum
Image: Biden preparing to tank US manufacturing with ban on importation of all Russian aluminum

(Natural News) Joe Biden is putting the finishing touches on an executive order that, when enacted, will tank American manufacturing and further drive down the U.S. economy, but of course, he plans on blaming his actions on Russia, Russia, Russia.

The deep state operatives who are running Biden’s regime will soon have him sign an executive order they wrote banning the importation of aluminum from Russia. According to Bloomberg News, Biden’s handlers are considering three options: An outright ban, expanding tariffs to levels that would impose an effective ban, and or sanctioning the country’s top metal producer, United Co. Rusal International PJSC.

Because the deep state globalist left long ago tanked American manufacturing in heavy metals, Russia is the second-leading producer of aluminum behind (wait for it) China. So naturally, the news that Biden may impose a total ban on importing Russian aluminum will be a boon to China, where Joe’s son Hunter and some of his pals struck lucrative business deals throughout the 2010s.

Bloomberg News reported that Russia supplied around 10 percent of U.S. aluminum per year, but also, data indicate that Russia was the third-largest exporter of the metal to the U.S. in August.

In addition to becoming a boon for China, Zero Hedge reported: “Alcoa Corp., the US’ largest aluminum producer, recently sent a letter to the LME indicating Russian metal could be dumped on global markets and suppress prices,” meaning that our industry workers and those of other Western countries will greatly suffer.


“The Biden administration has held off sanctioning Russian aluminum for fear of disrupting global markets, but now that might not be the case as the ongoing war, now in its eight-month, continues with no end in sight. Meanwhile, US/EU sanctions against Russia to limit energy flows into global markets have backfired,” the outlet continued adding: “The sources said the high-level discussions about banning Russian aluminum have been ongoing for weeks.”

It’s hard to see how further damaging U.S. laborers, American industry, and Western suppliers to the benefit of China will be an effective counter against Russia, given that sanctions so far have done nothing to deter Vladimir Putin.