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Medical System Struggles with How to Treat Heart Disease Caused by COVID Vaccines

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

One of the most prestigious medical journals dealing with heart disease, the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), has published two new articles this month dealing with how to detect and treat COVID-19 vaccine induced heart disease (myocarditis, pericarditis, and myopericarditis). They are:

Vaccine‐Triggered Acute Autoimmune Myocarditis: Defining, Detecting, and Managing an Apparently Novel Condition

Myocarditis After COVID‐19 Vaccination in Pediatrics: A Proposed Pathway for Triage and Treatment

Medical journals are generally not written for the public, but for doctors and other medical professionals, so you will not hear about this in the corporate news which is heavily sponsored by the drug companies who produce the COVID vaccines, and would not want the general public to have this information.

The JAHA published studies admit to a difficult situation in treating what they refer to as a “novel” cardiac disease that is caused by COVID-19 vaccines without fueling “vaccine hesitancy” which would reduce the number of people getting COVID-19 vaccines, which of course they are obligated to believe are necessary to fight the COVID-19 “virus” disease.

To admit otherwise, would be to admit these vaccines are a total scam and unnecessarily killing and maiming people, a criminal offense.

Among the seemingly endless “unknown‐unknowns” that the COVID era has foisted on policy makers, public health, health care providers, researchers, and the public is the apparently novel cardiac disease identified in this issue of the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA) as ”myocarditis after COVID‐19 vaccination,” elsewhere as ”postvaccine myocarditis,” and perhaps in the future along the lines of ”vaccine‐triggered, self‐limiting, acute autoimmune myocarditis.” This potentially serious complication has been associated with serious harm, arguably most prominently through promotion of vaccine hesitancy, another complex mechanism underlying COVID19‐mediated harm. (Source.)

So the fact that JAHA even has to address this issue and give guidance to medical providers in how to detect and treat these new “novel”  vaccine-induced cardiac diseases, proves that these vaccines cause harm, especially among young males.

The fact that JAHA is even addressing this issue, is truly astounding, because they are basically admitting that this is a very real and very serious problem, and that they have been totally unprepared on how to detect and treat these vaccine-induced cases of heart disease.

They try to minimize the true danger by stating that those who have been detected with these forms of heart disease have mostly been treated and sent home with no evidence of continuing heart problems.

Despite the wide variation in management, which remains provider and center‐specific, to date, the overwhelming majority of these patients have recovered clinically and have been discharged home within 10 days or less with no residual echocardiographic evidence of significant cardiac dysfunction.

But here’s the elephant in the room nobody wants to address: NOBODY knows what the long-term effects are from these COVID-19 vaccine-induced heart problems.

These patients are now undergoing close outpatient cardiology follow‐up and testing to understand if there are significant long‐lasting sequelae. The CDC is also investigating the long‐term effects of COVID‐19 vaccination associated myocarditis through surveys of patients and healthcare providers. (Source.)

To even get studies like this published in the prestigious medical journals, the authors have to parrot the CDC mantra that all these cases are “rare.” But the fact that they have to address the issues of vaccine-induced heart disease and how to detect and treat them, contradicts the belief that these cases are “rare.”

Since I am not constrained by Big Pharma funding or employment, I am going to share data that the Government has collected in their Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) that strongly suggests these cases are not rare, but epidemic. This is the information that seldom appears in these studies, and NEVER appears in the corporate media.

I took the three forms of heart disease that JAHA referenced, which are myocarditis, pericarditis, and myopericarditis, and searched for these three forms in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines. The search found almost 25,000 cases, with 381 deaths, 1,145 permanent disabilities, over 5000 ER visits, and nearly 13,000 hospitalizations. (Source.)

By contrast, using the exact same search terms for all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30+ years before the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization in December of 2020, we get the following results (source):

So for 30 years of previous vaccine history 86 deaths linked to these three forms of heart disease were reported to VAERS, or less than 3 per year, but for just ONE year, the year 2021, there were 244. (Source.)

That’s a 8,411% increase of deaths due to heart disease following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines compared to ALL vaccines the previous 30 years.

That is NOT “RARE!”

Keep in mind that it is estimated that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS. (Source.)

This is a crime where people should prosecuted, tried, and if convicted publicly executed. Because if this data was shared with the public, most people would undoubtedly prefer to risk getting COVID than risk dying or being disabled due to heart disease, especially when it comes to children and young adults.

But that would hurt vaccine sales, and so most of the public remains ignorant on the actual data.

For other studies conducted outside the U.S. on this issue, see:

mRNA Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds

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Medical System Struggles with How to Treat Heart Disease Caused by COVID Vaccines

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