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Foreign spy agencies, led by CIA, behind Iran riots: Top intelligence bodies

Press TV – Oct 28, 2022

Iran’s top intelligence bodies have issued a joint statement, pointing to the major role of foreign intelligence agencies, especially the CIA, in orchestrating the violent riots in Iran in the past weeks.

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry and the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) issued the statement on Friday, explaining different aspects of the recent riots in Iran in detail.

“Continuous and precise” intelligence monitoring in the past year as well as acquired documents during the recent unrest reveals “numerous examples and undeniable references of the all-out role of the American terrorist regime in designing, implementing, and maintaining” the unrest, they said.

The statement further elaborates on the issue by offering facts on three categories “before the unrest,” “during the unrest” and “after the unrest.”

The American regime launched a “pre-planned” project by exploiting the tragic death of Mahsa Amini before the announcement of official investigations, reads the statement.

It censured Washington’s exploitation of the tragedy for its political interests despite having a history of ignoring the heinous Saudi crime of killing journalist Jamal Khashoggi or the intentional killing of journalist Shireen Abu Akeleh by the Israeli regime.

“Intelligence evidence shows that the CIA had devised an extensive plan with the cooperation of allied spy services and reactionary proxies before the start of the unrest to initiate a nationwide chaos with the aim of committing crimes against the great Iranian nation and the country’s territorial integrity as well as paving the ground for increasing foreign pressures,” it added.

According to available information, the statement maintained, “the CIA played the main role” while closely cooperating with the spy services of the UK, the Israeli regime, and Saudi Arabia.

The statement went on to refer to some of the measures of the aforementioned agencies in preparing for the unrest such as holding so-called human rights conferences and implying the inefficiency of the Iranian government by exploiting every incident as an opportunity.

The aforesaid spy agencies organized camps in a number of countries to train individuals on hybrid and soft war, said the statement, noting that the individuals who took and published the first picture of Mahsa Amini at the hospital, as well as the one who incited Amini’s family by posting specific photos, had received special training in those courses.

Global media war on Iran

The intelligence bodies also said that enemies planned and implemented a “global media war” against Iran, using TV channels and social media.

It noted that Twitter and Instagram ignored their own regulations to pave the way for ramping up the dissemination of “fake news.”

Providing more examples, the statement said that Twitter allowed 50,000 new fake accounts for Persian language users between September 11 to October 12 while also abolishing its own restrictions such as the time limits between posts.

The statement concluded that despite all these efforts, the enemies “failed to attain none of their pre-planned goals,” as the “project of destroying Iran has faced a humiliating defeat.”

Riots erupted after 22-year-old Amini collapsed at a police station and died in hospital despite intensive medical care. An official report by Iran’s Legal Medicine Organization said that Amini’s controversial death was caused by an illness rather than alleged blows to the head or other vital body organs.

The riots have claimed dozens of lives from security forces and innocent people as some elements derailed the protests to attack the establishment. Many Western countries have expressed their support for rioters in acts that Tehran describes as “inciting” violence and hatred.



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