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UK Government Refuses to Look into Covid Vaccine Safety Because If You Don’t Look, You Can’t Find

Over 107,000 UK citizens signed a petition for the UK government to open a public inquiry into Covid “vaccine” safety. But the UK Parliament is doing everything it can to buy its head in the sand.

The petition, which was started in November 2021, stated:

There has been a significant increase in heart attacks and related health issues since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines…This needs immediate and full scientific investigation to establish if there is any possible link with the Covid-19 vaccination rollout.

It is the duty of the Government to ensure that the prescribed medical interventions of its response to Coronavirus are safe. We believe that the recent and increasing volume of data relating to cardiovascular problems since the Covid-19 vaccine rollout began is…enough…to warrant a full Public Inquiry.

UK Government and Parliament Petitions: Open a Public Inquiry into Covid-19 Vaccine Safety

At the beginning of this year, the Government responded to the petition:

The Government has commissioned a public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic and has no plans for a separate inquiry on vaccine safety. The safety of Covid-19 vaccines is monitored by the Medicines Healthcare and Regulatory products Agency (MHRA).

The MHRA has authorised Covid-19 vaccine supply following a rigorous review of their safety, quality and efficacy. The clinical trials of the vaccines have shown them to be effective and acceptably safe. [emphasis our own]

Government responded, This response was given on 5 January 2022

Axel McFarlane, who started the petition, and Mike Baker conducted a detailed and well-referenced analysis of the Government’s response:

The government-commissioned public inquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic would not appear to include any investigation into possible vaccine-related causes behind the latest observed data on the various reported Adverse Events, Non-Covid Excess Deaths, the rise in Cardio-Vascular issues or the recent sudden decline in Live Birth Rates.

The government’s attempted justification for refusing a public inquiry into vaccine safety simply serves to demonstrate why such an inquiry, properly constituted with representatives and terms of reference acceptable to all sides, is urgently necessary.

Our Response to the UK Government’s Response to the UK Government and Parliament Petition: “Open a Public Inquiry into Covid-19 Vaccine Safety”, Prof. Norman Fenton, 17 August 2022

When a petition to the UK Parliament gets 100,000 signatures it is considered for debate in Parliament. It received the requisite number of signatories in June and the petition was closed on 6 June. The debate was originally scheduled for 19 September but was postponed due to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. It was rescheduled and debated in Parliament on Monday, 24 October 2022.

“As the only member of anything pertaining to being ‘the Press’ in attendance [at the debate], I felt I was uniquely witnessing a historic moment. Once again, the mainstream media had shown no interest in or concern for what is one of the most urgent issues of our time,” wrote Kathy Gyngell of The Conservative Woman.

Joel Smalley sums it up succinctly.

UK Govt Ignores the Electorate and Declines an Inquiry into Covid Vaccine Safety

By Joel Smalley

More than 100k citizens signed a petition for the UK government to open a public inquiry into Covid-19 vaccine safety.

Parliament duly debated the matter.

UK Parliament: E-petition debate relating to the safety of covid-19 vaccines – Monday 24 October 2022

[You can read the transcript of the debate HERE.]

Then, ignoring the will of the electorate, the dictatorial state said they won’t bother.

If you don’t look, you can’t find anything.


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